Wednesday, September 3, 2008

{Satelite State} Will Rock Your House Down. Our Feature artist of September 2008

Our feature of the week is {Satelite state}. A group of five hail from London England. You’d have thought that all British group produces the same sound yet what {Satelite State} offers a different dimension of sound to the rock scene. It’s not Pop, it’s not exactly Rock. It’s Indie and yet something more. So if you are looking for something that rocking and still soft to the ear. Here they are. And this is my interview with them a couple of days ago. Enjoy. Check em out at

Q:Who is who and what's you playing in the band.

A:Gary Nicks - plays accoustic guitar and is the lead singer

Ryan Nicks - plays drums, synths & provides backing vocals

Ian Cooke - Plays Bass

Ciaran Stephens - plays lead guitar and provides backing vocals and sanity

Will Gray - plays naked tennis and keyboards.

Q:So how long have you guys been as a band? And how did the band's name come about? Who your inspiration?

A:We have been together in the current line-up for 3 years, the initial outfit (Ornakay) consisted of Ryan, Gary & Ian, who kept alive a dream to get a decent band out there. They recruited Ciaran & Will to complete the line-up in 2005 and the rest is history. the name {satellite-state} came about after a name amnesty, as we wanted something we thought would stand out nicely for us, and {satellite-state} seemed appropriate. As for inspirations, its a long story, we all have many bands we aspire to and i think thats what brings out the sound that we have.

Q:As a group that is writing your own material they sound wonderful, where do you get your inspiration from?

A:As above, we all listen to a varied range of music and styles and like to take an unorthodox approach to writing tunes. Anything goes, and if it conforms to the {satellite-state} template of music construction, then a new song will be born.

Q:Why, pop-Rock or should we say Soft-Rock?
A:most bands find it easy to catagorise into the "indie" umbrella, and although we probably are indie-rock come pop rock, we just chose pop rock as we see ourselves more commercial rather than independant lable typeBeing an unsigned band, are you now looking for some record deal or just happy where you are as an online band? what band isnt looking for a record deal? :) We have been working towards getting a deal from day one, that was the prime objective, along with getting a great live show, and putting out a great record, and getting out there and having fun with it :)

Q:There's a show coming in a couple of weeks. What are you guys expecting?

A:This will be our last show for a while, we are taking a break to go off and recouperate and start the writing machine up again, lay down some demos and look towards the next single. This gig will be great to play as we have a couple of great bands we know joining us, and it will be a fitting end to all the work we have put in this year. you coming? :)
My A: Sure I will if I get the chance, But now I’m too far off the continent. So hope you guys have a great time performing. And Best of luck on your next creation.

Q:Any future wishes or something in the bag these days?

A:Well there have been all sorts of ideas for the future, but one i can recall is Gary's idea of building "down" from the studio we currently have, he has an idea of building a nuclear war bunker for some reason, i'm all up for watching him do it, and using any extra space..hehe..No doubt we should have some new tunes on the way early 2009.

Q:How can people get hold of you guys if they want to book you guys for a show?

A:That's easy, just e-mail our manager - or drops us a line on @ or

Q:Now something more personal.... who's single and who's not?

A:Now that is personal!! Lets just say, that 1 band member is married, 3 are currently in relationships and 1 is every girls dream!

Q:Well, there're a lot of different cases that happen in London are pretty F*** up, like Amy Winehouse, the tabloids. So what's you view on Sex, Drugs and Alcohol?

A:All at the same time? great!

I always love an interview that goes right. British, I like the European. In many ways they are less up tight and have a sense of humor in any little small things that we think is serious matter and they just snug it off with a swift of laugh. I hope them all the success they deserve. Rock on guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these boys!

Helen P