Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Check out the new Artist of the month

It’s time for this month’s new artists feature, just a few minutes ago I got a surprise friend request to mySpace, totally ambushed me. It’s Diddy. The one and only P. Diddy. I’m totally speechless then. Thanks for coming into my list. I wonder what I can do for you? HAHA!
Anyway let’s come back to the real business here. Business as usual, it’s been a pretty slow week, as the friendlist creeping slowly to the 1000 mark in mySpace. There’s at least more than 30 artist register into my list this month.

I’ll start with the obvious of the month, Secondhand Serenade. I don’t know how many of you have heard of him. John is one of the great artist I realises on the mock up of MTV. I have long lay off my MTV life for the twilight reading. But the other day when I heard him over the TV background, I find that I’m mesmerizes. It is sensual and strong, really made an impact when I’m so bored. He is a bit on the pop-rock side of the One Republic region. He is soft yet energetic. Proves that you do not have to act tough to be a great tough cookie. Sometimes if you react with some soft technique will proves to creates better result. And in music it’s the ultimate attraction. So check this out you won’t regret it.

** just one small note before we move on, Chris O Donis’ new album is out. Go and grab one. He is one of the most energetic young artist I’ve heard this year.

Next up will be Hometown Hero, Alex is a what I call acoustic powerhouse. Young artist like him always have a energetic sound to their music and this one is no different. But what’s different is that I enjoy the one man show kind of rockin style he holds. It’s been a while since the last time I actually got any artist with one guitar on his hand still can hold the show all alone just with the guitar and his vocal. This one I bet is one that I think no one should miss. The mixes maybe a bit mess but the arrangement with some fine tuning will holds on it’s own definitely. I just love this smoothness of the songs under all the rough edges. If this was a recording that’s not done with a studio, then it’s a superb job that’s even better than many studio work I’ve heard. Check them out at

As for the real mixes side, we got DJ Stript, No! Don’t expect any strip tease here, there’s no lap dancing. But if you are one like me, totally dig the house mix and the electro sound. This is the one. Breaking it down simply, it will totally bring your house down to the ground and under. So let’s pump up the volume and shake the socks off everyone in the apartment HAHA! My neighbours been nagging me to stop but I just can’t. It’s just too good to be true. So go smash up some glasses with this one at

While we have Hometown Hero this week on the strumming section, Tyler Kyte is the expert of the picking section. In fact he is the only one artist that I’ve downloaded any new songs from. (probably because it’s free.), anyway, while both Alex of hometown Hero presented a fulled filling of arrangements, Tyler represent the one that creates a sensible space between notes which makes his music much more receptacle to seeps into your bones and enjoy the peacefulness of his shouting. HAHA! You’ll understand what I mean. He is more of a Train type kinda musician. So Enjoy!

I wish that I don’t have to feature too many acoustic or pop artist here yet, the R&B non-recording artist type sometimes proves to be a bit lesser. So there’s not much choice. And by natural selection my group of friends have really few heavy metal type that can really produce more than annoying noise so that’s why there’s very few new artist feature that can come in. But I do get a couple of great groups once a while. There’s an alternative to all the teen pop, Callahan is the band. It’s just having a supernova at home. They may not be as handsome as the Jonas but their music is far far too professional for their age. I mean even if you are not into them, their music could probably pass for any award winning band out there. It’s totally rock and it’s totally pop and the composition is flawless. And so give them what they deserve

Well after we have gone through with the band let’s get back to the main stream of my page here. HAHA! It’s not fair to let go any of them just because there’s not enough space...... the ratio of the artist here are almost 5 to one for pop to rock/R&B/ Rap so i have to do them a little bit of justice. This one is a little bit of on the soft pop side. Of all the artist I’m feature here, Todd would be one of the most cheery and soft. I totally like the smoothness of his voice and the sensible handsomeness of the lyrics. Hope you all would get a thrill on this at

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