Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well, the Battle Between the Davids just keep on coming

David Archuleta and David Cook face off again last month with the release of their first previously unreleased or performed single.
I was listening to David Archuleta’s new single, Crush. (Can’t seem to find David Cooks’ not even in his own mySpace. A Big No No!!!!) While there’s a buzz about Archuleta taking the lead in the single sales. (This is why.)I must admit the single is just ok for me. Not that David Cook’s are far better. But just by Archuleta’s standard of performance it’s not the best. I don’t really feel it. So though he may snatch the first spot with this new previously unreleased single but I hope there are something better in store from David Archuleta before the new Album’s November’s release. It’s a shame that a good artist is wasted because of wrong song choices. Sometimes they are just too special to categorize and since no one ever heard them singing their own material, producer don’t really know where to start with them. That’s just the game. You gotta take the risk and let the rest fall into places. You just can’t really reign David A in with a smooth soft touch. He is a powerful singer so you need to mix the note up. Play around a bit David. That’s your advantage, the flexibility of your voice is the weapon man. I wish all the best to the guy man.

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