Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Woh American Idol Down with love to 4 and surprise of the week coming.

This week’s elimination is a surprise from the beginning to the end.

Well almost the end.

At first the 5 is divided into 2 by 2 with Danny and Allison in one group and Kris and Matt in the other. Adam is dealt the card that David A is dealt last year to choose one side he believes he belonged. So he chooses Danny and Allison, pretty obvious those 2 are not going anywhere. But not Adam he is the bottom 3 with Kris and Matt. A big, big surprise that both our favorite is in the bottom. Sure Danny got the gold this week, and no one is really saying much about Allison to the south yet. But never had I thought that Adam will be in the bottom 3. So either Kris or Adam has to be one of the bottom 2.

And Kris is release soon after. Leaving Adam, who is pointed to be able to reach the final without a hitch, is in the race for his life. Of course still in the end Matt is the one to go.

Said so Simon says too early about Allison, she’s no where near any point of people letting her go yet. No guarantee next week though. Cos it’s everybody’s game now. Maybe some flying rumors are affecting the votes. The only thing sure out is that the only 2 person that haven’t been in the last 2 is Kris and Danny. And Danny has never been near the low 3. So could the swap for final show be Kris and Danny in the end? With Danny taking the singing role (David Archuleta) and Kris be the instrumental talent (David Cook)? Or could Adam still revive from this weeks loses. Or even would people be more and more impress with Allison by the week on the final stretch of the race? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Next week will be rock n’ Roll nights.

It seems that the theme thing is getting duller by the week really.

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