Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American Idol Top 7 become Top 5

As we predicted.....

there's no accident that Lil is going. without a good comment from the judge and no hype online or off for the voice.

but there's a surprise for quite a few people. not me though. as predicted. Anoop is the first to go from the boys.

it's not that Anoop didn't do good.

Matt and Anoop is on the edge. it's just that with a come back and emtional return for Matt. it seems there's a good reason that people want to maintain the underdog to see how good he can get. and the next in line will just be Anoop. because Allison is after all the only female with some sassy and attraction yet on voting.

if prediction is correct. it will be a battle between Matt, Allison and Danny next week. Matt need to relax and get more comfortable with his own talent. he is a fantastic piano player and musician, threre's no reason to worry, if he just follow his heart. Danny, just have to show more than vocal advantage. there's great control, and perfect pitch but at this stage, it's getting old. he needs to spike up some crazy vocal chops or that's just as good as the good vocal can get him. as for Allison, the obvious is that she is similar to Gokey. Ranged vocal. the reason she is getting through is she can get people to connect to her performance. everyone knows that she got range limit like Gokey. so...... could there be a sassy latin husky song power house next will like Anastasia type. that would definitely put her up another notch on the chart.

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