While I was wondering what to do on a Saturday night. The phone rang and there my radio friend asked if I would want to go to a concert. I heard that David A is in town but didn’t really thought I’d go because I have no Idea where they spreading the ticket. So I thought sure. Let’s have some American Idol power and see exactly how good David Archuleta really is in real life.
Apparently he is a force of nature to be recon with. When we arrive at the venue, it’s packed. They are starting to block people out of going in. and the heavy dark clouds is dangerously hanging right above us. And then it started to drizzle and the security decided to let everyone with tickets in for cover.
So we got in fine right before the heavy rain started to pour. And right after the 30 minutes delay the show started. First every being in Malaysia showbiz that’s resemblance the AI show in here, first the local TV talent winner, then the million dollar contest singing winner, then the former Malaysian Idol, the true idol under the Idol format umbrella is here. All except Archuleta is unseen.
This friend I drag along with me, because she need a ride to buy her laptop is getting a bit bored with all the opening act. 3 opening act for a showcase is a bit too much really.
6 songs later, finally the crowd can scream their lungs out for the true hero of the night. David A. came out totally hype about the show and started belting out a Little too over you, Don’t Let Go, and Touch my hand. All the up tempo and seeing David jumping on stage and bouncing from one side of the show to the other it reminded me of the way that the Jonas Brothers work the crowd. Totally young, energetic, freakishly jive and the crowd started almost singing every verse with him, even the mother and father that accompany all the underage in the crowd, no wonder the amphitheatre is packed to almost double it’s capacity with the adult fans too. HAHA!!! By the time Crush really came, the amphitheatre sound like it’s gonna crush any second by the heat and the vibration from the crowd screaming and singing in perfect harmony.
Then David gone in to rest his vocal a bit and rest his beating heart for the last and intimate part of the show. David came out and walked to the Keyboard. My friend, who’s totally bored by now…. She’s not a fan and the day before she’s totally crash from an overnighter. So I thought now she’s gonna be impress cause the Kareoke part is over (not that the performance is bad, there’s not much improvisation can be done with a running track). First he did the run on Vanessa Carlton’s A Thousand Miles, anyone that’s gone on youtube will have seen the over download and played video of his school performance of the song. It is the real power of this 17 just gone 18 fella that everyone falls in love with last year. I must say American Idol did him good. He knows exactly how to work a crowd, he knows when a rendition is done with improvisation and perfect vocal changes is gonna get the people hyped. And he has return and show off a bit, I must say on the keyboard. And he ended the show with Angel, his last single on his album, and the only cover. And you need to see it to believe it. He is far better than most singers. And the stage present is….. what the world feeds on these days. Young, energetic and infectious.
Now the show is over, the rain have stop. Just in time for me and my gang to go back to my car before it started raining again? As any Oprah audience would say, a Aha moment anyone?!!!! It’s The Secret haha!!!!
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