Sunday, September 21, 2008

Life and movies

I know that I have been stagnant for the past week. Part of the reason for that is for me to really slow down and soak in all that have been happening for the past few months. There’s another negative part of the life I lead that hit a low cliff last week, which I don’t think is necessary to discuss and spread more negative energy out there. Let’s just say it’s my other job and it hit a low point last week.
Yet, thanks to one of my new friend from MySpace point out, why I am here for and all those lesson that I’ve learn from some far worst situation I’ve been in the past years.
EVOL, was never meant to be a Human Evolution Magazine ever as the plain text title suggest. I just thought it would be fun to reverse the spelling bit. It is actually about LOVE, LOVE for Life at first, then I expand to my passion, My Love for language, Music, Story, Literature, Movie. The Love of my friends, the love of my parents, the love from a child and to a child, my love for the world and all the love in this world. That’s all I can think of then when I started.
There’s no doubt someday we go into this hiatus and then trap in some habitual cycle now and then. That is fine. We ought to get some high time and low time once in a while. Instead of troubling myself with the problem, I find myself facing the problem head on and strong on my point and know my own life and mission. That is one thing I have. Even there’s no one out there that may understand all that my mind think off, it doesn’t have to. Time will come when they get to their own senses and understand themselves. The other day when I hit a low point, I switch on the TV and there Oprah is talking again about Law of Attraction and how there is a shallow surface in our being and the middle circle of Fire and only then we reach the core of peace in our inner self.
MY friend pointed out the theory of Don’t Fuzz the Small Stuff as too deep. Or rather I’d say you don’t really have to understand that deeper part that I actually illustrated by me. It’s just a really simple sentence “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff... And all stuff is small stuff”. Just that the word as it is and start revolving your life on that principle and you’ll get to your own understanding of it yourself. That’s the best part, it is the same word, but you don’t have to have exactly the same life as I have so explore it, experience it yourself and mould the principle to your own life and your own understanding. That’s the best part of those simple principle, like “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and “A New Earth” and “Law of Attraction”.
I myself have some ready value in me that’s sometimes that is helping me and sometimes ruining everything. My pride, my energy, my hyperactive mind, my fast pace life, my anger and my peace and my passion, all are mine and mine to manage, as everyone to themselves have their own positive value that helps them and some over obsession that ruin the situation that they need them tone down to manage their life. I use those principles to help me get my mind in tune with my feelings and taking care of my business. Which is why it’s hard to explain to people what I’ve gone through. It is personal, and if people have an previous impression that you are self-conscious and self-centred beforehand it’s hard to make them be objective and turn them around and think that you have change. Instead my solution is.... in order to reach my core of peace. I chosen to forgive whatever it is that’s in the way, him/her/ or me. It doesn’t mean that I condone such action on me or any of their behaviour towards me or others. But I just chosen to silently in my mind say living in the present there’s no ground for such small stuff that is ruining my time then and there and so I forgive it and forget it and move on with my present moment and start enjoying it, which by law of attraction if I could actually be peaceful within, sooner or later it will bring something good and better.
I’d like to suggest 2 movies for your viewing pleasure. There are times when a good film comes out you just know that you have to go and watch it. it doesn’t matter what the critics says, or if it is a blockbuster or not. It’s just right to watch.

One of those film is Freedom Writer. I haven’t really watched it. but I know exactly that I am going to go out and buy this one. Reason is that, it is true and it is exactly what I inspire to be, brave and embrace the world as we are. Yes I may not know what everyone goes through but I know that no matter what’s the deal, hatred, revenge, and hurting just for the sake of pride and rage is not the life I want to lead nor I wish to see in this world. And this film say exactly what I am doing here. Writing my own story, not for the sake of telling it, but to let myself know what I think under all the chaos too. All that those kids gone through are tough, and to overcome their adversity, they will grow to be a stronger being and beyond everyone’s successes. Yet those triumphs are their own as I got mine to conquer. And in no way it signifies the inferiority of myself or their. If any of it have any effect on me of the person in the story is my gratitude for what I have and learn in my life and magnify the greatness of their achievements.

The other movie is “Something New”, besides the obvious reason that it stars the sexy Simon Baker, it is a story about 2 person from different races coming together in Love. I love the story because of simply that, 2 persons that came from different world realises in life and love there’s no such thing called Different Love. They are all the same. Ironically, you have to have an idea and an inkling of racism in your mind to understand the important of the story. That’s just how it is. As my own experience, If I have actually walk away and study in a all Chinese school when I fail my primary for the local native language, I would not have discover English as part of my present and choose to pursue it to come to an understanding that it is the universal language to justify my pride in my own hereditary dialag (Chinese) and the national local language which in hate and come to love later. And now it seems it is just logical to expand my language range to Japanese, French, sign Language and eventually German for the hidden wisdom and knowledge behind such culture and technology advancement in those country.
At a very young age I have done a sum on all the things I wanted to do and the time I have and I conclude that I’d have not enough time to do them all and all those coming new stuff. Yet here we are sometimes saying that we are bored or something have to be on hold for some silly reason like, not enough money, family and pride worst of all is when we are acting something that we don’t plan to even take part in simply because someone said they want to do it and urges us to go along with and we do and wasted time of them. So what is it that you know in your heart you want to do? Now! Learn to paint? Go ahead, learn to dance? Go ahead! Why wait. Not that they will kill you if you actually take that 30 minutes each day to enjoy yourself. Find your true self and see thy self truthfully again and start enjoying this life truly for once. As Drew Barrymore says, not because it is short, not because we don’t have enough time, but because it is life and it is a beautiful one, if only you allow it to be. Just forgive, forget, relax and do it.

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