Monday, June 30, 2008

This week in Movie Land

What happen this week? I don’t really know. HAHA! Nipped my car and lost my keys. That’s a start. But I still manage to catch me some movies.
“Wanted” proves to be a pretty amazing movie to watch. Though my friend say it’s too unrealistic. But I have expected it to be as such. That’s what makes the movie works. It is crazy to see these people running jumping and shooting as such a crazy and unimaginable ways haha! It’s great fun to watch people still have some imagination about todays world. Though in the movie is a grim one. Still the storyline is interesting enough. or maybe the audience didn’t realise the story is some what from a graphic novel HAHA! So anyway. McAvoy looking better than ever in the film are a perfect match with Angelina Jolie. So overall it’s a 4.5 out of 5.

As for “Get Smart”, the funny bone are tickle a lot. Anne Hathaway did a perfect job as the intelligent agent. And Steve is totally into the naggy long winded agent HAHA! Love it. Of course who can forget Dwayne, who would have thought he really is a comic power house? Well, you just laugh and laugh so much about it all that before you know it. The movie is over. Bummer!

Well, on the west side of the earth, “Wall-E” open and without contest the show gone through and got to the top of the box office this week without contest. Sure who wouldn’t like a Pixar in the summer. It’s like a seasonal celebration these days. But Wall-E might prove to be a pretty different movies to watch as the talking part of the movie si pretty minimal. It’s more of a action figure movie and if you look at it. It’ll be totally a children’s imagination dream.

Some smaller movie that actually got on to the cinema roster this week is “Doomsday”. Imagine Doomsday have come and gone. People are separated into 2 clans and the clan with certain diseases in Quarantined. Or rather the “Clean” Clan have locked them self in a “Clean” city. And then one day you are trapped outside and you have to face all the people and all the changes that has happened outside....... and you have to fight for your life. And so banishment is truly to throw into hell. That’s what you’ll see. Plenty of action and plenty of great shots. But will it be a B-rated movie.....well it depends on how you watch it then. Different people have different opinion. I’ll just call it borderline then.

The other movie that come out quietly is “The Bank Job”. It’s a secret robbery that gone under the wind after a few days. And many deposit boxes were stolen and a series of incident start happening. No, it’s not a horror movie. There’s murder, there’s the cover up, there’s the corruption and scandal. Reason? It involves riyal blood and politics that could cos plenty of trouble if what’s in those boxes is revealed and so what happen? The thief is chased and be killed off one by one. A surprisingly interesting movie to watch really. All the suspends and action is there.

This is one movie you won’t want to miss. HAHA! “Run, Fat Boy, Run” it’s totally in the element of British comedy. It’s not character-degrading, nothing too embarrassing except for what’s in reality. I love the sensible humor of in a British production every time. Compare to sometimes low grade offensive comedy of the American.

I think the most talk about movie this week will be Hancock. opening this Friday for American and Thursday for Asian audiences. Will Smith will be the one single black hero with power as good as Superman but a bad temper as bad as any Achoholic. HAHA! it's a comedy also starring the beautiful Charlize Theron, and the incomparable Jason will be a really funny hero movie. should expect a really exciting clmax at the end too. well hope you all will enjoy it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

do we realise the reality?

It’s happenning faster that I’ve anticipated.
Guys I’m afraid I have bad news. While you are enjoying the summer this week,month, year. You should take a look at the news. For this year it’s the first year by the week just after the end of the summer, that’s when the last pieces of Ice on Arctic Circle will be gone.
You have to realise by now that nothing in nature happen in a straight line speed. They are all exponential in with increase as how the Fibonacci figure will suggest. That’s the natural golden figure.
So as to the melting of the arctic snow this year. And it’s estimated that there won’t be any ice for the first time in the history of human at the peak of the summer.
You’d ask why I’m so concern?
Let me explain then. How could the ice melt so fast? Would it be gone forever?
Well, while in 5 years earlier, the Arctic Circle is bigger than China, this year just when the summer begun it’s already melted to half its size. And that without the ice to reflect sunlight out the surface of Arctic, and the surface replaced by black dots of land that absorb sunlight. Arctic going to be warmer and warmer and the ice going to melt and melt faster and faster. While the sunlight retained, the infrared will continue to warm the sunlight as they are trapped in the atmosphere and continue to cook the earth warmer. And it’s a bad chain reaction.
While you think that’s not a problem... this is how it’s goes. When the ice gone, you should revise the theory presented by the movie, “The Day after Tomorrow” Inside the vast sea of the connected ocean around the world there is a strong, warm under current that flows from Pacific to Atlantic and back, the motor is pumped by the summer and winter season and the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic circle. With the ice gone, the under current is going to slow down then there’ll be no more current for the energy to go and while the atmosphere continue to warm, it’s gonna get warmer as the energy is release into the air and a great storm is really going to form. While in some places where the energy was not brought to by the current will be dried off. And the places that have the cold air flow to there will be terrible tropical rain or worse, ice storm. Even places where there’s no tropical storm before will experience it. And my guess is most of the northern hemisphere will be pretty dry this summer and the southern atmosphere will be really rainy.
But that’s just a theory. What we can be sure of is that the storm will be stronger and crazier. And the temperature will be peaking another year. And if no one will do anything the ice will again be disappear next year. And with the continuous melting of the ice, the sea level will rise. And the Antarctica will follow soon. And one day if human are not going to change what they are doing and do what should be done. Then the nature will do it for us. Either cook us to death, or release undiscover bacteria or virus that have been kept in the arctic or Antarctic ice. Or if the tip of the scale is tip too over one side. It will have a reaction that we have never seen before. Cause the disappearance of all the ice in arctic has never happened before. So, the theory might be correct, when it’s too hot, the next ice age may really come. But we might not have a chance to see that. for then we will have not survive any of the catastrophical storm and shifting of the earths energy.

So what now? now is the time to act. start changing your attitude. your daily life routine. Go Green. Change the world and save a life. Save your life. use less electrcity, implement wind tunnel and turbine electric generator on roof top. use solar power. invest in water regulatory system in buildings. change light bulbs. use environmentally friendly housewhole appliances and cleaner. start now. do any one or 2 or all of the above. plant a green plant or a million if you can. just act now. for now I pray may God bless us all.

** remember those images are images of minimum ice border. which means there should be more in the winter instead the reality is now there's already less than that area now at the beginning of the summer.

how I felt it conciously and calmly

It’s a really strange thing. What life can be like. Today I accidentally knock a car bender off. Usually when I’m involved in an accident I’d normally get angry and can’t stop thinking about it. But this time. I was calm. I was angry at first. But the anger resided. I even calm down the other person and convinced her to take her car with me to a foreman while she freak out about the incident. It’s really funny really. Actually my car were more damaged than hers and I’ve promised to fix hers fully paid by me. Still she can’t stop freaking out. Remembering how her car got banged every year. And reminisce on what she should and shouldn’t do. Instead I just calm her off. Took the necessary picture and promise to bring her to the foreman tomorrow to fix both our car.
And at this i find myself thinking that this is a test that’s given to me from God. though i’m angry at times, it’s ok. Cos i am human after all. But with this event I find myself tougher. Not in the sense of pride or trying to convince myself that I am. But i actually feel that i am tough enough. And some how I can keep my cool and I’ll get the job (of fixing both car) done
And in a coincidental......(God and they say there’s no coincident.) I trust that now. I get the message from news paper that I’m gonna be hard to concentrate today. And there’s just coincidental that I bring a camera to work today and just in time that I can use it to document the accident. And it’s the last week of the month and I won’t have too many trouble about paying for the repair. Too many isn’t it? And the other person is a girl and I have some friends there to help me convince her and calm me too at the same time.
If you ask me there’s too many coincident and so my conclusion is there’s no coincident. My anger last peak with an accident this time God give me another taste of it and thus testing me and giving me the chance to realise how far have I come since the light turn on.
I was glad and some what over joy. I’ve lived and I’ve freed. Smile. And PEACE.
Another coincident, When I switch on the TV, Oprah was on. And they are featuring a book called “Eat, Pray, Love”. I’ve seen the book on book store before and I’ve never really try to get it because I felt it’s too flowery. But this time it’s a life saver. Or rather the life giver that gave me the realisation that to gain PEACE I must accept it. As any truth I’ve been understanding for the past few months. Accept the world have good and bad, and there’s simply possibility that there’s accident bound to happen, and I just need to let it all go.
It's not about ignoring. it's about doing the right thing. my first thought about the incident were anger, and how to escape. that's human nature. So I accept it and start to move forward. I wrote a note on the windshield of the other person car and arrange for a foreman to fix it. money I got enough so it's OK. I mean I just need to pay less for my debts. well, that have nothing to do with this, the only thing is I can clear my debts later and I can earn more money. It's not a big deal I can get the money back. So I eat, I pray and express my gratitute and start loving. from myself, to the person i love and choose not to be BAD, or feel bad. You should try it out too. it's a great medicine and great feeling to not feel bad and just...... feel free.

All actors are great, just the greatest need to be discover at times. you just have to have faith

There’s a lot of celebrity and famous people in the world. I’ve never really been fond of gossip or judging people.

So I’d just say some of the great that I truly admire. There’s no doubt about it that Marlon Brando, Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, Anthony Hopkins to name a few.
The next generation to me is Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise (just admit it, though he may not have an OSCAR before but he is the most influencial actor for 10 years. ), Going to George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Johnny Depp.

So to keep in the pace of things. I think we should move to the true purpose of this article.
Who would be the next big star? So who will become the next Tom Cruise, Al Pacino or Tom Hanks.

What inspire me to write this is actually Lee Pace, I was watching Pushing Daisies. And Lee Pace really reminded me of something really familiar. His manor is really similar to Dustin Hoffman. And with such Charisma I believe he will go a Long way to become one of the great actor out there.

Jonathan Rhys Myers however is in totally another league on his own. A Lead in both movies and TV shows at a really young age. Though he is demeanour is a bit cold. Not the less his can carry his own stature in any movie.

There’s no need to introduce Ewan McGregor, he is the future Sean Connery, with the same Scotsmen Charm, he is already the brightest star on earth now. However One person that might Take over the position would be Ryan Gosling, who in a lot of ways looks almost the same as Ewan yet with a different kind of Charmed. More American and Cool.

Patrick Dempsey may be coming a bit late now, but he is the ultimate Prince Charming these couple of years. There’s no one romantic movie won’t want to book him now. (just one note. watched Made of Honor the other day and that juggling thing...... you don't learn it over night. Patrick is the national Juggling Champion when he is young.)And the person that might be the younger version of him would be Zac Efron.

Zac Efron there’s no doubt one of the overheated tween idol out there. He probably have more star power than Patrick. Yes, I shouldn’t be discriminating. He is the power tween of the century. Just as Chris Brown is to the Black Community.

On one side the most unique of all of the young star would be Shia Labeouf. He is charming looking, Rugged and yet not too dirty, and with a humorous and comedic acting style. He is sure to be the next Harrison Ford. And He is Handsome.

One more actor that’s totally out of any of the normal mould would be Daniel Radcliffe. There’s no one in the world that’d have the same experience as he has and he is going to go a long way becaue the “British does have the best policy when it comes to training a great artist.

Or course there’s no way that we talk about star power without mentioning some of them that’s probably made it. Such as Orlando Bloom, James Marsden, Channing Tatum, Ryan Phillippe, Joaqin Pheonix, Tobey McGuire, Joseph Gordon Lovett, and Jake Gyllenhaal . They are the already new power house. Of course asany industry, the old would fade and the new would appear.

These days it seems that the audience are more and more acceptable to actor that started from television. Zac did it, So do Patrick Dempsey. Now I think the new generation would be of course the cast of the gossip girl, Chace, Penn, Ed. A few more that i think have did a good job is Chris Lowell. Chad Micheal Murray already is a sensation.

Some of the guys that I think is wonderful that’s here and there and somehow still haven’t grab a star or supernova are Kip Pardue, Steven Strait, James Franco, Elijah Wood, Chris O’Donald
There are of course a few that have already been on awards and were given the honour of nominee and have been quiet for quite a while like Joaqin Pheonix.

James McAvoy has been having a great run this year, so do Emile Hirsch and Michael Angarano is too a great success this year
All and all there are a lot of great actor out there. Some have chosen the star path, some the idol, some the weird choice and some simply have great offer in great movies and ride of awards wagon all the time. Well, I just hope that they really have the best time and giving us more and more great movies in the future.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, another weekend is approaching and the New movies is coming on.

The first ever truly Summer Block buster that started right on summer is James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman's "Wanted".

More or less like Mr's and Mrs' Smith. this one is more of a rookie meet the professional.

You won't be expecting Angelina to be at the premiere as sheis herself expecting. but I think James would be enough. HAHA! nominee for Oscar and Bafta he is looking great this time. Return as good looking as he is in Children of Dune. So you live a normal life and in the end got the push suddenly into the Dark world of Assassins. This one will be totally action full. and without any competition this week. It's be hard not to get the top spot with this combination. So go and check out this amazing movie. that will be out sharp tomorrow for ASEAN audience and friday for American.

As for last week's ticket sales. It seems the new funny king is in. Drum Roll Please. Steve Carrell. Yup, Mike Myers,........ JT....... you are out. (No offends Love Guru is good. I guess Smart Comedy is in and Silly is out this year. I love both movies though)

you'd get a great laugh out of both movies. But Steve's "Get Smart" is simply smarter, more elegant and action filled haha.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This weeks, I've met some of the most amazing artist ever.

So I was flipping through my playlist and start searching for some of my Favorite artist.

Yet, what I found is far far more than I expected. You might remember the band I've mention earlier on. No Authority. This weekI found out that Josh Keaton have form an amazing group with James Dallas and formed the group called Hallway. They have a perfect look and the perfect R&B sound ever. They are not far from the range of Ne-Yo in my opinion.

so if you are looking for something great and fresh. Check them out at

I'm sure every music geek or voilinist would have heard of Joshua Bell. he is the most talented of all violinist in the world in my opinion. You can have a taste of his composition now at for free.

So I was looking for Joshua Bell and what I found is far better. This jazz sensation is phenomenal. I can't believe the work that he did. The sound is wonderful and the improvisation is crazy. Mitch Butler. it's not as crazy as some usual Jazz Geek. but they are really really well compose. check out the dance sound on

As for Christian Listener, you might wanna check out Ronnie Freeman. I find his sound greatly inspriring and terrificly suited in the whole pop scene. Love every bit of it. and Love of God don't have to always be serious or gospel. it's as expressive in any form of music style as can be. So check him out at

If you are looking for something that's more hip and electric. this is the one to look for. the mixes are almost the same as house but not wuite. it's hip, pop and dance worthy. so it's I.D.A. check it out at

I think congratulation are in order for Josh Hoge. who have got his CD out today. it's a good mix of songs and a great sound. so check him out in itunes and

Monday, June 23, 2008

OK after a totally crazy week

Last Sunday night, I was with some great friends. So we went out to have fun. got to this great place called Skybar. it's the highest bar in South East Asia. Right beside the formerly tallest building in the world, The Petronas Twin Tower.

It has the best view there is in the whole Malaysia. the environment is friendly. There's the sits by the pool side and a great view of the city. It's at the top floor of the Traders Hotel in KL Convention center. I recommend you all to be there when you are free. but choose a good day to go. because it's an open air bar. so if it rain and so high above ground, you'll get a whopping by the heavy rain.

Well, my 2 friends have not tried any cocktail before. so the 3 of us tried 7 cup of different cocktail all together. by the end of the night, one of us is as pail as a white rabbit, the other is as red as a monkey's ass and I'm like still need to drive so I just have right to the limit. HAHA!
So the choise of our poison is
one Espresso Martini - one of the most tasty one I've ever gotten.
one Dry Martini - Just about the most alchoholicky drink I can think of. just a taste of how pure martini can be.
one Mojito - I favourite choise of poison. I'd call for that whenever I get the chance.
one Magerita - the most common cup anyone would think of in a summer heat night by the pool side.
so we stop there for the first roudn and chat the hell out.
next round since we are getting pretty dry after a 2 hours chat, we go for
one Bloody Mary - The most unfavor drinks I've ever tried haha! I've never like the healtiest liqour haha
one Long Island Tea - yes, yes I know the chicks drink. but Hell, I'm not into any wine or champagne that night.
and one last one I've never call before Caprioska, which surprisingly similar to Mojito minus the mint.

So after shooting for a whole lot, spit on everything involve in our lives, (cos on of the friend we haven't meet up for like 3 years) and piss a hell lot HAHA! almost got one puke we went home.
Well guys until next time. I have the best time chilling with some friends and have some decent chat instead of just jumping around the dance floor and act crazy. HAHA!
So If you are looking for a cool place to chill and have some time off and chit chat. Go ahead and head to Skybar, the Bar that's literally in the sky.
**Oh one advice, there's this lighting on one side of every sits by the pool. so try not to sit below it. if not by the time you finish, you'd be bake to life. HAHA! one of my friend was so Hot he's soaking wet half way tru the course once HAHA!.