Just came back from the Wolverine.
The X Men Origin is pretty cool. Explaining all the origin of the character and all.
The one complain that I have is that everything is just touching the surface. Will.I.Am and Taylor Kitsch done quite a good job as the new mutant. Especially Taylor, the Gambit is so right on point, he even looks younger in the movie this time.
The brotherhood between Sabertooth and Wolverine is undeniably the most interesting one. But somehow Hugh fights with Liev just somehow left me with the taste of nothing too deep. The fight scene just keep charging through it all.
Another good thing about the movie is that Daniel Henney performance is pretty good and totally cool as Zero.
And there’s a love story that actually does give you the sensible side of the story.
So overall it is a good action movie really. Just compare the prequel with the previous movies, there’s no huge war fights, just small one and a good one to watch too. And Hugh muscle is like he said crazy…..
One man that didn’t get enough credit is Ryan Reynolds, as Wade he is fantastic. Just that I thought the character is a bit too young. But Ryan really is in great shape as Deadpool.
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