Monday, June 16, 2008

Idol fall out gaining great momentum on the music scene

It's a really strange thing to look at. American Idol I mean.

Some contestant go through the whole ordeal and never get a record deal and at the end of the show May Die of Over exposure. or rather some buzz cool of through the summer and the fame die of not enough exposure.

So After so many discussion on the top 12 contestants. what have happen to all of this year's drop out? Are they really no good at all? or they were simple pass off too early due to too few and unevn distribution of votes on the early stage of the show.

No matter what happened these contestants have moved on.

If you actually check them out they are really quite good. some have been doing it for years before this year. Just luck.

Last time we have Drew Poppelreiter. The ultimate country sound for me. Classic all the way. IF you consider this is too "old -style" then if may not be your liking but I'm sure some of the country music lover will definitely take him totally seriously. cos his sound is just perfect for this style of songs. for all ultimate country lover. I tell you this is what country really sound like. check it out at

Then there is Josiah Leming. this kid totally could rival David Archuleta. just that his sound is a bit different. not many people can accept his way. But non-the-less it's not exactly bad. just a false step in the Hollywood round that hold him off. but he does shows that he got the props and his online popularity just raise after that drop out. everyone was shocked. Well, good news is he's no longer living in his car. He got back home, got a music contract and are on his way of recording his first CD. Well done man. have some faith, and put in some personality. not ego. then you'll get a long long way man. Check out the demo for the songs that may be put into his coming album here

Another contestant that I think have a great shot on the music scene is Colton Swon. he's got it all down. the looks, the sound, the right road. he have his own work, and a partner in crime his brother, Zach Swon. Both are great writter, in my opinion and their songs are genuinely good. I've been listening to them since the show stopped (nothing related to American Idol or anything). Their sound makes you want to sit down and relax on the dock by the lake. Check him out at

To mention this Colton and not mention top 24 Collton Berry is a bit off. because Colton Berry also have what it takes to be successful in the music scene. getting into the top 24 is the proof. although on the show his style is a bit too High Scholl Musical but that's what people like. with a little practice or changes infront of the studio mirror, nothing is impossible. And I've been listening to his songs since the first day he drop out. he got a pretty sensual voice. all of the songs he'd done in Myspace is pretty good mix. So Check him out at

Here's the reason I actually is writing about these singer who could have made it but didn't make it. because this one person. Kady Malloy. No, No, not that kinda relationship. HAHA! actually one day she just connected to myspace. and then I thought I'd add her. and then there's these's couple of other contestant and then the trend just extended from there on. About Kady. she doesn't have that big voice and to enter the contest with that lower tone is a bit unflattering. but surprise surprise, her voice is actually quite interesting. If you check out her space. you'd find that her lower sound is pretty amazing. With the right mix and producer it'd be pretty flexible. just that a 5 min a show performance just not enough for it to shine. check her out at And you maay even find that her interpretation of "Hellelujah" is totally different from the original or what JAson Castro put out. and that is not too shabby at all.

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