There could be time when I was judgemental. I must apologize but as much as I was sorry there's one thing I won't do. I won't lie. So that I promise you. that every bit of what I wrote are my honest opinion.
well, after reading "The Secret", by coincidence or attraction. call it what you want. My life has changed dramatically. I'm no more worried or depress or felt inferior or infuriated. So Life suddenly lifted the heavy wieght and it's veil and reveal it's true nature.
There are too many coincident to ignore.
Here's a game I play. the parking space game. everytime I go to a car park I'd follow my instinct regardless which way it takes me. up or down the parking area I'll find a parking space in the end. and I've calculated every time I did it. and everytime it took me less than 2 min on average over at least 50 times in both peak and non-peak hour. with only twice that took me close to 20 min to find a parking space. So guys that's just too much of a coincidence. Just have a try no harm. you just imagine and attract it. no money require.
there's a lot of great people that have met me throughout the year. and there's also some good old friends that have met me again. I love connecting with the people again who actually brought great conversation and great company.
besides this I'm not going to try to brag about what I got. I'm gonna let out what inspire me and you can decide yourself what you want or don't want to do with it.
There's this phrase I heard while in the process of practicing my Attraction. "Getting Angry is like you drinking poison and hoping the person you hate to die." that's a really great phrase.
another I stand by is what I need to work on since the beginning of my practice, "Let the Ego out the door and follow your gut instinct. Let the emotion guide you and not your mind." For mind will convince us, doubt us, analyze us and create unneccessary hurdle when we need to make a decision. follow your gut not your ego. So You can be critical, and still be true to yourself. I had some obsessive compulsive disorder when I started so I'd wake up with a lot on my mind. I lost myself in ideas and thoughts which would be useless by the end of the day and it created all this blockage that I can't feel my life. Now, I'm free of it all. The Secret gave me a reason to let go and "A New Earth" provided the method. Now without my mind keep telling me what to do every min of the day I can simply enjoy it. Tough time or glad time I'm enjoying every minutes of it.
So a positive thought is million times powerful than a negative one. which means whatever bad happened, they happened, it can't be change and can't affect your future if you stop thinking about it and it have nothing to do if what you are doing now. It may bring about some consequences but that's all. so start thinking positive now. and you'll attract more and more good things and in the end all bad stuff or bad incident will shrink into nothing and all you have is great things. trust that the universe will bring about everything neccessary to bring you what you truly want to attract. even at the time it seems no good. Just have faith. you don't need Blood to trust God exist, you don't nee to touch it to believe Air exists. So why you need to know exactly what would happened to get what you wish for. Just make sure what you wish for is truly what you want and let everything fall into place, act out every God inspire oppotunity presented to you.
"Don't Sweat the small stuff...... and it's all small stuff" this one I love the most. Because truly it is correct, for what happened you can't change. what gonna come you can't predict. to expect too much would means you are merely bringing trouble to yourself. so let it be what it is and enjoy it. Don't sweat it and try so hard everytime. Enjoy the moment.
there's this story, a world champ actually lost his title to a non-seated played in a game. because the title holder use up all his energy thinking about the final result and worry what will happen if he don't win that he had no energy left to concerntrate on the game and lost it to the person that's actually enthusiastically chasing his dream and enjoy playing every moment with the great title holder and in the end become estatic about winning the title for the very first time. which one would you want to be. the title loser or the winner? then why are you still worrying? enjoy it. imagine the wonderful feeling hold on to it and start enjoying every challenge that present itself.
I have always have this idea about death since my father passed away when I'm really young. I don't actually fear death, yet not feeling anything about it makes it dangerous. so I super-impose it with a self-purpose for not commiting suicide, some silly reason that says when you die you also lose the reason you kill yourself for. though it's a legitimate reason for not committing siucide, I have another perspective on it. rather thinking the reason not to die why not think about the reason to live?
there are a lot of mess up thing before I started this journey. But in that instance the light came up in my mind. A lot of those thing just fade away. just by simply a small gesture. all of those mess up things just simply gone. I dun think about it. so it don't bother me anymore and to recover from some troubling, mind boggling moment simply shorten to second. now a lot of time I'd have forgotten the reason or the cause of any anger in seconds and what normally bother me, while driving, finding parking, shopping, eating, talking, meeting people, just fade away. what's come out is a free spirit, engaging, happy, positive, talkative....... I'm free of any burden I impose to myself with my mind thinking too much before this all.
I'm no saint, I still miss out one or 2 step. I just recover faster. Now I'm more revealed about myself. I'm expressing about my love for art more. Movies, Photography, Music, Painting, Knowledge, Nature, Plants, Canyon and Valley, Animals, People. All of the things that's been there all the time that's bring us new meaning every moment of our lives. Finally I can truly enjoy them without..... too many thinking. Life is abundance, you just need to let go and let it come to you.
Start a new life now. Choose to change yours like I've done with mine. Trust me. Life is worth a million times living than whatever you are thinking or having now. Take the step.
If a Drug Addict, a Accident Killer, and Suicide survivor, a bankrupct person, can have a great life. why not you? why are you still frowning? let it go and start taking your first step toward eternal happiness. Read the books, watch the video and start practicing good living and thinking lifestyle. inspire people with your life, merely rejuvinate each others with your existance.
Best of Luck to you all. Peace and health.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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