Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you and thank you!!!!

EVOL, has started innocent enough to be just my blog. But the further down the road, without us realising it, the picture on the banner, underground was suppose to meant about me, the undiscovered, the underground being that have not find himself, yet the longer we get on the groove. I learn more about myself and in this case, the more article of artists feature the more it became as underground music magazine. And I love it all. Glad to be at your service. And I couldn’t say thank you enough to all your support and I wish that there will be plenty more to come to enjoy everyone.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Check out the new Artist of the month

It’s time for this month’s new artists feature, just a few minutes ago I got a surprise friend request to mySpace, totally ambushed me. It’s Diddy. The one and only P. Diddy. I’m totally speechless then. Thanks for coming into my list. I wonder what I can do for you? HAHA!
Anyway let’s come back to the real business here. Business as usual, it’s been a pretty slow week, as the friendlist creeping slowly to the 1000 mark in mySpace. There’s at least more than 30 artist register into my list this month.

I’ll start with the obvious of the month, Secondhand Serenade. I don’t know how many of you have heard of him. John is one of the great artist I realises on the mock up of MTV. I have long lay off my MTV life for the twilight reading. But the other day when I heard him over the TV background, I find that I’m mesmerizes. It is sensual and strong, really made an impact when I’m so bored. He is a bit on the pop-rock side of the One Republic region. He is soft yet energetic. Proves that you do not have to act tough to be a great tough cookie. Sometimes if you react with some soft technique will proves to creates better result. And in music it’s the ultimate attraction. So check this out you won’t regret it.

** just one small note before we move on, Chris O Donis’ new album is out. Go and grab one. He is one of the most energetic young artist I’ve heard this year.

Next up will be Hometown Hero, Alex is a what I call acoustic powerhouse. Young artist like him always have a energetic sound to their music and this one is no different. But what’s different is that I enjoy the one man show kind of rockin style he holds. It’s been a while since the last time I actually got any artist with one guitar on his hand still can hold the show all alone just with the guitar and his vocal. This one I bet is one that I think no one should miss. The mixes maybe a bit mess but the arrangement with some fine tuning will holds on it’s own definitely. I just love this smoothness of the songs under all the rough edges. If this was a recording that’s not done with a studio, then it’s a superb job that’s even better than many studio work I’ve heard. Check them out at

As for the real mixes side, we got DJ Stript, No! Don’t expect any strip tease here, there’s no lap dancing. But if you are one like me, totally dig the house mix and the electro sound. This is the one. Breaking it down simply, it will totally bring your house down to the ground and under. So let’s pump up the volume and shake the socks off everyone in the apartment HAHA! My neighbours been nagging me to stop but I just can’t. It’s just too good to be true. So go smash up some glasses with this one at

While we have Hometown Hero this week on the strumming section, Tyler Kyte is the expert of the picking section. In fact he is the only one artist that I’ve downloaded any new songs from. (probably because it’s free.), anyway, while both Alex of hometown Hero presented a fulled filling of arrangements, Tyler represent the one that creates a sensible space between notes which makes his music much more receptacle to seeps into your bones and enjoy the peacefulness of his shouting. HAHA! You’ll understand what I mean. He is more of a Train type kinda musician. So Enjoy!

I wish that I don’t have to feature too many acoustic or pop artist here yet, the R&B non-recording artist type sometimes proves to be a bit lesser. So there’s not much choice. And by natural selection my group of friends have really few heavy metal type that can really produce more than annoying noise so that’s why there’s very few new artist feature that can come in. But I do get a couple of great groups once a while. There’s an alternative to all the teen pop, Callahan is the band. It’s just having a supernova at home. They may not be as handsome as the Jonas but their music is far far too professional for their age. I mean even if you are not into them, their music could probably pass for any award winning band out there. It’s totally rock and it’s totally pop and the composition is flawless. And so give them what they deserve

Well after we have gone through with the band let’s get back to the main stream of my page here. HAHA! It’s not fair to let go any of them just because there’s not enough space...... the ratio of the artist here are almost 5 to one for pop to rock/R&B/ Rap so i have to do them a little bit of justice. This one is a little bit of on the soft pop side. Of all the artist I’m feature here, Todd would be one of the most cheery and soft. I totally like the smoothness of his voice and the sensible handsomeness of the lyrics. Hope you all would get a thrill on this at

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jay D Clark - The Philly Sound that's filled you up with joy and love. and laughter.

Jay D Clark's style is really unique, you find him infusing all that is traditional and inventive in one package. I always thought that there are 2 kinds of classic jazz, the standard jazz and the philly blues. We have heard pleanty of the classics with the ressurection by Michael Buble, but I've greatly missed the Philly sound. and Jay D Clark simply take it up a nodge with a bit of Raggae under tone. I have the privilege to meet him here when I first started, he always has this sensible personality, and his uniqueness shown whenever anyone flip through my 900++ friendlist, there's no one artist that holds any style close to his, he is that "outstanding", and It is my greatest pleasure to finally get to do a real one-to-one feature with him for you all. So Enjoy!

Hey Jay we have known each other for quite sometimes now. It’s great that finally we got a CD taking off.

Q:So how’s my first ever artist to register into my counter been?Fine I hope.

A: Hello, I didn't know I was the first ever artist to register in your counter, but I'm honored. All is well here in Philadelphia. Keeping busy getting this new record out around the globe and although summer just ended yesterday...I miss it already.

Q: Now let’s get into the business, let’s have a brief intro, you are Jay D Clark and who’s your band?

A: Yes, Jay D Clark is the new name, but it's complicated. My real name is Jason (which means one who searches for the truth) but I've been using the name JD Clark for years as a filmmaker, screenwriter, and musician. I found out not too long ago that there is a young country twangin singer in Texas already selling his record with that name so I had to formally change my professional name from JD to Jay D in order to release this first record. There's a lot Clark's in the world!

I produced this record with prolific skateboarder and musician Chuck Treece, who is also from Philly. He has previously played with bands like Bad Brains, Urge Overkill, the Roots, G Love, Billy Joel, Sting, Santogold, and many others. On this record, he played most all the instruments and I sang the songs I wrote. I'm now putting together my touring band from a great pool of musicians in Philly and also playing shows with various musicians of all sorts of instruments and styles.

Q: How long have you guys been together?

A: I've been playing solo for 15 years now, writing songs and playing on occasion with other musicians, but this is my first record and the project is still forming. A work in progress. I've known Chuck for a few years as he worked with legendary MC Schoolly D on a movie soundscape for my project Order of the Quest.

Q:Fall of the City, what’s the album about?

A: The album is about living free. Enjoying and appreciating life, while trying to learn and grow every day. Trying to understand the world and your place in it from many perspectives. Its about feeling good and taking those positive vibrations with you all day and night long. Good vibes can spread and the arts are the last bastion of free speech, so its how I can help make positive change in the world, while the world seems to fall apart all around us - the Fall of the City.

Q: did you get your inspiration from anywhere? How do one really start writing such songs with so distinctive style?

A: I am inspired every day by good and bad things I see, learn about, and experience for myself. One can learn from even the most ignorant people. I can be inspired to write a song or create anything at any time. That is the beauty of America, though my path has been unique, not mainstream.

As for my songs, I usually write the music and lyrics art the same time. I'll just start jamming on my guitar and flowing lyrics, usually freestyle and see what sticks. Sometimes I don't like the content or theme of the song's lyrics with the music so the next time I jam out I'll flow different lyrics because my head's in a different place. When it all flows together it usually just feels right. As if it were always a song and I just had the pleasure of pulling it out of the creative consciousness.

Q:You know I’ve always love your reggae-y Philly sound. Who is your favourite artist?

A: Bob Marley never made a bad song and did so much in such a little time. Amazing. I Love many artists and will still discover many more, but Bob Nesta Marley was and is my favourite ever.

That Explains the Raggae under tone in your style!

Q: what will be happening in the coming month? What can we expect from you guys?

A: I've been releasing this record all by myself on my PhillySmooth Productions label, which is a production company I started in 2003. It's been a lot of work doing everything myself so far, but a great learning experience, just like all my past producing experience in movies, videos, tv shows, etc. I've just sent the cd out to over 100 radio stations, I'm putting the touring band together, putting shows, tours together, writing new songs, I have the next record ready to go soon, and I'm also working on some screenplays for some movies as well. Time to get to work!! Chuck is releasing a new album from his skate rock band McRad and working with all sorts of other artists. He's like the Rick Rubin of the Philly underground music scene.

Q: It’s been a crazy month since the fall started, the hurricane and all the schedules and all. So Will we be expecting any new show in the near future?

A: Yes, crazy times at all times on planet earth. Imagine if they had the internet and world news back in the time of Ghengis Khan or Julius Caesar. The world could have seemed crazy and doomed then too, but it does feel like things are speeding up and getting out of hand in many ways, at least here in the US for sure. Our global economy and society runs on a system that is not perfect - lots of hypocrisy, greed, and deception - and can all come crashing down at any time if manipulated to do so or exposed. We may not be far from that now, which is scary, especially since most Americans live a blissfully ignorant existence when it comes to economy, foreign policy, or world news that doesn't involve a Hollywood celebrity. This awakening could be good or bad - it is up to we the people. The control over the minds of the masses is obvious and sad in many ways, but there is hope.

As for me, many shows coming soon. I've only played out about 15 times publicly in my life as I've concentrated most my time on other projects. I've played acoustically at parties and with friends forever but now its time to take the party on the road. I will play a lot in the Philly/New York/Washington DC area since its all 2 hrs away or less and hope to travel all over the US and the world soon. Hopefully I can see Malaysia by the end of next year too if the musical stars align.

Q: If someone actually wish to book you guys where should they go to and who to call?

A: As of now everything is still done directly through me at my Myspace page ( or contact, but I'm working on some management that will take over these duties and allow me to work on other projects and create more. I'm hoping to create more of a buzz before getting out there on the road.

Now Let’s get a bit personal.

Q: Are you still single?

A: Yes, single at the moment and happy.

Q: any of your member looking?

A: Looking for what? Love? Always could use more Love =) Though I am never bored or lonely. If its meant to be it'll happen...

Q: I heard Philly got plenty of great food. Any suggestion?

A: Lots of great food here for sure. Any style you would ever want really and a good cheese steak is a necessity. As for a suggestion, Buddakan is a famous, well-respected hotspot from very successful owner Stephen Starr and my Uncle Stuart Pellegrino is the Sous chef there so you can't go wrong. There's a 10 foot tall golden Buddha statue which watches over the dining room, which provides good karma.

Q: What’s your advice to those musician or artist out there that’s still hoping and not moving?

A: there's lots of competition, lots of talented musicians, and lots of reasons people will never make it big but if you Love to create music you should always continue to do so. With technology today, it is relatively simple to record and release your own music but to really get big you must work hard, believe in yourself, and keep at it. I have no idea if my music will ever get big but I've already received enough Love from fans all over the world through the internet that its all worth the effort to me.

Well, that'd be all, thank you for taking the time to answer some of my question Jason. HAHA! And I wish you a great success with your CD, The Fall of The City and the one that's comin.
So are there anything that you would like to add before I close the session?

Well thank you for taking the time to reach out and listen to the tunes. I'll be spreading the Philly Love real soon and can't wait to hit up your part of the world either. Best of luck to everyone out there.
Peace and much Love,

Let's come and compare our notes on "The Last Lecture"

For any of you that have missed "The LAst Lecture" by the late Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon. He'd be the one person I'd consider a true hero.

You can check out the much covered lecture in details and more. Because the written edition of the Lecture is published and available to all book lover and none internet viewing audience. So now if you wonder what's your life is about and looking for courage to rediscover your own life's purpose. Or if you have no idea and don't really bother abour life itself, maybe you'd rethink twice after you read this book. I'd recommend anyone looking for courage to face the same situation that Professor Pausch have face in life or simply in every other little things in life that you think is blocking your way. simply said, you just have to move and get a copy and you'll find that your life is much more than it is not. no matter how rich or pour or superior or inferior you are there are still plenty of space in life for us to travel.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ne-Yo caught the Fall and push the tune right up!!!

There’s very few commercialize sound that I listen to lately. Katy Perry is a controversial one but not exactly my taste, Chris Brown is the all timer this year winning every award with Rihanna but the new album have garner very few interest in me. Rihanna sound great but there’s no new album out. Just a reboot of the Good Girls Gone Bad album. So who is on the line. The AI saga haven’t really started yet, Chris O’Donis gone a great hit, but don’t know how his new album gonna fair.
There’s one guy that really caught my “ear” this month. That is Ne-Yo. I never really love Ne-Yo in the past, which I had favour Chris Brown in the past when they both started the same year. But I must say, Ne-Yo really have done it all and past as the greatest producer of his generation. His songs simply spell smooth quality. Year of gentleman is a Biggie this time, from the debut single of Closer setting the tone on the release to She Got Her Own duet with Jamie Foxx and Fabulous. (what’s up with all the Brother’s duet here in the R&B world today?!! HAHA~! Love it) well if you are looking for the album to start your fall and really set it in the right tunes for the rest of the season. This is the album. Check em out. I just wonder when will we see Neyo of a real tour?

Mamma Mia!!! What a great weekend!!

Some of the strangest things just happen over the weekend. I thought that I’d be alone this weekend. My own time, walking the mall. Though I’m not really looking forward to it but I don’t feel like calling anyone out either.
So I went along with it. I stayed at home on Saturday after work and read my books. And then wake up early on Sunday and find myself unable to fall back to sleep even after only a 5 hours sleep. So I just got to my feet and red some more books and decided to go out at 10 to get a 11am movie. I choose to watch Mamma Mia. Which is on of the most ridiculously funny musical I’ve ever watched in Cinema. Well the attraction of all the star power (for the movie geek that is) of Meryl Streep, Julie Walters, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and the new comer, Dominic Cooper (the History Boys) and the amazing voice of Amanda Seyfried is just fantastically ABBA HAHA! I’ve never thought that a show about ABBA songs can be so infectious on the movie screen. It’s just a great to watch. Of course the Santorini backdrop is as breath taking as the cast. Something simply work out great when you put great actor and actresses together.
Anyway, even before I walk out of the show, I receive a sms from a friend asking if I can pick her up later cos she is as bored as hell as I am at home. So I thought why not? I’m alone at the moment. Some company would do some good to the day. So I went and pick her up. And when I’m waiting at the parking lot for her to come down from her apartment, I got another call from a friend coming into town on business and want to have dinner. So I thought it’s great. I’ll just have this girl with me for the whole afternoon and a dinner with another friend for the night. As it turn out, I wasted almost 500 bucks on gifts for my coming holiday for my nephew visit next month and tons of fat. Just keep eating and eating haha. The whole day is set with lunch and dinner with 2 of my most appreciated friends. Nothing could be more delightful than that. So why fred, sometimes things just work out on their own.

Life and movies

I know that I have been stagnant for the past week. Part of the reason for that is for me to really slow down and soak in all that have been happening for the past few months. There’s another negative part of the life I lead that hit a low cliff last week, which I don’t think is necessary to discuss and spread more negative energy out there. Let’s just say it’s my other job and it hit a low point last week.
Yet, thanks to one of my new friend from MySpace point out, why I am here for and all those lesson that I’ve learn from some far worst situation I’ve been in the past years.
EVOL, was never meant to be a Human Evolution Magazine ever as the plain text title suggest. I just thought it would be fun to reverse the spelling bit. It is actually about LOVE, LOVE for Life at first, then I expand to my passion, My Love for language, Music, Story, Literature, Movie. The Love of my friends, the love of my parents, the love from a child and to a child, my love for the world and all the love in this world. That’s all I can think of then when I started.
There’s no doubt someday we go into this hiatus and then trap in some habitual cycle now and then. That is fine. We ought to get some high time and low time once in a while. Instead of troubling myself with the problem, I find myself facing the problem head on and strong on my point and know my own life and mission. That is one thing I have. Even there’s no one out there that may understand all that my mind think off, it doesn’t have to. Time will come when they get to their own senses and understand themselves. The other day when I hit a low point, I switch on the TV and there Oprah is talking again about Law of Attraction and how there is a shallow surface in our being and the middle circle of Fire and only then we reach the core of peace in our inner self.
MY friend pointed out the theory of Don’t Fuzz the Small Stuff as too deep. Or rather I’d say you don’t really have to understand that deeper part that I actually illustrated by me. It’s just a really simple sentence “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff... And all stuff is small stuff”. Just that the word as it is and start revolving your life on that principle and you’ll get to your own understanding of it yourself. That’s the best part, it is the same word, but you don’t have to have exactly the same life as I have so explore it, experience it yourself and mould the principle to your own life and your own understanding. That’s the best part of those simple principle, like “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and “A New Earth” and “Law of Attraction”.
I myself have some ready value in me that’s sometimes that is helping me and sometimes ruining everything. My pride, my energy, my hyperactive mind, my fast pace life, my anger and my peace and my passion, all are mine and mine to manage, as everyone to themselves have their own positive value that helps them and some over obsession that ruin the situation that they need them tone down to manage their life. I use those principles to help me get my mind in tune with my feelings and taking care of my business. Which is why it’s hard to explain to people what I’ve gone through. It is personal, and if people have an previous impression that you are self-conscious and self-centred beforehand it’s hard to make them be objective and turn them around and think that you have change. Instead my solution is.... in order to reach my core of peace. I chosen to forgive whatever it is that’s in the way, him/her/ or me. It doesn’t mean that I condone such action on me or any of their behaviour towards me or others. But I just chosen to silently in my mind say living in the present there’s no ground for such small stuff that is ruining my time then and there and so I forgive it and forget it and move on with my present moment and start enjoying it, which by law of attraction if I could actually be peaceful within, sooner or later it will bring something good and better.
I’d like to suggest 2 movies for your viewing pleasure. There are times when a good film comes out you just know that you have to go and watch it. it doesn’t matter what the critics says, or if it is a blockbuster or not. It’s just right to watch.

One of those film is Freedom Writer. I haven’t really watched it. but I know exactly that I am going to go out and buy this one. Reason is that, it is true and it is exactly what I inspire to be, brave and embrace the world as we are. Yes I may not know what everyone goes through but I know that no matter what’s the deal, hatred, revenge, and hurting just for the sake of pride and rage is not the life I want to lead nor I wish to see in this world. And this film say exactly what I am doing here. Writing my own story, not for the sake of telling it, but to let myself know what I think under all the chaos too. All that those kids gone through are tough, and to overcome their adversity, they will grow to be a stronger being and beyond everyone’s successes. Yet those triumphs are their own as I got mine to conquer. And in no way it signifies the inferiority of myself or their. If any of it have any effect on me of the person in the story is my gratitude for what I have and learn in my life and magnify the greatness of their achievements.

The other movie is “Something New”, besides the obvious reason that it stars the sexy Simon Baker, it is a story about 2 person from different races coming together in Love. I love the story because of simply that, 2 persons that came from different world realises in life and love there’s no such thing called Different Love. They are all the same. Ironically, you have to have an idea and an inkling of racism in your mind to understand the important of the story. That’s just how it is. As my own experience, If I have actually walk away and study in a all Chinese school when I fail my primary for the local native language, I would not have discover English as part of my present and choose to pursue it to come to an understanding that it is the universal language to justify my pride in my own hereditary dialag (Chinese) and the national local language which in hate and come to love later. And now it seems it is just logical to expand my language range to Japanese, French, sign Language and eventually German for the hidden wisdom and knowledge behind such culture and technology advancement in those country.
At a very young age I have done a sum on all the things I wanted to do and the time I have and I conclude that I’d have not enough time to do them all and all those coming new stuff. Yet here we are sometimes saying that we are bored or something have to be on hold for some silly reason like, not enough money, family and pride worst of all is when we are acting something that we don’t plan to even take part in simply because someone said they want to do it and urges us to go along with and we do and wasted time of them. So what is it that you know in your heart you want to do? Now! Learn to paint? Go ahead, learn to dance? Go ahead! Why wait. Not that they will kill you if you actually take that 30 minutes each day to enjoy yourself. Find your true self and see thy self truthfully again and start enjoying this life truly for once. As Drew Barrymore says, not because it is short, not because we don’t have enough time, but because it is life and it is a beautiful one, if only you allow it to be. Just forgive, forget, relax and do it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

MTV TRL is closing and counting down.

Total Request Live, after bwing with us for 10 years will be leaving us forever by November, so make sure that you catch every episodes of it. It also meant that the main stream Music video is no more a mainstream and it have evolves to something that's much too much different. I do hope that there will be a good MTV show about music, pure music. but I guess that's not exactly the case here. So fortunate that the Asian will still have the Star World runned Channel V to look forward to. which is filled with both Sony Family Reality show and plenty, plenty of Pure Music show that's still totally strong on the Music and any big events news around the region.

Financial Market going down and down and many will follow. Oil is down too. So some good news in the end

I believe this is the least interested topic in my Blog here. But I can’t just ignore this because it is of concern of everybody.
Last few months we see the bail out of some of the biggest financial firm in the USA by the government, from Bear Stern to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.there's bound to be one time that the government will decide not to bail out anymore and I guess this is the time and the unfortunate Bank is the Lehman. So.......
One of the Largest Investment Bank on earth have just declare bankruptcy, Lehman Brothers, which have lasted for 105 years in the business is closing it’s business failing a bail out from government and the private sector. Which means every bank in the region or in the proximity of it will fall. We already see the Japan business and financial and investment sector falling 15% even before the bell start ringing. That’s how severe it is. Fortunately in a much lighter relieve, Bank of America have bail out Merill Lynch at the same time, which causes it’s share to rises today which means we are seeing a bull and bear fight here. Let’s see who will get to the line first. As for the Asian region, since we have more work with Lehman for the history therefore there’s no doubt that the markt will fall uncontrollably this week.
Anyway, for those of you who have no total investment in the market or any mutual fund you can relax for a bit here. Because with the oil have fallen below 100 per barrel mark this week, which means lower prices in the coming month. Cheers to you all.
The financial market will have a meltdown and the reality of it all will sets in this week and we’ll know whether real recession is on it’s full force now like every financial Analyst said so for the past whole year. Now they can really say, “See I told you so” and save their job. HAHA! Just kidding.
Now everyone's eyes is on to the next bank to go into the tumble, Washington Mutual, which by now is unlikely to see a bail out and waiting to be take on by anyone in the private sector. and it seems that JP Morgan if really going to take on the chellenge will the the largest firm ever exist. Hmmm Tempting....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend. Movie, Books! Boring and Peaceful!! Wicked!!

According to the Chinese calendar yesterday is exactly the day of the Mid Autumn. I was supposed to go back home and celebrate with my mom. But I’ve came down with a cold and I have to take measure to take care of it and to have a long drive home was not exactly the smartest choice. So you can say that I have the most uneventful weekend of the year. Not quite. You’d be surprised how many things that you can actually get done to stay at home the whole weekend.

In my disbelieve I’ve actually finishes Twilight in 2 weeks and begin on the 2nd book of the saga “New Moon” straight away now. It was totally addictive as if I’ve became the vampire thirst for a drink. And the book is the blood. When I started I can’t seem to lay it down. Everyday when I got home, I was reading the book. I think I’m maybe coming down with the cold for movie, TV and CD HAHA! The Saga will have a great debut in November and I’m sure if the movie is as addictive as the book, a sequel will definitely be in the making. I won’t want to break the plot to any people. I‘ve got through Lord of the Rings in one shot. I’ve got through all 7 Harry Potter and now I’m totally fallen into the Twilight while waiting for the 3rd book of the Inheritance saga. And I just got an idea for a person who is looking for a way to know what are their standard of English is.... they can start with Harry Potter, growing with the book through the 7 books and 7 year and by the time the person finish he’ll be in the teenager standard. And then he may continue to enhance his teenager’s standard with the Twilight saga. If you can make it through it you may start with the Inheritance and taste you Dark age’s vocabulary and the then it’s time for the hard stuff. Lord of the Rings and Shakespears. My kind of English language courses.

Well, actually I didn’t really just stayed at home for the past 2 days. I actually went for a small movie when I was trying to get my hand on the “New Moon”. It’s actually somewhat a Eric Bana week. There’s “The Other Boleyn Girl” and “Romulus My Father”. Yes, both not the current movies, well, there haven’t been any new movie that can get through the censor lately that actually able to reach the region fast enough. While the American is enjoying the new movie like Tropic Thunder, we have The Love Guru. Jessica Alba have already got her baby out and the movie is actually made before she is pregnant. So it’s not exactly new HAHA!

Any way I watched “Romulus My Father”, it is most probably the most boring movie that I’ve been to but as anything that’s happened this week. It’s perfectly fabulous. it’s the most honest and realistic movie I’ve ever watched. A Romanian in the rural area of Australia in the 1960s, with an unfaithful mother that the father still in love with. Narrated through the eyes of the son, the story unfold in front of our eyes, the betrayal, the silent acceptance of the father, the education of a father to raise a son to become a great man. It is a story told by the writer of the story, Raymond Gaita about his father and family. It is totally wonderful and really tranquilizing.
And I have the most “Aha” moment this weekend of my Law of Attraction and A New Earth practice.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's welcome the New Kind of Acoustic Artist to our world!!!!

Another weekend has come and I figure it’s time to party with some music and movies.
I was on myspace again the whole week, trying to flip through as many artists in my list as I can. And this one pops out the most and I have been listening for the whole week long again and again. I just don’t get bored.
His Name is Brendan James. I do not know any of you have ever heard of him before. But his music is what I like to call calming and real. It’s smooth and well prepare. Like the best scramble eggs you can get in the perfect morning looking out the balcony to the ocean for the right wave to come for the best surf of the day. There’s just nothing would be wrong that day. I like the style of the guitar and piano. It’s more like a jumpy note on the morning lifting up my spirit every time. I must say they are not a afternoon music. It’s more of a morning or rainy day or night time music. So for those of you in a state of mind of calmness may find this the best company to your day. Just like mine. All the best. Check em out at
For a more unplugged flavour, you might want to check out Zach Macko. He is like the rocker that never has a backup band, the sound is electrifying. It’s subtle yet not lame, it’s streaming yet not flashy. It’s cruising over and yet not over the top. The proportion is just right. It’s probably the right album that you can just about to feel it Live. Shall I say it’s Alive? It is, you are like sitting in this private room with Zach and listening to him singing live in front of you. The feeling is just fantastic. You’d wonder how well will he be in a real live show. So I hope you all enjoy this one at
But this week I feel there’s really too much acoustic or unplug in my list. Aren’t there any rocker and pop stars out there anymore? HAHA! Anyway, after introducing 2 solo artists later, it’s time for a band HAHA! J Minus is goofy bunch really surprise me. I thought they are more of the joking type. But instead their acoustic nature are just totally resonating every time I come and listen to their music. The pitch is just right, the vocal is right on and the beat is flawless. Of course as many acoustic music you might find it sleepy at times but I love them. There’s no harm in having a great sound accompanying you to sleep at night, is there? So get you feet wet on the milkyway to dreamland here,
This week alone I have over 30 artist that got in so I must say sorry I can’t list you all at one time. I’ve been trying to tone it down but you guys just keep popping up. I can only choose those that really caught my eyes. As I said you may request for a feature if you want to because that part of the programme is still really new and the request is pretty minimal at the moment. And you get a big spread all for yourself haha.
Now let’s get back to business, let me see if there’s any rocker in town this time....... I have been a fan of Jason Reeves since I don’t know when. Simply because I find that the sound is unique. You can’t actually pick up the guitar and just pick it. I mean after listening to so many songs and artist, you know exactly what to pick and who is really in the wave or great things. Jason Reeves is one of those guy that you say, once you listen to him you want to go on to find out what more can he do with that small woody guitar of his...... His sound is not perfect, his arrangement is not exactly smooth out. Yet the ruggedness in his voice is what stop traffic. It’s like this show on the road that when you walk by you just can’t help to stop and stay to listen to the whole song and wanting more afterwards. It the perfect walking mp3 to my IPod now. I can walk all day and enjoy the sky for all I care with this one. So remember to have a look at
There, there, finally a more poppy sound from Matt White. It’s young, hype, not the usually Britney Spears Bubble gum pop, it’s a more like a Teddy Geiger type. Only it sound like Matt is more at ease with this style here. Flowing in and out of the tune with some of his perfect falsetto. I love the way that he did all of the songs effortlessly. It’s just smooth all around. You just could leave this sound alone for a while cos there’s so many surprises in vocal that you just want to repeat and repeat again. I simply am intrigue by his arrangements. Check out the sound at

Rocker’s watch out. Here’s one for you, Max Morgan. When I listen to Max it’s like watching Richard Marx is his good old days again, in a good way I mean. This one man show spell spectacular in a really querky way. It’s not Red Hot Chilli Pepper, It’s not Green Day, it’s a little bit of U2 and Jon Bon Jovi. You definitely won’t find any sweet bubble gum tune in this one. So you batter be prepare to be stunned. It’s such natural beauty rock that you just want to melt into the beat. So have a taste of this rock candy

As for band, I’ll go for a more folk-y tune of Noah and the Whale. I just love the alternative instrument they use in their music. It just makes the music sound more interesting yet not African. I just love it. they just keep banging on everything and making that orchestra of instrument that just perfect for that one tune. So if you are just looking for that sound that really feel like a sea breeze to the cheek . this is the one.
Most of this music may not be mainstream but line is a gem why follow everyone’s path when you can slash your own? So I hope this week we’ve brought you some inspiration to your weeks ahead. All the Best. For more artist check out my friend list at

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

in memory of 9/11

Today will the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 I have long passed and I think we all have long passed the incident but I hope that no one have forgot what had happen. I don’t think any of us can forget about it. I’m not here to pass out congrates nor regrets. Just like any incident in history. Instead of fear we should face our life head up high and strengthen our heart however we can. Still the war is going on and the fear of terrorism is still there. But the most important part is we lived on and to honour those we have lost and cherish, we should life a more wonderful and full life and not live in fear and sorrow. I’m sure that my friend and family would like that. Therefore I pray that all troops from around the world would have their resolution soon and back home celebrating with their family soon. Peace. Love.

Book with love, non-fiction, made up, and some what realistic.

My non-Fiction feature for reading this month would be the You Series from Dr Oz. Starting with You: the Owner’s manual. Then You: on a Diet to You: Staying young. All three books give us great insights about our own body and how it works when we do something like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating grease, or taking vitamin or when we are sick. It even tell us plenty about cancer and how eating, sleeping, having sex and exercises works. I follow the plan and gain some visible muscle finally. So give it a try if you want to change your life now. Everything from head to toe, inside out and more and more even intimate detail about sex, there’s nothing off limit and totally clear up everything in my mind with a question marks when you read them.

As for the fictional entry of the month, I’m going young once more after finishing the Harry Potter saga while waiting for the Inheritance saga’s Brisingr to come out. I’m reading Twilight as my sleeping aid now or morning wake up call. Well, like Harry Potter. It’s a teenager story book so it’s not really that hard to understand. Just that it’s a more of a love story. And I believe with the right director, the November debut of the movie will be a hit. Because it captures the heart of the youngster imagination and the adult’s fascination for supernatural and action and the tween lust for love. All of the necessary element is there. Just need a person who has the power to master mind the gathering of the talent. So If you are into teen’s story, vampire and plenty of great plots, you’ll like this one.

I would suggest you guys to take on Eat, Pray, Love as well. it is about the author’s journey after her divorce to healing and fall in love again. Going to Italy to eat for 3 months. And start her spiritual journey in India for the next 3 months and the falling in love again. Or is it one year each??? I can’t remember as I haven’t start reading that. Which is why I’m hesitant to recommend but no harm. We can start together. It’ll be a great journey too to start one something non-fiction yet is a great story and not a biography or advisory edition.
So I hope you all will enjoy my recommendation

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photog and Paparazzi!!!!!!

One of my friend is talking to me about getting bugged by the Photog.... I don't know how to say it. this is a trade off for being famous. Though I approach the issue a little bit differently. I'm not a famous person so I may not know the particular stress, but we are all normal human being and have different sets of problems that comes with different territory. You want to be known so you can actually have people lights up in their mind when they are creating a role and ask for you to be in it. So there comes the gossip and the news. But not necessarily you have to view it that way. Nor is it with the paparazzi. Yes, they are invasive at times, they are dangerous even sometimes. But if you are not really looking for a fight then stop going out. Make sure that your home is protected safely at times, hire body guard that would patrol your house every night if you can. But there’s no reason to be bothered by them. At some level if you let them they are human too. There’s not many of them that they can chase at once. So if you lay low, until there’s another person that they can chase to they will eventually go away. That is in the principle of Law of Attraction that deep in your heart you are not looking for the attention. If you are then you are going to get what you ask for. Fame and whatever that comes with it. which is I don’t like too many of the reality show. You are just looking for trouble. But if you are able to be open about it and accept any criticism that comes from outside the fishbow, you may choose to do so. It’s your own choice to be involve. To me, they are just complicated and I don’t really have to deal with it unless I actually go to one of my friend in the Hollywood Land. I’m pretty content here, just being here and leave a space for my friend to tell me any jokes they want to out on the Photog.
It is a 2 way street. You may think they don’t deserve any of your respect, but if you respect them, some way they do respect you. And if you are going to jump into the lake, you’ll have to be ready to take the bite from the Shark. I do not endorse anything to promote invasion of privacy, but it’s not much different that managing any office politics, you just have to deal with it and take it as a day in the office. I don’t even like gossip. Cos it’s just got nothing to do with me or anyone else for that matter. But I know it that if you don’t get your own act together how are you gonna convince other people that it’s not your own doing that attracted the hostility? Anyway, if you are not looking for it. when the situation gets really rough there’s always your family and true friends and the police around. Just keep a cool mind and let whatever that’s unnecessary to bother alone. Remember Don’t Sweat about the Small Stuff.... and all Stuff are Small Stuff. Trust me if you just open up your mind. You’ll realise that sometimes fear are just and illusion, so do hate and anger, it’s something made up by you in your own mind. Remember that holding grudge or getting angry are someone is like taking poison yourself and hoping the person you hate to die. It’s not worth it to poison your soul with such toxic. Just let go and relax.
At Last I wish that all of you out there having the same problem will have your own resolution. All the Best. Check out mySpace

My Appreciation and come and get connected

Guys, I can't thank you enough for all your support. your comments and encouragement. to have over 800 new friends in 4 months is totally crazy. I love the inspiration, the music and the sound, the company, as well as for those of you willing to share your great experience and your travelling adventure I love all the photo you guys send on your trip and your interviews with me and all your creation in sound and visual. I love you all. there for I extend my invitation to all of you. be it Model, Photographer or Celebrity or Artist or ordinary life......(that's what you think. no one person is ordinary for all of us are unique in our own ways.) to add me in Myspace and send me a message or add in any comment. and if you wish to have an online interview with me like the rest of the feature just say so. and I'll get everything done and you'll be feature straight away.
Beginning of the Fall is not dull. it's a total excitement to life a full life again. Enjoy.
All the Best Everyone.

The Fall have started with a Bang!!!!!!!!!

It’s the fall again, and you know what that means? Plenty of old and new show to watch on TV!!! HAHA!
I don’t have much to recommend because I myself have tone down my TV watching time to a more modest book ready session. But besides the Oprah and Ellen show that I recommend for daily dosage. There are definitely much buzz about some of the new series and the old.
First up would be the old-becoming-new 90210. With a new cast and a much buzz old cast returning. The show started this last week with a bang. And I’m sure the show would be another hit among teen-tween demography. 90201 is probably the only visible rival to the other prime time favourite teen angst series.
Returning to a much hyped second season and hotter than ever is of course “Gossip Girl”. There’s no doubt the hottest show ever to move into LaLa land and taking over the spot of Sex and the City for the teens. Gossip Girl will sure be around for quite some more with all those gossipy plot in the pocket and the star hitting up the buzz wave all around.
One show that’s going back and my congratulation to everyone in it is the heading for syndication “One Tree Hill”, after 5 years into the scene, the 6th season is finally here and heading towards it’s 100th episodes still strong in the box office. With the syndication on the line up, it means that the show will finally be picked up by other network and up for grab and replayed for many and many more times around. Congratulation, you guys comes a long way since the O.C. era, and the WB-CW period and the whole writer strike and the whole fight to stay ahead of all the new show. Hope to see you guys more later.
Well, no need to say. One action series will be returning in Heroes with their own season premiere last week. Then there is Grey’s Anatomy for your doses of primetime General Hospital addiction. On the cable side, Showtime will be coming strong again with plenty of favourite, Dexter, Californiacation, Entourage, and the new Vampire drama in sync with the fall debut of Twilight “True Blood”.
For some much more adult audiences, Mad Men will be back and Office too, that’s all I’m gonna give here, HAHA!
There’s plenty of games show and sports event, SNL have already started with the follow up of Deal or No Deal and Survivor, Hole and Wipeout and don’t forget the real battle of the century, Obama and McCain for the presidential Election.
Mark the return of American Idol in January and then the Dancing with the Stars have already launches their preview of the Stars. We’ll see Kim Kardashian and Cody Linley, the youngest contestant ever, among the young one’s moving on the dance floor. We see the return of the Boys Bander Lance Bass and the once-incomparable (still is to me) Toni Braxton. And the battle of the Champion, former and current Maurice Greene, Misty May-Treanor, Warren Sapp.
There will be several new show revealing themselves in the coming month so stay tune.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fashion Rocks 2008

Let’s have a quick round up of some great story of the week.
Of course everyone is talking about McCain choices of a woman vice and Obama gave a bomb with the male vice, and Palin’s endeavour with her daughter situation. Let’s hope that the presidential run this year will be more than some back stabbing action.
Next up besides the MTV hurdle, Fashion week for this year’s Fall and Spring season is on and New York kicks off with as usual Fashion Rocks. With Beyonce returning after her marriage, Justin Timberlake on the stage shaking his booty. Miley is an unstoppable force to walk into the adult dominated world of fashion with a bang. And of course you’ll see all the stylish Famous people, like Charlize and Mary J., Fergie, Rihanna and Chris Brown, Natasha Bedingfield, Mariah Carey. All the ladies gather on stage and did a great feed of “Just Stand Up” which is a live Feed for the Simul-launch of the Stand Up To Cancer Telethon Charity, which by now have confirm to have exceeded 100 Mill collection. A great, great news to all out there that is rooting for the cause. I myself included. Charlize and Hillary Swank, both Oscar Crowned Queen introduce the group. Of course you can’t just stop a nights of celebration of fashion with just one act, Timberlake, Kid Rock, Keith Urban, Duffy, The Pussycat Dolls and The Black Eye Peas is in on it too. And it seems the party is far more hotter than the VMA now. The highlights of the night of course would be Justin Duet with Beyonce on “Ain’t Nothing like the Real Thing”.
Well, others in attendance of course include the hottest cast in TV show, Gossip Girl and Hero which I recon next year would include another bunch of new gang, 90210 new and old batch. Where is the Jonas Brothers and High School Musical Clan? Well, the industry is officially shifted to the teen-tween range and no more hot stuff for the adult. You need to be young to be hip now. HAHA!

2008 MTV VMA - A Flop or winner? I think it's in the middle. it just felt a little bit short

The 2008 VMA...... have the American MTV people gone British?
I don’t know. It’s just not the same anymore. Making a concert in a sound stage. A sound stage is meant for sound absorption and not resonance. There’s totally no echo in the stage. Which makes the performer have to work harder for it. the host? Russell Brand. I’ve never understand him and I don’t pretend to be. But I believe the slap on the current US President and the jokes on the Jonas Brothers virginity just doesn’t seem to travel very far. There’s apparently no jokes on Britney this year. And trust me I totally think that Britney’s Manager did a terrific job taking care of her, which actually got her the first VMA 2008 award and her first MTV moonman ever. And of course continue to winning 2 more.
Actually if I don’t recall wrongly, Chris Rock had did the same stunt joke in the VMA before. The same old jokes that’s same as the sound effect as the studio, no resonance at all. and I think that is the last year he hosted the show. So I guess this will be Russell first and last show for the VMA. It has become an even harder show to do than the OSCAR. You know what time it’s a great show? When there’s no bad jokes but classy act like the one hosted by P. Diddy. It’s just class all the way.
Well, I guess it’s time for the new generation, Chris Brown and Rihanna is totally in this time. and Jonas Brother.
Now, let us forget about the negativity. After Rihanna trying hard to start the show with her Chart topping Disturbia, and the giving out of the first and second awards, the Jonas brothers take an outdoor stage, in the fake Paramount studio and brought us back to the time when Big Bird yellow tail still roam the street, half way through the songs finally it opens up to almost the same way the Grammy opens for the Jonas Brothers, screaming fans and rock and roll. Only this time there’s less rockin. Katy Perry close the section after that.
Well, how can you brush away the Phelps mania and another standing ovation for the Hero of the Games? So he got the chance to introduce a totally original collaboration performance of Leona Lewis, Lil Wayne and T-Pain. And the reformed Pussycat Dolls got the best Dance. And out of the corner of the eye..... is that Kolby Bryant? Is the whole Olympics can there? Well, apparently no one cares now, cos after the act, Twilight’s cast is there before being interrupted by Russell and jump into the intro of Paramore and stop them from actually promoting the most promising movie of the year, the movie that actually knocks off Harry Potter off it’s original release slot. I think some bosses will not be really happy about it this time.... oops! He did it again!! And as for Paramore’s performance. Now that’s what I call a rocking performance, HAHA they kick ass last night. The true eye opener.
And we see the return of Shia LaBeouf, after becoming famous..... he got a definite glow this time. to give out the award of Best Rock. And there’s simply no doubt that Linkin Park’s return will come to a full circle this time. with Shia hiding his hand cast all the time. then the cameo of Miley playing with the Tokio Hotel in the back stage and introduce Pink’s performance. Which is filled with plenty of broken glases and Pyro technic galore.A hot performance that got the back drop burning and Pink almost pull a Janet with her opened button down shirt.
Pete Wentz and Ashley Simpson have a kinks on the Tabloids about their “allegedly not gonna last” relationship. And Best Hip Hop is instorduce by McLovin? Now this year’s MTV VMA really is a strange bunch of mixes. Lil Wayne take home Best Hip Hop and then Jordin Sparks take a swing at the jokes made about the Promise ring (those of you who don’t know what that is, that’s a ring signifying the promises of boys and girls who wish to remain a virgin before they get married. Jonas Brothers and Jordin all have one on them. It is a personal choice, nothing against it) and a wardrobe change, John Legend in black introduce T.I. After which performing in the outdoor, gone indoor to perform another show stopper with Rihanna of a mix of the popular 2006 O-Zone’s disco sound, Dragostea Din Tei .
Ext up of course when you are in the industry, with everyone how can you not get the Hish School Musical clan in the blend. So here comes, Zach, Vennessa, Ashley and Corbin, who are there to introduce Christina Arguilera who did a Genie in the Bottle Alter-mix and her new songs.
And Chace Crawford and Lauren Conrad came out and present the award of Best New Artist to a totally unexpected win. Tokio Hotel. Beating off the American’s voted Idol Jordin?! Not that’s a surprise. Congratulation to Tokio Hotel. You guys does deserve it and it is time to put some hard rocking sound into the bottle.
Paris Hilton is up next to give out Best Pop and no need to speculate, Britney take home the award for the second term. And LL Cool J comes out of no where and promotes his new Album in the corner lot performing area. And next up is Kid Rock with Lil Wayne (apparently this year Lil Wayne is the new hot collaborator and Producer of the year). Nothing better than some old style Rockin now. (About time.) introduced by another batch of teen star, Zack and Drake.
And to close off the Show is Kanye West who vow to not come back for the MTV.... I guess the industry does need some help these days.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

EAgle Eye and Blindness??! They Are this month's movie lineup man

What’s on the roaster this month you ask? Did you enjoy the Transformer saga last year? Well, The dynamic Spielberg is coming back with his beloved pupil, Shia Lebeouf this year with another thriller saga, Eagle Eye.

An innocent guy, framed and force to do things that’s out of his control...... who’s doing the control, Shia Labeouf’s character and another girl is in the plot. But who is plotting. They created chaos, chased by the Cops, and framed to terrorism and in the middle actually forced to rob and became real criminal, but all the while they are only listening to the threats of a woman on the phone. No matter how far they try to run, she just catch up with them as if she has the all seeing eye. or maybe she doesn’t exist at all or she is not human at all... it’s a great suspense thriller.

Some futuristic tragedy movie, Blindness. At the turn of the century, there an outbreak of a strange disease where all infected is going blind gradually but in a fast pace. Those infected is quarantined and those loved one that wouldn’t want to let go simply take the risk and goes into the quarantine zone with them. Would you sacrifice your loved ones and be lost to them forever? Or will you be by their side through thick and thin. This movie, rather using the very much overused Zombie plot, it’s using a softer touch of a slow but not inhumane desease to bring out the terror, examine human possible reaction to such disaster

This Weeks movie review

Wow without me noticing, it’s been over a month since I last put on a movie review. Actually I didn’t stop going to the movies even in the Olympics month. Just that I’m not writing about it. I guess it is time to continue my venture into that area of the visual stimulation.

I have gone on both the new Death Race and Babylon A.D. Saga.
Death Race is what I have expected even better than it’s predecessor Death Race 2000, which stars Sylvester Stallone. But to call Jason Statham as the successor of Stallone...... is a bit odd. Because though they are both buffed and act as tough guys in movies. Stallone is forever Rocky and Rambo. But Statham stand in the most unique places of an action star with limited artistic movie and a martial Art background, that alone is an impressive resume that’s open up far wider genre for Statham. The story is simple and fast pace. There’s almost not a single moment of dullness. And before you know it, it’s over. It’s almost like you are watching a great game play out in front of you. Wait...... we are watching a great game play out, only it’s all set up for our viewing pleasure. It was as it everything is in reverse in these 2 movies.

While Death Race is a successful Action movie, there’s not much in the story line or original idea. It’s just thrilling from beginning to the end. While Babylon A.D. have a fresher and original idea in the story line and the plot is far more widespread, yet the start is just ok, by the time you reach the middle the climax is already over and when you reach the end, it just left you hanging with a less than nothing ending. There are ideas but the early climax and the long second half anti-climatic just seems too..... long winded. (While I was watching Babylon A.D. I can’t stop myself from thinking that Vin Diesel is like the new generation clone of Stallone. Another reversed fact of both movies.) It’s not a totally disappointment, the idea is good but just that the script simply is not good enough in this case.

Well, the Battle Between the Davids just keep on coming

David Archuleta and David Cook face off again last month with the release of their first previously unreleased or performed single.
I was listening to David Archuleta’s new single, Crush. (Can’t seem to find David Cooks’ not even in his own mySpace. A Big No No!!!!) While there’s a buzz about Archuleta taking the lead in the single sales. (This is why.)I must admit the single is just ok for me. Not that David Cook’s are far better. But just by Archuleta’s standard of performance it’s not the best. I don’t really feel it. So though he may snatch the first spot with this new previously unreleased single but I hope there are something better in store from David Archuleta before the new Album’s November’s release. It’s a shame that a good artist is wasted because of wrong song choices. Sometimes they are just too special to categorize and since no one ever heard them singing their own material, producer don’t really know where to start with them. That’s just the game. You gotta take the risk and let the rest fall into places. You just can’t really reign David A in with a smooth soft touch. He is a powerful singer so you need to mix the note up. Play around a bit David. That’s your advantage, the flexibility of your voice is the weapon man. I wish all the best to the guy man.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

{Satelite State} Will Rock Your House Down. Our Feature artist of September 2008

Our feature of the week is {Satelite state}. A group of five hail from London England. You’d have thought that all British group produces the same sound yet what {Satelite State} offers a different dimension of sound to the rock scene. It’s not Pop, it’s not exactly Rock. It’s Indie and yet something more. So if you are looking for something that rocking and still soft to the ear. Here they are. And this is my interview with them a couple of days ago. Enjoy. Check em out at

Q:Who is who and what's you playing in the band.

A:Gary Nicks - plays accoustic guitar and is the lead singer

Ryan Nicks - plays drums, synths & provides backing vocals

Ian Cooke - Plays Bass

Ciaran Stephens - plays lead guitar and provides backing vocals and sanity

Will Gray - plays naked tennis and keyboards.

Q:So how long have you guys been as a band? And how did the band's name come about? Who your inspiration?

A:We have been together in the current line-up for 3 years, the initial outfit (Ornakay) consisted of Ryan, Gary & Ian, who kept alive a dream to get a decent band out there. They recruited Ciaran & Will to complete the line-up in 2005 and the rest is history. the name {satellite-state} came about after a name amnesty, as we wanted something we thought would stand out nicely for us, and {satellite-state} seemed appropriate. As for inspirations, its a long story, we all have many bands we aspire to and i think thats what brings out the sound that we have.

Q:As a group that is writing your own material they sound wonderful, where do you get your inspiration from?

A:As above, we all listen to a varied range of music and styles and like to take an unorthodox approach to writing tunes. Anything goes, and if it conforms to the {satellite-state} template of music construction, then a new song will be born.

Q:Why, pop-Rock or should we say Soft-Rock?
A:most bands find it easy to catagorise into the "indie" umbrella, and although we probably are indie-rock come pop rock, we just chose pop rock as we see ourselves more commercial rather than independant lable typeBeing an unsigned band, are you now looking for some record deal or just happy where you are as an online band? what band isnt looking for a record deal? :) We have been working towards getting a deal from day one, that was the prime objective, along with getting a great live show, and putting out a great record, and getting out there and having fun with it :)

Q:There's a show coming in a couple of weeks. What are you guys expecting?

A:This will be our last show for a while, we are taking a break to go off and recouperate and start the writing machine up again, lay down some demos and look towards the next single. This gig will be great to play as we have a couple of great bands we know joining us, and it will be a fitting end to all the work we have put in this year. you coming? :)
My A: Sure I will if I get the chance, But now I’m too far off the continent. So hope you guys have a great time performing. And Best of luck on your next creation.

Q:Any future wishes or something in the bag these days?

A:Well there have been all sorts of ideas for the future, but one i can recall is Gary's idea of building "down" from the studio we currently have, he has an idea of building a nuclear war bunker for some reason, i'm all up for watching him do it, and using any extra space..hehe..No doubt we should have some new tunes on the way early 2009.

Q:How can people get hold of you guys if they want to book you guys for a show?

A:That's easy, just e-mail our manager - or drops us a line on @ or

Q:Now something more personal.... who's single and who's not?

A:Now that is personal!! Lets just say, that 1 band member is married, 3 are currently in relationships and 1 is every girls dream!

Q:Well, there're a lot of different cases that happen in London are pretty F*** up, like Amy Winehouse, the tabloids. So what's you view on Sex, Drugs and Alcohol?

A:All at the same time? great!

I always love an interview that goes right. British, I like the European. In many ways they are less up tight and have a sense of humor in any little small things that we think is serious matter and they just snug it off with a swift of laugh. I hope them all the success they deserve. Rock on guys.