Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, another weekend is approaching and the New movies is coming on.

The first ever truly Summer Block buster that started right on summer is James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman's "Wanted".

More or less like Mr's and Mrs' Smith. this one is more of a rookie meet the professional.

You won't be expecting Angelina to be at the premiere as sheis herself expecting. but I think James would be enough. HAHA! nominee for Oscar and Bafta he is looking great this time. Return as good looking as he is in Children of Dune. So you live a normal life and in the end got the push suddenly into the Dark world of Assassins. This one will be totally action full. and without any competition this week. It's be hard not to get the top spot with this combination. So go and check out this amazing movie. that will be out sharp tomorrow for ASEAN audience and friday for American.

As for last week's ticket sales. It seems the new funny king is in. Drum Roll Please. Steve Carrell. Yup, Mike Myers,........ JT....... you are out. (No offends Love Guru is good. I guess Smart Comedy is in and Silly is out this year. I love both movies though)

you'd get a great laugh out of both movies. But Steve's "Get Smart" is simply smarter, more elegant and action filled haha.

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