Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let's come and compare our notes on "The Last Lecture"

For any of you that have missed "The LAst Lecture" by the late Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon. He'd be the one person I'd consider a true hero.

You can check out the much covered lecture in details and more. Because the written edition of the Lecture is published and available to all book lover and none internet viewing audience. So now if you wonder what's your life is about and looking for courage to rediscover your own life's purpose. Or if you have no idea and don't really bother abour life itself, maybe you'd rethink twice after you read this book. I'd recommend anyone looking for courage to face the same situation that Professor Pausch have face in life or simply in every other little things in life that you think is blocking your way. simply said, you just have to move and get a copy and you'll find that your life is much more than it is not. no matter how rich or pour or superior or inferior you are there are still plenty of space in life for us to travel.

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