Monday, June 9, 2008

Men's Health: Facial 1,2,3

Yup it's that easy guys.
I know you are lazy HAHA! me too. I won't recommend the usual dosage of morning and night cleaning. but once a day. day or night is require. Tough guys, if you think that this is too much. Don’t read ahead. For there are more HAHA!
But for kids who are trying to learn to take care you can just proceed.

Unless you are working under the smoking pipe I won’t recommend washing your face every hour. Men have different feature than female. we are more receptive to oil than female.

This one inspire by one of my friend who ask about the product I use on a trip and I just told her the brand name and she can’t understand I only gave her one name when there’s 3 products on the counter.

So here’s the deal. The basic for taking care of your face is

That’s all there is. You clean your face with the cleanser, and wash it off with water. Then wipe of whatever left over in the pores with a toner on cotton, which also tightens the skin. The last thing is moisturize it with a moisturizer, which is the most important part of the deal after you have taken your skin through such scrutiny. You have to make sure the skin gets enough H2O because if not there’s when you get too many oil and when bacteria attacks you get pimples.

In case you get pimples. Don’t go berserk and rush to the pharmacy for a huge bottle of Oxy. Go get your toner, works better with the detox or oxy-filled kind, soak a piece of cotton with the toner and rest the cotton on the affected area for bout 10 min twice a day. I assure you it’ll dry off in a day or two and let the dry pimple fall off on its own. No need the smelly and tedious crème.

Alright that aside, Here’s some tips. Men and women alike, You like a facial? You can do it yourself. Buy the normal rounded soft sponge at the cosmetic counter. Every time you clean your face with cleanser, slowly and gently wipe the soup off with the sponge with warm water. This relaxes the skin. Then you can put on the mask of your choice, set the alarm for 45 min and have a nap. Then drop some essence oil in a bow of warm water and cover your head face down and enjoy the essence for 5-10 min. then you can rinse with cold water and the wipe your face with toner and then moisturizer to seal the deal. The whole process takes bout only 1 hour.

Seeing that the summer is here now, sun screen is crucial. Even if you are indoor. You still need protection. Skin cancer can happen everywhere and yes, face too. So take care of it with sunscreen. I’d recommend 50 SPF or above. And if you are applying sunscreen you are require to clean it off everyday as they are oil. And long stagnant oil on skin with attract bacteria that creates pimples.

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