Monday, September 8, 2008

2008 MTV VMA - A Flop or winner? I think it's in the middle. it just felt a little bit short

The 2008 VMA...... have the American MTV people gone British?
I don’t know. It’s just not the same anymore. Making a concert in a sound stage. A sound stage is meant for sound absorption and not resonance. There’s totally no echo in the stage. Which makes the performer have to work harder for it. the host? Russell Brand. I’ve never understand him and I don’t pretend to be. But I believe the slap on the current US President and the jokes on the Jonas Brothers virginity just doesn’t seem to travel very far. There’s apparently no jokes on Britney this year. And trust me I totally think that Britney’s Manager did a terrific job taking care of her, which actually got her the first VMA 2008 award and her first MTV moonman ever. And of course continue to winning 2 more.
Actually if I don’t recall wrongly, Chris Rock had did the same stunt joke in the VMA before. The same old jokes that’s same as the sound effect as the studio, no resonance at all. and I think that is the last year he hosted the show. So I guess this will be Russell first and last show for the VMA. It has become an even harder show to do than the OSCAR. You know what time it’s a great show? When there’s no bad jokes but classy act like the one hosted by P. Diddy. It’s just class all the way.
Well, I guess it’s time for the new generation, Chris Brown and Rihanna is totally in this time. and Jonas Brother.
Now, let us forget about the negativity. After Rihanna trying hard to start the show with her Chart topping Disturbia, and the giving out of the first and second awards, the Jonas brothers take an outdoor stage, in the fake Paramount studio and brought us back to the time when Big Bird yellow tail still roam the street, half way through the songs finally it opens up to almost the same way the Grammy opens for the Jonas Brothers, screaming fans and rock and roll. Only this time there’s less rockin. Katy Perry close the section after that.
Well, how can you brush away the Phelps mania and another standing ovation for the Hero of the Games? So he got the chance to introduce a totally original collaboration performance of Leona Lewis, Lil Wayne and T-Pain. And the reformed Pussycat Dolls got the best Dance. And out of the corner of the eye..... is that Kolby Bryant? Is the whole Olympics can there? Well, apparently no one cares now, cos after the act, Twilight’s cast is there before being interrupted by Russell and jump into the intro of Paramore and stop them from actually promoting the most promising movie of the year, the movie that actually knocks off Harry Potter off it’s original release slot. I think some bosses will not be really happy about it this time.... oops! He did it again!! And as for Paramore’s performance. Now that’s what I call a rocking performance, HAHA they kick ass last night. The true eye opener.
And we see the return of Shia LaBeouf, after becoming famous..... he got a definite glow this time. to give out the award of Best Rock. And there’s simply no doubt that Linkin Park’s return will come to a full circle this time. with Shia hiding his hand cast all the time. then the cameo of Miley playing with the Tokio Hotel in the back stage and introduce Pink’s performance. Which is filled with plenty of broken glases and Pyro technic galore.A hot performance that got the back drop burning and Pink almost pull a Janet with her opened button down shirt.
Pete Wentz and Ashley Simpson have a kinks on the Tabloids about their “allegedly not gonna last” relationship. And Best Hip Hop is instorduce by McLovin? Now this year’s MTV VMA really is a strange bunch of mixes. Lil Wayne take home Best Hip Hop and then Jordin Sparks take a swing at the jokes made about the Promise ring (those of you who don’t know what that is, that’s a ring signifying the promises of boys and girls who wish to remain a virgin before they get married. Jonas Brothers and Jordin all have one on them. It is a personal choice, nothing against it) and a wardrobe change, John Legend in black introduce T.I. After which performing in the outdoor, gone indoor to perform another show stopper with Rihanna of a mix of the popular 2006 O-Zone’s disco sound, Dragostea Din Tei .
Ext up of course when you are in the industry, with everyone how can you not get the Hish School Musical clan in the blend. So here comes, Zach, Vennessa, Ashley and Corbin, who are there to introduce Christina Arguilera who did a Genie in the Bottle Alter-mix and her new songs.
And Chace Crawford and Lauren Conrad came out and present the award of Best New Artist to a totally unexpected win. Tokio Hotel. Beating off the American’s voted Idol Jordin?! Not that’s a surprise. Congratulation to Tokio Hotel. You guys does deserve it and it is time to put some hard rocking sound into the bottle.
Paris Hilton is up next to give out Best Pop and no need to speculate, Britney take home the award for the second term. And LL Cool J comes out of no where and promotes his new Album in the corner lot performing area. And next up is Kid Rock with Lil Wayne (apparently this year Lil Wayne is the new hot collaborator and Producer of the year). Nothing better than some old style Rockin now. (About time.) introduced by another batch of teen star, Zack and Drake.
And to close off the Show is Kanye West who vow to not come back for the MTV.... I guess the industry does need some help these days.

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