Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jay D Clark - The Philly Sound that's filled you up with joy and love. and laughter.

Jay D Clark's style is really unique, you find him infusing all that is traditional and inventive in one package. I always thought that there are 2 kinds of classic jazz, the standard jazz and the philly blues. We have heard pleanty of the classics with the ressurection by Michael Buble, but I've greatly missed the Philly sound. and Jay D Clark simply take it up a nodge with a bit of Raggae under tone. I have the privilege to meet him here when I first started, he always has this sensible personality, and his uniqueness shown whenever anyone flip through my 900++ friendlist, there's no one artist that holds any style close to his, he is that "outstanding", and It is my greatest pleasure to finally get to do a real one-to-one feature with him for you all. So Enjoy!

Hey Jay we have known each other for quite sometimes now. It’s great that finally we got a CD taking off.

Q:So how’s my first ever artist to register into my counter been?Fine I hope.

A: Hello, I didn't know I was the first ever artist to register in your counter, but I'm honored. All is well here in Philadelphia. Keeping busy getting this new record out around the globe and although summer just ended yesterday...I miss it already.

Q: Now let’s get into the business, let’s have a brief intro, you are Jay D Clark and who’s your band?

A: Yes, Jay D Clark is the new name, but it's complicated. My real name is Jason (which means one who searches for the truth) but I've been using the name JD Clark for years as a filmmaker, screenwriter, and musician. I found out not too long ago that there is a young country twangin singer in Texas already selling his record with that name so I had to formally change my professional name from JD to Jay D in order to release this first record. There's a lot Clark's in the world!

I produced this record with prolific skateboarder and musician Chuck Treece, who is also from Philly. He has previously played with bands like Bad Brains, Urge Overkill, the Roots, G Love, Billy Joel, Sting, Santogold, and many others. On this record, he played most all the instruments and I sang the songs I wrote. I'm now putting together my touring band from a great pool of musicians in Philly and also playing shows with various musicians of all sorts of instruments and styles.

Q: How long have you guys been together?

A: I've been playing solo for 15 years now, writing songs and playing on occasion with other musicians, but this is my first record and the project is still forming. A work in progress. I've known Chuck for a few years as he worked with legendary MC Schoolly D on a movie soundscape for my project Order of the Quest.

Q:Fall of the City, what’s the album about?

A: The album is about living free. Enjoying and appreciating life, while trying to learn and grow every day. Trying to understand the world and your place in it from many perspectives. Its about feeling good and taking those positive vibrations with you all day and night long. Good vibes can spread and the arts are the last bastion of free speech, so its how I can help make positive change in the world, while the world seems to fall apart all around us - the Fall of the City.

Q: did you get your inspiration from anywhere? How do one really start writing such songs with so distinctive style?

A: I am inspired every day by good and bad things I see, learn about, and experience for myself. One can learn from even the most ignorant people. I can be inspired to write a song or create anything at any time. That is the beauty of America, though my path has been unique, not mainstream.

As for my songs, I usually write the music and lyrics art the same time. I'll just start jamming on my guitar and flowing lyrics, usually freestyle and see what sticks. Sometimes I don't like the content or theme of the song's lyrics with the music so the next time I jam out I'll flow different lyrics because my head's in a different place. When it all flows together it usually just feels right. As if it were always a song and I just had the pleasure of pulling it out of the creative consciousness.

Q:You know I’ve always love your reggae-y Philly sound. Who is your favourite artist?

A: Bob Marley never made a bad song and did so much in such a little time. Amazing. I Love many artists and will still discover many more, but Bob Nesta Marley was and is my favourite ever.

That Explains the Raggae under tone in your style!

Q: what will be happening in the coming month? What can we expect from you guys?

A: I've been releasing this record all by myself on my PhillySmooth Productions label, which is a production company I started in 2003. It's been a lot of work doing everything myself so far, but a great learning experience, just like all my past producing experience in movies, videos, tv shows, etc. I've just sent the cd out to over 100 radio stations, I'm putting the touring band together, putting shows, tours together, writing new songs, I have the next record ready to go soon, and I'm also working on some screenplays for some movies as well. Time to get to work!! Chuck is releasing a new album from his skate rock band McRad and working with all sorts of other artists. He's like the Rick Rubin of the Philly underground music scene.

Q: It’s been a crazy month since the fall started, the hurricane and all the schedules and all. So Will we be expecting any new show in the near future?

A: Yes, crazy times at all times on planet earth. Imagine if they had the internet and world news back in the time of Ghengis Khan or Julius Caesar. The world could have seemed crazy and doomed then too, but it does feel like things are speeding up and getting out of hand in many ways, at least here in the US for sure. Our global economy and society runs on a system that is not perfect - lots of hypocrisy, greed, and deception - and can all come crashing down at any time if manipulated to do so or exposed. We may not be far from that now, which is scary, especially since most Americans live a blissfully ignorant existence when it comes to economy, foreign policy, or world news that doesn't involve a Hollywood celebrity. This awakening could be good or bad - it is up to we the people. The control over the minds of the masses is obvious and sad in many ways, but there is hope.

As for me, many shows coming soon. I've only played out about 15 times publicly in my life as I've concentrated most my time on other projects. I've played acoustically at parties and with friends forever but now its time to take the party on the road. I will play a lot in the Philly/New York/Washington DC area since its all 2 hrs away or less and hope to travel all over the US and the world soon. Hopefully I can see Malaysia by the end of next year too if the musical stars align.

Q: If someone actually wish to book you guys where should they go to and who to call?

A: As of now everything is still done directly through me at my Myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/jaydclarkmusic) or contact phillysmoothproductions@yahoo.com, but I'm working on some management that will take over these duties and allow me to work on other projects and create more. I'm hoping to create more of a buzz before getting out there on the road.

Now Let’s get a bit personal.

Q: Are you still single?

A: Yes, single at the moment and happy.

Q: any of your member looking?

A: Looking for what? Love? Always could use more Love =) Though I am never bored or lonely. If its meant to be it'll happen...

Q: I heard Philly got plenty of great food. Any suggestion?

A: Lots of great food here for sure. Any style you would ever want really and a good cheese steak is a necessity. As for a suggestion, Buddakan is a famous, well-respected hotspot from very successful owner Stephen Starr and my Uncle Stuart Pellegrino is the Sous chef there so you can't go wrong. There's a 10 foot tall golden Buddha statue which watches over the dining room, which provides good karma.

Q: What’s your advice to those musician or artist out there that’s still hoping and not moving?

A: there's lots of competition, lots of talented musicians, and lots of reasons people will never make it big but if you Love to create music you should always continue to do so. With technology today, it is relatively simple to record and release your own music but to really get big you must work hard, believe in yourself, and keep at it. I have no idea if my music will ever get big but I've already received enough Love from fans all over the world through the internet that its all worth the effort to me.

Well, that'd be all, thank you for taking the time to answer some of my question Jason. HAHA! And I wish you a great success with your CD, The Fall of The City and the one that's comin.
So are there anything that you would like to add before I close the session?

Well thank you for taking the time to reach out and listen to the tunes. I'll be spreading the Philly Love real soon and can't wait to hit up your part of the world either. Best of luck to everyone out there.
Peace and much Love,

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