Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Photog and Paparazzi!!!!!!

One of my friend is talking to me about getting bugged by the Photog.... I don't know how to say it. this is a trade off for being famous. Though I approach the issue a little bit differently. I'm not a famous person so I may not know the particular stress, but we are all normal human being and have different sets of problems that comes with different territory. You want to be known so you can actually have people lights up in their mind when they are creating a role and ask for you to be in it. So there comes the gossip and the news. But not necessarily you have to view it that way. Nor is it with the paparazzi. Yes, they are invasive at times, they are dangerous even sometimes. But if you are not really looking for a fight then stop going out. Make sure that your home is protected safely at times, hire body guard that would patrol your house every night if you can. But there’s no reason to be bothered by them. At some level if you let them they are human too. There’s not many of them that they can chase at once. So if you lay low, until there’s another person that they can chase to they will eventually go away. That is in the principle of Law of Attraction that deep in your heart you are not looking for the attention. If you are then you are going to get what you ask for. Fame and whatever that comes with it. which is I don’t like too many of the reality show. You are just looking for trouble. But if you are able to be open about it and accept any criticism that comes from outside the fishbow, you may choose to do so. It’s your own choice to be involve. To me, they are just complicated and I don’t really have to deal with it unless I actually go to one of my friend in the Hollywood Land. I’m pretty content here, just being here and leave a space for my friend to tell me any jokes they want to out on the Photog.
It is a 2 way street. You may think they don’t deserve any of your respect, but if you respect them, some way they do respect you. And if you are going to jump into the lake, you’ll have to be ready to take the bite from the Shark. I do not endorse anything to promote invasion of privacy, but it’s not much different that managing any office politics, you just have to deal with it and take it as a day in the office. I don’t even like gossip. Cos it’s just got nothing to do with me or anyone else for that matter. But I know it that if you don’t get your own act together how are you gonna convince other people that it’s not your own doing that attracted the hostility? Anyway, if you are not looking for it. when the situation gets really rough there’s always your family and true friends and the police around. Just keep a cool mind and let whatever that’s unnecessary to bother alone. Remember Don’t Sweat about the Small Stuff.... and all Stuff are Small Stuff. Trust me if you just open up your mind. You’ll realise that sometimes fear are just and illusion, so do hate and anger, it’s something made up by you in your own mind. Remember that holding grudge or getting angry are someone is like taking poison yourself and hoping the person you hate to die. It’s not worth it to poison your soul with such toxic. Just let go and relax.
At Last I wish that all of you out there having the same problem will have your own resolution. All the Best. Check out mySpace myspace.com/keitoshichin

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