Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Guys guys, New CD, New music for the week

There's Coldplay, there's N.E.R.D

It's guys time this week. There's plenty of new artist coming out with their CD as well.

in MySpace there's Tony Zobeck and Chris Townsend and Futhamuckas. you could start pre-ordering the Miley Cyrus new CD as well. I smell a crazy tour soon. Ace Young will be releasing his debut on 15 July.

The displacement is going on tour coming month in U.K. too to all the european friends.

So who are all these people you said? I'll tell you one by one.

There's no introduction needed. Coldplay is the ultimate geek choice champion. they represent the ultimate Geek factor that have get all the people to listen to a soulful, kinda geeky sound. but the who sound is wonderfully orchestrated to create that one symphony that's just relate to everyone. you felt like floating in the air with every song. and believeme I've heardall their songs and no one song is the same as the other. they are all unique in their own ways yet the style persists. It's a rarity that artist can remain in their own stream and create every songs different everytime. I just love them. Check out the new album Viva La Vida at

The ultra cool producre group are out and about again. so everyone beware. N.E.R.D is on the prow again and you'll bound to be caught in the middle. they are the greatest music producer group together in one package. how can you resist. check out their ultra funkie New Album in store this week.

so now we go to the most exciting part of the program. I promise you these Artist are fresh from the oven. they are hot and sexy and funny and funkie and supernova in the making. they are totally new and totally fresh. I mean it. you think Colbie Caillat is fresh wait til you listen to these fellas.

First up is the friend you'll never want to let go and a great funkie rap group the Futhamuckas. Dun let the name fool you. they are exactly what it is. Freakingly fantastic and funkily sexy man. You try their music and you'll be sure that you can't take the ear phone off or stop moving. HAHA! I laugh til my teeth drop with some of the songs there. So check this dancer turn musicin fella out at

Next up will be something that's not so funkie. he is the acaplla God of the week, Tony Zobeck. The simplisity of the music are a total contrast to Futhamukas represent. While Coldplay gives you the ecstasy rainbow floating sensation. Tony Zobeck is totally original, Simple, Steady and strong. you'll feel safe and float into your sleep feeling great and secure. there's nothing that happen that can bump your day anymore. his voice is exactly like the musky, woody, earth scent of a wonderfully masculine perfume. elegent, simple and strong yet securely sexy. Try it out at

European audience will find some similarity with Damien Rice. but that's fine. while you are waiting for Damien coming album which will probably be out next year. you can get this one first instead.

As for those of you who preferred some great sound of below 25, here's one for you. Chris Townsend. This kid is about as wonderful as the Jonas. No offend. I know most of you kid out there are crazy about the Brothers. Got room for more? Try his sound out. I know there's still plenty of space in that heart of yours. he's a bit of rock and a bit of pop. So while the whole album in the whole summer mood. you'll be fine to find this kid comfortably handsome and tall and the voice smooth as any young singer can get. and it fits perfectly to the whole music he created. So Enjoy yourself at

Well, the summer is here again and there's no stopping the Miley Cyrus bandwagon. Kids ask your mom to pre-order the new CD now if you don't want to wait another month like the last time.

Well you can't have a Music review without some American Idol. one of the hunkie American Idol from the most talented bunch of all season, season 5 have finally arrive. It'll be out on July, you can check it out at his myspace . it's totally refreshing and not at all the same as any of the rest of the Idol. a labor of love 2 years in the making. It's totally addictive and cool.

So this week go and have a nice musical summer vacation and check out these sound.

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