Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American Idol Top 7 again for Disco Night

Wednesday night it’s on again for the American Idol. The result will be announced in a couple of hours.
So who will stay and who’d leave?
It’s disco night and it’s estimated that many crooners that’s close to R&B and Jazz ground would falter.
Top 7 All over again.
The show started with Lil Rounds.
It is the essential Chaka Khan song and Lil have a great sound and far better from previous week.
Every note is right. But the lack of alternate from the original is not pleasing the judges. It’s the typical Disco arrangement, and the only thing that’s keeping her on is the vocal. We’ll see if the audience going to vote for the vocal performance.
Next up is Danny Gokey, the twist from the original September is just not enough for me. the vocal is great. Everyone on the top 7 is high up on vocal marks this season. But Danny constant unchanging style is a bit old by now. I felt that he has to change up his vocal arrangement and create more variation now.
Allison’s do for the night is crazy with the wavy hair and all leathered up. Her performance started with a great soft and powerful start. But when she stands up, it turns south a bit. She got the husky voice and totally sexy rockin. But her lower range vocal might just drop the energy level lower and she picks it up with the performance. It’s great. But not all unflawed though
Matt came up with staying alive. And stay alive he tried. There’ the sexy voice with the sexy little dance moves. There are corny moments when he did the song with the backup vocal… all things consider the singing is great. There’s great moments too.
Kris Allen – a Donna Summer’s “She works hard for the money” Kris-stylized. Kris guitar playing of the Disco classic turns head. It’s not Disco but it’s essentially the most exciting performance of the night. It’s all unplug and on plot to Kris style.
Adam Lambert – If I Can’t Have You totally turn the song upside down. The emotional and the vocal is spot on and every note is in the right place at the right moment…. It’s not disco though it is Adam Lambert. It’s pretty sure that the final 2 would be Adam and
Anoop Desai closes the show. By now vocal wise, the top would be Adam and Anoop. The performance is stellar. Every note is hit with energy and confidence. There’s less variation but it’s sensual the best ballad performance on the show. My only concern is that when it comes down to popularity votes….. Anoop may lack of it.
It’s easy to separate the contestants into 2 zone by now.
My favorite take on the contestants would be
Kris, Adam, Danny and Matt
The lower section would be
Anoop, Allison, Lil
it’s not that I don’t think Allison is a good performer. But vocal wise, Allison lack a bit of the natural DNA I think for a good vocal cord. As for Anoop, there’s just too many great guy. Vocal alone is just not enough. As for Lil, she just have to find herself vocally.
But if considering the reaction of the audience to the show.
Probably there’s the switch up
Kris and Adam safe to the final is my prediction
Allison would be the only girl to reach home and lose on top 3
Danny would probably be gone at top 4
The only choppy one would be the fight between Matt and Anoop to stay alive this week. (my gut tell me, though I hate the maybe, Matt would be going.)
There’s no light to show that Lil would be safe this week.

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