Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a Life to be in Now!!!! Preview of Life in April

Earth Hour just gone Off last week, Come Join Earth Day on April 22. It's time to continue your effort to protect our earth. Why? you live on it. and if we are to evacuate it. 99% of the world population will have to be left behind. So, for the sake of yourself, your parents, your children. do something now and not regret later. Earth Day is coming ahead of us. it may be a publicity stunt but i don't mind promoting protection of the earth to all earthlings and remind them over and over again through out the year. If you need a wake up call. watch "An Inconvinient Truth", Search of glacier around the world and watch the picture from 10 years back and today's in comparison for yourself. at least 10 years ago we watch the African people starved to death now still they are still starving, and the environment have gotten worst. so do something everyone. every second there's 6 children dies of global catastrophy or circumstances cause by it. so Do something everyone. come join the compaign of Earth Day on April 22.
for more information how you can save the earth and yourself go to
Save The Earth
Save Our Earth
A Beautiful lie
Armegeddon Online

or even search and check the doomsday clock. it's 5 min to 12th now. which in every sense it's time to act. I don't mean we all should just give up but it's time to move your ass and do something.

I'm no Fanatic. this is the very truth. I'm not promoting doomsday. I'm promoting life. Protect Lives, save Lives, do your part and save your own life now. Take the Stand.

If you haven't heard the news yet. the coldest place on earth. the Antartica just lost a "Chunk" of Ice, the size of Manhattan and the cracks stretch at least to the Size of Connetticut and this will continue if we continue with what we are doing now, so change. Imagine all the ice melted. there's will not me any New Orlean, Manhattan, or Netherland and Sri Lanka and Calcatta.

More Festival on April, Go to Japan and enjoy the most beautiful Cherry Blossom under the beautiful Mount Fuji.

Celebrate Dutch Heritage Month in New York

Baisakhi Festival in India on April 13, beware of the war or color dust that day. where something you actually dun need to wear anyore later.

Paris, Banlieue Blues Jazz Festival and Foire du Trone (Paris Annual Fair), or even Paris Tattoo Art Festival on April 27

Sport Freak Join the Salt Lake City Marathon on the 26th of April

or if you want to have a more ancient scenery, join the Athens Marathon on April 5.

or the Earth Day Half Marathon Festival April 18-19 in Minnesota.

Celebrate Anzac Day with the Australian on April 25
Celebrate National Day of Italy April 25 or Saint George's Day, Festival of San Marco in Venice in St. Marks Square. or if you are into food Food festivals in on12 April in Rome.

of course everywhere is celebrating Easter.
Spring fairs is on Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich in Germany Filmfest Dresden and Dresden International Dance week in Dresden. Long Night of the Museums and Flamenco Dance Festival in Dusseldorf.

Preview of the Movies Coming Up Ahead

My Fiends always ask me how come everytime I go out I have to watch movies. and every weekends I watch Like 4-8 movies. Here is the reason why. because movies are great. the provoke thoughts and remind me that the world is far bigger than I thought and far smaller than I'd like it to be. There are so many great ideas in a movie that when you are complaining about the small boring stuff in life. great art are being created in the same ways. and movies is the result of it. Hard work and at the end of may be 3, 5, or even 10 year(in the case of Hell's Angel) a great result piece is born. and why so many movies? because look at the movies below. these are the one only coming out in these week alone. so how can I not watch them all? HAHA! Enjoy and choose one that you like to watch. I guarantee you'll enjoy them. Stop complaining.

Wanted -> A new twist on the Mr. and Mrs Smith from Angelina Jolie. Starring the Handsome James McAvoy. Regardless if you have seen the Oscar and BAFTA nominated movie Atonement or not. this will be the breaking out movie for McAvoy. And of course not to forget the great Morgan Freeman
The very married but great to look at guy is going to be a killer that's going to be trained by Jolie character and along the way to be come the greatest assasin of all.

21 -> this one already is on the screen. just coming out last week, it's hitting big on the buzz wave. A story starring a string of handsome actor (Jim Sturgess) and beautiful actresses (Kate Bosworth) about 5 MIT kids persued by their Professor and went to play counting cards in Las Vages. the twist is on Kevin Spacey character. who's the baddies? who's really winning in the end.

Flawless -> this movie is a lower buzz on the air wave now. It's a movie from Demi Moore or the story from 19560's London about the Stealing the Flawless Diamond of all time. Also starring in infamous Micheal Caine also of course.

Run Fat Boy Run -> it's Friends David Schimmer directorial dabut, and Starring the ever funny Simon Pegg and in my opinion, most beautiful actress on earth Thandie Newton. it's a comedy about a fat guy winning the heart of Thandie Newton.

Stop Loss -> of course it's about the war and the retunring or non-returning of the soldier from Iraq. how the veteran are being treated and how they cope with it all. All because you sign a contract you can't refuse? Starring Ryan Philippe and Channing Tatum.

on a lighter note

Nim's Island-> Jodie Foster, no introduction needed there. but she doing comedy always is a bit over the edge. and then there's the most celebrated child star of the year, Abigail Breslin. You've seen little miss sunshine? you'll know why everyone want to work with her. This one is a story about a writer naming a hero in her own name and get an email from a kid who ask her to save her father that's lost at sea. more of a comedy than an adventure movie really. Chinese audience may have a remember another movie of the sunshine girls days or happy ghost days of a group of traveling school trip lost at sea. it's almost the same theme.

Leatherhead-> the one headed by the great George Clooney and Renee Zellweger. what a combination. these 2 will have you craking from the start. and if you throw in John Krasinski there who can resist. it's about making professional Football into a reality in the year when no ne is really looking that way.

The ruins-> a Thriller that's not exactly getting a lot of buzz. starring Jonathan Tucker and Shawn Ashmore about a bunch of teenager discovering some ruins and then encounter something aliens. when trapped by the villagers it seems there's no way out and they are bound to be killed either by the villagers or the thing in the ruins.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Previous Idol and what are they doing!??

After writting my last post I thought I should do one review of the music of the previous Finalist.

I'm not that interested in Season 1-4 Idol .the only person I could remember now of thosse season are. Season 1, Kelly Clarkson, no introduction needed there. Clay Aiken and Ruben Staddard, regardless of their recent mishap on their record sales, they still doing it. and season 3 who could forget Fantasia. there's just no compare the most unique voice coming out of the show ever. Diana DeGarmo of course is still the classic songstress. and who could forget the OSCAR winned Jennifer Hudson now. but I wonder the one named I do remember Jon Peter Lewis. I thought he is in some show or something. and Season 4 is the one I didn't even have interest to look at all. Of course now Carrie Underwood is the famous faces tru and tru.

So Shall We Go on? As I say the most talented Season ever is season 5. Ace is touring the country and coming out with an awesome pop album that's in the league with even Justin Timberlake. It's really cool and on trend and have an even better sound on tour than Taylor Hicks.

If you are looking for a but of bluesy country sound you can actually check out Jon Peter Lewis in his My space page. wasn't too shabby at all.

Mandisa has earned herself Grammy and Dove nominee for her Christian Album. she is the next Chaka Khan if you ask me. just great sound, big sound and a big heart also.

of course. and Princess Paris is coming out with her own Album now called appropriately "Princess P". this is really called Big voice comes in Small Package. the sound is a cool mix of love songs and R&B. and the mix is just so damn good. She could have a run on Cassie or any new R&B singer out there.

Of course the next Sinatra, Elliott Yamin. sho can forget that face, that sound, he is so smooth your heart would melt. and the sound I recon is the greatest male artist out there right now.

And If you haven't heard it yet. Kellie Pickler and Bucky is the greatest new country Artist coming out of Nashville these days. Playing Dates more than any country singer (Besides Carrie Underwood that is) they are just classic country singer at their best. Kellie fans has got a handful of her since the season 6 AI and this season. though many haven't heard from Bucky, but his sound is in exactly comparison to Brad Paisley or the old classic country star. just great sound.

of course Daughtry is the most successful group headed by Chris. have won more grammy, AMA than any contestant I think. and no doubt everyone know his named now.

Katharine McPhee have fall of the grid a bit, after a not so good sale album and a wedding. but came back with David Foster the other week for a preview of her up-coming album. still I'm not a fan sorry. but she got great voice I'll give her that. Just not my taste.

thought Taylor Hicks got my vote since the beginning. but his vote comes after Elliott for me. he got style and uniqueness but just sometime originality is just too much. I'd buy his next album though. simply because I haven't seen any style like his yet in the industry.

so that wraps up the Season 5. Season 6? Let me see, Jordin is no doubt the youngest ever come out as winner of the show. she sound great. just that with the company behind her, she need more edge and not the normal poppy songs. sorry that's just ain't good enough. which is why though I'm a fan of her during the show. the album is a downer for me. I was looking for something better.

Which brought me to Blake Lewis, now that is unique. the most unique style ever from a contestant and totally original. He is even funkier than Jamiroquai. that 's why I bought his album the first day even before I heard it cos I'm sure I'd love it cos there's no comparison out there. And true to the word he is great on his dabut album.

Of course now I'm still waiting for the real Justin Timberlake of the show, Chris Richardson. he got that vibe. he just got it.

and Doolittle not to forget. who could forget the Doctor of the show that season. she is a gem and a total pro and she is not at all boring.

and one more person I'm waiting is Lakisha. she is the Mandisa of that season. and I root for her tru and tru. she is the fighter and the great survivor and she is not bad at all. just need a great producer to work with.

As for the rest?..... I'm sorry guys I just dun see any thing more. I just haven't really heard it.

Even worse than Last years.... there's even lesser early talent this year.
I'm sure that David Cook and Brooke White will have a contract by the end of the show. and so do David Archuleta (just don't know whether if it's premature a bit for him.), and the question mark is Carly Smithson and Micheal Johns. whether another Company would really take the risk of a fail case from other company. Even if they got tru, it's really hard to know if they would get the contract. As for the dark horse of the race. Jason Castro have the votes and Syesha have the sound. just depends on whether luck and company exec prefer them. Ramiele might have a chance also if the wind picks up after this. but she is not yet garner any momentum yet for the run to the finale. Amanda Overmyer I think would be the wildcard totally and she mayb contacted by a company now if they don't mind the attitude that is.
Kristy? just at this moment too average to say. perhaps if she gain more confident next week there mayb a chance. but I'm sure right now. Josiah, David Cook, Amanda, David Archuleta(Most Probably) is a sure case for an album now.

Josiah? the contestant that drop out of 24. why? he just is it. just bad luck. he could get off the ground with some great sound. If you check out his songs in his myspace you'll see that he got it.
Oh, the rest of the 24? they just need to work more on it. though they are not bad. just that they haven't make a great impression now. so they are a bit forgetable yet now. I just hope that they have a chance later.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Re-Review of this week American Idol

The more and more I watch the re-run of the show this week.

I realise that America did make a right choice according to this week's performance. Chikezie is the weakest among the rest of the crowd. he is just doing something that's not surprising enough. and until now there's one surprises and it got him tru to the past 2 weeks. But the momnetum is lost it this week.

but as in the Case of Syesha and Jason. Jason mayb are the 2nd weakest. but the put Syesha on to 2nd last is not right. he did a lot better than most of the contestant on Tuesday night. At least she is better than Jason and Remiele. of course as I said Remiele have a following since that show start. just that I wonder how long it can keep up the momentum if she is not going to pick it up a bit next week.

As in the Race to the top. Carly have drop from the top a bit this week. As in the 2 Davids. David Archuleta following are no doubt still the biggest. yet he is falling into his own trap of going to far too soon. I wonder is there will be anymore surprises from him beside "Imagine". If he is unable to get another surprise in he will be as boring as a doll when it comes to the top 5 or 4. and for the past 3 weeks David Cook have did as much as any contestant in the show could do. that's to have great performances week after week. and the show just keeps going on for him. it is becoming more and more like his concert rather than AI.

As for the rest of the crew, there's still much to chase. cos the show have been pretty average here. Not as good as the previous 2 season. cos unitl top 10 I still don't see a strong top 5 this year. Last year they have Chris, Blake, Doolittle, Lakisha, and Jordin all shining right before the top 10 started.

and the year before they have almost a strong 10,Ace, Bucky, Daughtry All the hunk, the crooner Elliotte, Katherine, Kellie (just great fun to look at), Kevin, and Paris who can forget those 2 small package with great voice. and Mandisa the Chaka Khan of the show and of course Taylor Hicks, the winner Black Horse. that is what i call the most diversafy of all the season. And i Believe this are the most contestant ever got a record deal also. I think only Kevin and Ace is the only one that haven't nab one. although i hope they do. where is Paris really? and haven't heard anything of Ace either. Oh Kevin is in the movie now. "College" the new movie with Drake Bell. Ace have a single on and it's as good as Justin Timberlake. It's just great news. By The Way "Addicted" is the name of the single check it out. And Pricess Paris is coming out as "Princes P" with her new Album due out coming May. check it out.
Mandisa there's no need to introduce..... the Grammy and Dove Nominee for Christian Song Category. it's strange how they just fall off the grid right after. they are some of the most talented of the show i've ever seen and i enjoy that season totally.

Movie Goer Weeks in on the last week of March

This week coming to movie screen.

27 Dresses is coming on a rerun before th DVD coming out and spring break chicks are all digging it. well, one more week of teen romantic comedy for the female counterpart.

this week shocker in Shutter, a Thai Remake with an Chinese/Japanese Actor as the blimey Ghost. Joshua Jackson and Rachel Taylor are a gem to look at but the re-written screen play wasn't at all in the league of the original Thai version. but the Thai version has a really gloomy ending. and you would get out of the cinema feeling good on that version haha.

The is quite a few re-run this week really. Awake is up. it wasn't doing really good when it started let's see how the Asian Audience favor it. Of course Jessica Alba and Hayden Christensen are always good to look at.

Paris Je' Taime. if you are in love this is the right love movie. totally romantic and totally perfect for the city of romance, the good old Pari's

Human Behavior are a strange thing. And Don't We all Wish to rise above?

As the Campaign started by Oprah I am reading "A New Earth".
Truly I have always feel like this. Although I do not take any religion but I believe in one God(Higher Being) and in all religion. I started my live as a Confucious, and I pray to Buddha, and My life is surrounded by Hinduism and Islamic culture and My Friends are mostly Christian. though i'm no spiritual leader. But I know in my heart that All Discrimination, Self-proclaim righteousness and my own anger Are not the True Being of and human being.

I know that when a person successes, some people wish to bring them down.
Some people lost in the midst of time and lost their way and soul. and dun nkow how to go back.
But there is a way to go back. Regardless of how the world around us are, regardless how many heartless human being we meet. regardless how many time and space we own in a life time. what's true is the Quality of life and spirituality and the growing of our soul. Not money, not houses, not even friends and enemy could you bring to your grave. the only thing you will find at the end of your life or what you'll be able to leave is your spiritual legacy.

So, I urge each and everyone of you. leave whatever unimportant "stuff" behind, onlt take sufficient important "stuff" you need, and start grow yourself as a whole person. not the half that need another half, be 2 full being with your couple. be not 2/3 or 1/3 of a person which need "things" or "Money" to fill us up, you are one whole being living in a perfect whole environment. The only imperfect being is the act of human being reflected on other human being. and when you realize you are one whole person, you'll not need another person to filled you up in any way.
Don't misunderstood, we are human on earth, to navigate this vast place you need others. but what i meant is others can't grow for you. you grow with others not grow by other people. you are your own self and can't be help spiritually, you can only inspired to grow. no hand or other person can pull you up to grow unless you yourself willing to grow. Same were be told about bad influence or people around you. if you are not willing to let other people push you around, you won't be. it's HARD!!! you say. that's the word, because you choose to be lazy and let other people to push you around then you are letting them.
You should start by training yourself to be selfless, then only you can see the truth of yourself. and then you can start treating other people as they are and not what they do or what they forgot to do. and then you can only differenciate right or wrong and see the truth of life. If you are saying I'm wrong and you're right one minute after you read the last sentence? then you are not yet selfless. there are alway true and false in one question if subject to one person's being, life, ideology, religion or opinion or family. but there's only one truth in every universal being and that true never waiver and never wrong. It's just wrong in the eyes of a person's mind. if you choose to stay as you are then be where you are. I have no desire to force anyone. but if you are seeking the truth, then move on, read book no matter how hard it'd be or you like it or not. find wise people to talk to not smart people(smart is schmug and wise are kind and open). for a wise man knows the universe is within you already own your own. and the earth are the combination of the millions universe in one space. but smart people dun know then own their own universe and wish to dominate and conquer others, and in the end, the truth is you could never earn another person's experience, nor soul ,nor life just your own experience of him in your space and time and what you own is your bad experience of him in your life. so Open Up and See Your truth.
I confess I'm not 100% a saint. I do get angry and I do get lost. but I also have experience the truth. just that I've once doubt my wisdom and let others take control and I realise it's not going to work. you may call me obnoxious but when you see the truth you'll know. only you yourself own your own spirit.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What A Bummer!!!!! American Idol Down to 9 and Chikizie is goner!!!

Bye Bye Baby!!! Chikezie is off the rank.

America really got it wrong this time.

The show will start to slump after this because the talent is running a bit thin.

Chikezie is a great performer. and the way he sings isn't really that bad just a bit old. besides there's been really really few singer out there that can truly deliver a decent love song now and Chikezie did just fine yesterday. classic! I guess the people watching the show now are just teenager and interested only on either the rock type or the teen idol type now. what a waste!

Now, the show if there's no more turn. it's going to be the most boring show ever.

Because the only attraction now is the 2 Davids. and the rest is really a bit of a lack luster.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol Fire off again!!!!!!!

This year AI seems to become into a show of popularity versus talent.

Both David is on the top edge of this year's run but This week and 3 weeks on David Cook is running hard and high and tonight in my opinion he is going higher than Archuleta. As for the most original contestant I'd defer. he is better than Chris Daughtry as for rocking all the song he chooses. but to named the most original artist that ever come out of the show. Last year's Blake Lewis is the most original. and if you actually realizes, Blake's style is even incomparable from any artist in the industry now.

I know that Archuleta will get tru probably to the finale, but I was wondering amist all the rumors about his father behaviour on the show the buzz is growing whether David A. is the one in control on his performance. In my opinio, a strict parent or father sometimes do generate perfection. but In the world of entertainment, too strict of a sense in not very entertaining and to have a figure lurking at the back that signify control is even worse. so if David A.'s father were to want the best for David A. then mayb he'd want to try and back off a bit from the screen for a while. And David Archuleta should be strong and make it his own way regardless whether his father is there or not. not that I'm saying he's isn't . just that in gossip entertainment this is the juicy news and it's sometimes damaging. As for the talent, he got it. just that if you really shut off all the screaming and the buzz. he just sound alright for the past 2 weeks. though he makes a great come back last week but it's not exactly better than Imagine's 3 minitues performance than this 5 minutes big show performance.

And the third in line in my opinion is Carly Smithson. her performance have been perfest for the current 3 shows. there are some wow and boo on the show but it's up to the standard of the previous AI season. but to lose Amanda Last week. the show have gone a bit dule right now. the diversity of the song choice and style have shrink a bit.

forth in the chart will be Jason Castro. due to his growing popularity, charm and the piercing pupil. I guess he is the crave of most girls now after David A. He's definitely going tru to next week. Though his song choice are a bit limited in style.

So who is actually below the faultline?

Syesha is not yet reach the top but she is on the top 5 after this week's performance. and if her popularity could rise higher then she might surpasses Jason. As I says it's a popularity vs Talent. she definitely is better in talent but she shines really little for the past 2 shows and her popularity is definitely below the chart at the moment and doesn't seem to be moving upward or anywhere fast. I hope she could continue to work better.

The Black Horse of the pool would be Micheal Johns. though he is the disadvantage of the oldest finalist here nor is he the prettiest or cutest but the style of his singing is not out of league of any genuine good artist, such as Jon Bon Jovi or Paul McCartney.

Kristy Lee Cook after hit and hit of being in the back of the pack for all this time. she's done a much much better song this week. I'm just wondering whether it's good enough to get her out of the tailing entourage.

Chikezie did a good enough performance as well this week. but is it good enough. I'm starting to doubt it and i think in this popularity contest he is over shadow by all the front runner now.

Brooke White is in that talent song writer kinda vibe of contestant this week. but is her last week flop and this week performance going to get her tru? My Guess the lowest three could have a swap this week.

Ramiele Malubay I think is running a loser race here. not that she is not good as a singer. but she have not shine and not as good as any of the contestant now and she is not as popular as David A. considering all of the element of the show so far. she is losing the battle on both sides right now. it's hard to break a kids heart but that's the reality of all thing. of course reality always have a bit of a twist at the end of every life. who knows. mayb this week there'll be another Amanda.
My bet if that was going to happen it's either syesha or Brooke. Chikezie? could a an Obama this year HAHA.

Monday, March 24, 2008

8pm 29th March, Earth Hour Approaching!!!! Come Join the world!!!

Earth Hour will start on the 29th of March All major cities around the world will shut all their lights and electricity for one hour and save energy that's equivalent to 48000 cars and you can make a difference by switching off all the electrical appliances in your home and this time save the energy for more than a million cars.
Join everyone on 8pm 29th of March. for one hour you can make a difference.
And if you are looking for ways to a greener life........ goes to inhabitat
or earth911

Friday, March 21, 2008

american Idol Come back and Lay off

The Top ten is out.
Amanda Overmyer is a goner. but to tell the truth, American have got it wrong. very very wrong.
Overmyer is the ultimate rock chick. She shouldn't be the one that's suppose to go.
I recon that Overmyer is going to get a record deal really quick.
well, if you look at it. though AI is a great stage to promote yourself but it's not really the platform to show off a talent. especially shen some talent with such significant signature already. It's more of a victory show for the beginners or chrooner type. Which is the perfect stage for David Archuleta.
Speaking of
David Archuleta, he makes the biggest come back this week. usually if one contestant actually make such a big mistake this early in the show, they would have been the first to go. but since David A. is so popular that he's gonna pull tru probably to the final. (most likely is what it seem.)
But one thing though, if you look closely David A.'s dad are in the rehearsal room the whole time the David is training. so the rumors that Dad may be have influence in David's performance. but regardless. Dad, my advice would be get a grip of your emotion. i know you are eager to see David success but bad press do nothing for him. and either here or there rumors or not, things leak. David is still young and yes Dad may be his manager later. but I think David is as great someway is because dad knows some best for David. just Dad...... try to control yourself eh!

Kristy Lee Cook is not doing bad either this week. apparently the act comes right on time and saved her from droping out of top 10. But there's one advice though. see thyself truly and charges on. You lack of confidence, you are lack of charisma, you are lack of likeability. regardless how David A. or the other contestant doing. those are the thing that you need improvement on. and start improving them now then. it's take you further if you can do just that.

Micheal Johns comes in as the 4th act, and did the wierdest song that the beatles have ever done. "A Day In The Life" is the ultimate clown hippy song which is the epiteme of any mix of the beatles song. to do it other wise will just crash. Micheal Johns held up but it's not the ultimate act of his own nor of the show or of the week. but he's tru and deservably.

Of course with Overmyer gone the seasonal rocker of the show this season will be the real rocker of the show. David Cook, His arrangement, his vision of any of the songs he's performing is amazing and he is solid.

Of course the other blonde lady, Brooke White just whipe off her last performance smear and did a less than good performance this week. and almost fall off the grid. but clearly "yesterday" from last week have gotten her tru the top 10.

Of course who can forget Carly Smithson. another great performance this week though not as good as her last performance. but it's still good enough.

then Chikeze fall into his own trap of being great and being not so great this week. the performance not a bad one. just not as stand out as last week.

and then there's the dreamy eye Jason Castro. of course the ladies in the crowd drool on him. but his preformance not so in tune with the American audience, as all song that's not really American-ish. the bohemian style is great just that the accent is a bit of a downer. of course the french revolution of the song and the way Jason sings it doesn't really stir any surprises. just that as Simon says. he sold it with his face.

Rimiele did the hype song of the beatles. but it seems tat she is trying it a bit hard this wing. thre's no doubt she got a great voice. But it's not shining as it's suppose to be. mayb it's the song.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Prince Harry's deployment to Afganistan

This one also have been delaying for quite a long time.
the internet really is a vast plain and it is really easy to lose some info in here.
like Prince Harry cases of deployment to Afganistan actually the story have been leak long before March it's just that haven't have anyone seen the picture posted.

Of course now that he is back safe and sound. before everyone start complaining of giving comment. please take a real look at this. If you are an ordinary person that have millions in the bank would you go to war at all? even now you have nothing you won't go to war. so do not comment on the bravery or cowardness. it's for the safety of the soldier that he is taken back to U.K. in any aspect of the word it is a noble thing to do. to go there and to come back.
I don't really like his behavoir before yes. but how many of you really can say you haven't makes any mistakes at all in your life? the Nazi thing? if you are not an heir to the throne would you be scutinize for it. just and honest mistake. and how many of you actually haven't taken any pod. so don't put yourself on a pedestal and judge others. this person here is not a hero, and he is not claiming to be one but he is in any aspect dignified. and in the common sense of things hemay be losing his job here. the very one that he think he is good at and wish to work on where millions of us simply dun want to take the job if not forced.

Prince Harry you are brave, and noble in your decision but if you are not able to go back to service, would there be a much better use of your experience there in these 10 weeks than press and media? Why not use it, tell the people what you have really seen, what you have really experience and let the people know exactly if they really need any money more to get the war done or anything that could inspire people or even see the people of the middle east differently?

Sadly to say that news are not what people are seeking now nor pay attention to anymore. for the autopilot public they are more into celebrity and stars. so why not use your status and tell and promote the true environment of the war. Yes, some of them are cruel, some of them are normal, some of them are really funny, but there's a purpose that you are there. and i think it's far greater than having a big hiatus of press release. Well, that's just my opinion.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Alright It's time to let the cat out of the hat!!!

After a much delayed review. I'm setting the record straight here....
I know many many ppl have scolded me for making the Jonas Brothers the back drop of a several review here.

Well, the thing is they are not the most talented of all bands, they are not the greatest nor the most professionally profound bands on earth. They don't have the best vocal, they don't play a guitar like Bruce Sprinsteen but this the what they are. they are the hottest band on earth right now (move aside Rascal Flatt and Bon Jovi), they are the band that earn the most out of their career in the pass 6 months (try a 1000x salary raise) and they are undoubtedly the most potential and the most marketable band in the world right now. Reason, all kids from 6-26 knows their name. And they are the only all boys group at the moment that is below 20 in average and plays their own instrument. They are the W-inds(Japan) of USA, they are Hanson from 10 years back, and they are definitely much much better than Backstreet or N'Sync back in the days and they are the beatles of the 21st century. McFly Try to do it a couple of years back not a single break. and they are altogether definitely better than Spice Girls (Go! Boys Power!!!)

Of course not to mention they are in all the little girls opinion cute as hell. and with a multi million dollar career ahead of them they are bound to be the next top band in the world. Whether they will be a one album wonder is still to see. But for the time being they are hot as a Volcano eruption. (Money and fame sometimes do have effects on the looks. they do look better with the fame and confident. Let's just hope they won't be another Britney.)

And for all of you guys out there. get real.

It proves that you don't really need to be great first in order to get into it. sometimes some people just have better luck. and with a bit of hardwork you'll get it.
you just have to go for it. there's no guarantee nor definition what type of artist will succed. sometimes some luck, the right look, the right time you get it. If not then it'll means you either have the guts to fight for it for the next 40 years to get what you want or you give up and go for the easier target. My advice, you would be happier doing what you like than going tru life with what you don't want but a 9 to 5 job.

Fame is not the begining of a career, they have been singing and acting for the past 4 years, nor is it the end. sometimes it's just the effect of the shine you get when you truly are pursueing what you really want. and that is Life. Kids sometimes just have more tenticles to sense it. adult they just bored to death and lock themselves in their own shell sometimes. that's also proves what my friend always say. the more you grow the more coward you will become. scare of this, scare of that. that's y i say not to disrespect but adult sometimes just really are plain silly and not "brighter than a 5th grader"(Proven Facts, you might want to watch the TV show).

The Sally Kern Speech

As Many of the people on the internet, I'd say the same "You don't speak for me!"
As I'm not really Gay but i don't really like Gay bashing. not really that i'm in support of any stereotyping bashing in anyway. doesn't she realize that it is against the very constitution that they are building on?
Freedom of speach, freedom of choice, what freedom are there if you really going to make a bill to banish Gay?
I dun hate her. just that please do not put blame of personal choices on religion, culture or race. For years and years, if freedom of choice does not gives a person right to choose their on sexual preference....... in the name of religion, or race or culture or personal preference. I don't see what's the different it is with what's happening in Tibet.
People are afraid most of the time of unknown, of differences, of skin color, of ideology. but why hide and let the Law handle it. there are far more important things in the law or budget to go to than banishing Gay or rather in her words "cure Gay" please if you can't really avoid your own son from choosing to be gay don't condemn others who willingly do so. it is not a deseased. it maybe genetic but most of the situation is a choice. so people are choosing no matter what the law says. and please do not put it in the illusion of illness there's no illness. even if that is the case. are you suggesting all AIDS victim, all Cancer survivor, all Diabetic gene carrier should be quarantine? it simply make no sense. and there really is far more meaningful things that the energy of the Lawmaker should be used in. like the Recession. the medical issurance issue. the oil pricing issue. I don't believe that all Oklahoma people have the same mind on the issue. they may not like Gay but not all are that ignorant. *** one more thing lady, if condemning Gay people is not Gay bashing then what is? so don't be in denial. in every sense of it you are creating hatred against people's personal choices. what's needs to be done i think is re-educating on your side of your world.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This Week in Treasure Chest

Steel Magnolia is the Cream of the Crop this week.
It's a story about 6 women living in the modern west. They are truly Steel Magnolia. Almost all of them are gossip king. they are humorous and gracious. vulnerable yet strong. they are no Mary of Titanic but they are no dummy blond bomb shell either. Though Julia Roberts didn't give the most impressive performances in this movie but they are at least convincing. The rest of the character was so colorful that you can't resist yourself to go back to "The Golden Age" days.
there's the sassy "enterpernuer", the old slut, the preachy faithful Christian of course, the naive and innocent and the big letter M,"Mom" character, of course who can forget the smart, make sense blond bomb shell portrait by the great Dolly Parton. Sally Field is the ultimate mom.
the story express how ordinary that each lives are and how often we are intervine with each other. in a misterious and patience and loving kinda sense we support each other tru thick and thin. gossip or not, the community is one and every thing is taken care of but one or the other. any disapproval, grudges are merely an expression and we all do care. The outsider are taken in with warm hugs and the stranger becomes the familiar. the hospitality of the western society and the warmth were felt right away. though we are not discussing about racial issue, but within the white community have enough issue that they need to taken care of.
you go tru everything in life you should go tru and feelings that you should possess or aspire in that short 2 hours. life, normal or different, culture, religion, choices, birth and death. and life after that(not the spiritual and karma kind of life after death. i mean Life of the living after the death of love ones.) which is something that i always say, (though the idea was not originally from me) "why must death brings despair and sadness, why can't we all treat is with some respect or hell with a little bit of humor? our loved once would want all us to not be sad when we are gone. we'd want them to remeber us as the good one, the funny one the one that'll always be remembered as the one that bring laughter and happiness and not sadness!?"
and for those who lived on. life goes on. cherish it. live on with pride and dignity. love and happiness. and soon enough we will join our love ones in the Kingdom of heaven.

Movies of the week

We are just getting a little taste of the coming spring with 10000B.C.
the new star on the Boulevard is Horton Hears a Who. the dumbo and the speck just spell humor. if the story not really the kids type, the character are. the colorful Character of the movie simply keeps the kids in their sits. and the story and the reletivity theory and the interaction between Jim Carrey's Dumbo and the whos of Steve Carrell is enough to get adults into the cinema be it brainy type, or the joke seeker type. it's just a funny and brainy movie to watch, even over my expectation. the marry of Dr. Suess and Fox Blue Sky enimation just hit a new high with this one. in every aspect of the combination is great. I guess Jimmy Hayward did a real good choice to leave Pixar. Jim Carrey's and Steve Carrell with Dr. Suess is not at all like any Almight or Grinch at all. well done to anyone on the movie. they are a totally contender for this years OSCAR.

one really interesting movie that i just gone to watch is "The Deaths of Ian Stone"
the story about a character that is chased by deaths and keep waking up alive. the plot is not too bad nor the movie. I give as A- for the lead but not the story. it reminded me of vantage points. too many climax and anti-climax. the audience going into the cinema knows the basic plot of the story already. and the suspense is only at the end of the show and there's not really much to speculate after you've gone to the middle of the movie you'd have guess it. the action isn't really that great, nor is the cinematography or the screenwriting. there's just plenty of losses in interest in the whole story. though the story does gives Mike Vogel a great feature of his talent. it's not exactly B-grade movie. nor has it hit the A-Grade blockbuster either. so sorry. it's great for Mike Vogel but not the movie(the movie did more for Mike Vogel than Cloverfield does). it's like Josh Hartnett in Halloween H20. it's a good movie for the actor but not the show.

This is a Big Big week for news

U.S. Recession has started, the tornado is moving into uncharted territory. first hit to Atlanta, the race for presidency is somehow taking a backsit this week, spring break movies are all hiting bigger blockbuster that previous year this time. and plenty plenty of CDs to choose from this year. AI is heating up with fans shifting a bit to the rockers of the show this year. and some new shows are moving on to the tv screen in the coming April and May after the writer strike. and of course the monk strikes in Laza, Tibet have everyone's eyes on the China's government.

my advice, lower your risk on investment, start saving money, beware of the lowering of interest rate in banking. you still can invest just do it steadily with only your extra momney and do it with patience. the show have not hit the bottom yet. but you are getting houses and some other commodity half the price as it is last year. so you can choose yourself.

everyone, global warming is not a futuristic theory nor are the warning. it's as real as the recession, they are here now. not 30 years late, not "like 'experts' says won't happen in a thousand years" In 30 years there will be no north or south pole, nor half of New Delhi, or Netherland, or Manhattan city. and with the rate of the temporiture rising exponentionally we would likely hit the highs faster than we think. 10 years ago, some dude claim that experts says it won't happen in the next 1000 years. which is a tachtics to get you off their backs and not create a panics really. now everyone should see the real truth, watch an Inconvinient truth and do your part. go to to see what you can do to save ourselves. the tornado territory movement is not a coincident. the teritory is spreading as well as the dessert. if the north and south pole do shut down, and the under current of movement of the warm current from the northern Atmesphere from Atlantic to pacific's south atmosphere will really shut down and the days after tomorrow are going to be just a furute reality and not a movie. so everyone we are moving into a real real new territory here. the storm will get bigger and longer and stronger and there will not only be snow or rain, hail will drop and thousands are in danger and heat stroke will not be another headache, it'll become a killer if we don't stop and think now. You don't have to be a greenpeace activist, just do small stuff and preserve whatever you can. parents, my advice, continue your current habit and i'll drop one million dollar on betting your child won't live tru his 60's to see the sun rise. cos by then he'll either be blind or dead by cancer. so do your part. save the earth, save yourself.

I hope that the Chinese government truly can have a deplomatic resolution for the Tibet issue and i hope Tian An Men incident will not happen again. they are you citizen then treat them as one. human being.

and CDs concern look out for the artist that is showing her stuff on the "One Tree Hill" show as Mia, Kate Voegele is the new Michelle Branch and Venessa CArlton. her sound is not the new sound but it's as suitable and the previous mention songstress, sassy and musical if not poetic. so look out for the new gal on the block.

CD Review - Emmy Rossum, One Republic, 30 Minutes to Mars

This months big player in the house is these 3 new born. though most of them are not new. Emmy Rossum has several movies under her belt before she became a songstress in the new adaptation of Phantom of the Opera to the movie screen and gain herslf a record deal. and Jared Leto in the lead of 30 Minutes from Mars and he is definitely no stranger to the teens on the late 90's. One Republic is seemingly new to the entertainment industry but with the reknown producer Timberland behind them, they are surely not so far from the top.

All three acts are in their own league of style.

Emmy Rossum is a totally breath of fresh air into the music industry. being realease last year the album didn't even raise any waves for 3-4 months but her sound is like heaven. she is the new Enya. the new new age. there's no one with the same style nor anyone to compare to. it's like impressionist artist in music but unlike any act before there's no anger nor curses. the reality of her expression is dreamy and soft yet real. there's very little shouting or even huge notes belting. you get a calm yet uncommon feeling towards the sound. she is really brave to be doing a totally unprecedented sound. and some how it work.

next one of course is the new addition to the Rock of fame. 30 Minutes to Mars is the most rock band of the year to me. their screaming crazy hard rock style simply spell devine. I'm sure anyone looking for a new sound in rock this is the one. they are beautiful lyrically, the sound is revolutionary, the highes and lows of the tunes is spot on and if you truly gives your heart to it, you'd find yourself addicted to it. Though I'm not a screaming for any hard metal riock. this is not your old grand father hard metal rock. It's Limkin Park less the hip hop. truly truly one wonder sound to listen to. just take care of you ear drums while doing it will you. there are some really crazy notes in it.

Of course 30 Minutes to Mars is no Tokio Hotel the teens that's looking for real hard rock might go for the Bill Kaulitz lead French Band. they are the Jonas Brothers for Rock Bands and all european girls are hitting on them hard as the US of A are on to Jonas Brothers.

Well, if you are looking for some softer band, mone a side Daughtry, One Republic is the band the year to look for. their sound is softer. but not too soft. they have a bit of a british modern feel to it. not New Age though. the lyrics of the songs a re beautiful and the sound of the lead on it is simply icing on the cake. perfectly smooth and spell-biding. you won't get bands better than this one really. the are best at it's game. (of course every band would say they are the best). the are no Jonas so dun think the teeny winsy fans of cuteness would vote for them. but if you are looking for some great music, that 's not too heavy, this is the right one for this month.

No offends, Jonas Brothers are a big deal, they are the 21st century Hanson. but there are still much room to grow and that's what attracts investers, potential. and wil screaming fans counting by the million if not billion, there's no count in how much they are gonna earn. that aside, their sound is still really teenager. so there's still some great wave to go. mayb they can actually do a Moffatts and have a really dark change...... but i doubt it will happen in the near future. their sound now is right on for the younger audiences. not the older though. I'd recommand them to any teenager in the world looking for the new band of their time. they are the 21st century band of the year for all teenager. no doubt. cos i didn't see anyone yet in comparison this year. there below is a picture for you ladies to drool on (God damn, how come that suits works for Nick and not my prom. HAHA! Guess Star power and fame does have special effect )

Buffett- Oracle CNBC interview

The Richest man on earth yesterday gave an interview with CNBC and this is the main pointer he had mention.

- First thing first is the recession in U.S. have started. people are losing money and selling houses and the currency going lower and oil price is going higher. (I think what he is trying to tell us is that there's not really a lot of spaces to take risk right now.) save money. (though bank interest rate gonna get lower) and bank on your own talent and skills (get a job that means), and you have not seen the bottom of construction related and other industry.

- then if you really want to invest, really have the money, can take low cost, index mutual fund (that's low cost, low risk)

- so which means no hedge funds. and from what i see he is not recommanding any fast rich scheme that's likely to take you no where at the moment

-though people are losing money but people buying houses now (those with extra money one of cors) are buying with half of what the price is last year. (you don't really need to wait til bottom to buy. just need to know you are not gonna earn a lot now.)

- which also means if you want to buy share. buy something that's gonna last, though not gonna win fast money but they are not gonna lose you money in a really long run. cos people still gonna eat chocolate, use gillett and eat bubble gum in the end. just buy some steady share. (but take it at your own risk. cos there are history of market crashes and none of those mention above are there to spare.)

- when asked by a viewer whether he should invest 100% of his interest in Berkshire, Buffett laugh and say he also invest 90% of his money in it only. so that's your answer, never one hundred percent in anything. (My bet buys gold haha)

-oh! one thing is that berkshire move some of his currency policy to Brazilian Real. because he says there's no reason to lose half of the currency value and keep staying in USD. but he is not moving all of it out of the currency.

- that's how you gonna invest. patience. no 100% on anything. and you dun need to predict to win. just need to earn higher than average of cost, interest and inflation to gain. gradually and steadily.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spiderwick is a great great joy

coming back from the spiderwick premier, there haven't been time to really write my review until now.

It's a good one, some may find it even better than Narnia. but if you are the up tight type that doesn't really interested in children story book. sorry man. it is a children fantasy storybook.

in translation, it's another Never Ending Story, 4th dimention story.

the monster and the house elves and forest goblin is a great story to tell. not an epic movie but nice and cool.

What's the surprise is Freddie Highmore, taking in as Jared and his twin brother. really is a great joy to see a young, young star portraying 2 character with such distinctive style, attitude and behavior. it's just what a great actor are. anything you throw his way, he just pick it up and just go on the road and bring you along.

it's simply a great movie to enjoy with your family.

Homebound American Idol

Yesterday night would be the first big stage show for AI.
with the Big, New Glamorous stage. It's un-nerving for some of the contestant and it's great for some other, which really have blown the Top off

Syesha gave another ordinary performance with a couple mishab at the beginning or the performance and started the show with a rough start.

which is follow by one of the best act of the week, Chikezie, his performance is simply....... wordless to describe. great song, great style, great energy, and great falseto. he straight away jump to the front of the race with this one.

Then of cors is the Ramiele, though i dun wish to discourage the kid but truly once, twice, how many times can a person wait for her to really "do her thing" she's just have to step it up.

the front runner for this week will be David Cook, which gave a very modern, Rock rendition of the Beatles song another great great performance from him. Amanda Overmyerdid her thing and did it better this week. and Carly Smithson is getting even better than before. as xpected all the rock chick rosk the stage with effortless porture.

The hippie clan not doing bad either this week, Jason Castro was his usual relax, lay back style, and somehow on the big stage, his image shines better, as well as Brooke White. though the performance on the piano is a bit ametuer bit, it's still a great effort. though she is too emotion while singing it. so better to stay calm...... it's still a good performance still.

the biggest surprise is of course David Archuleta hickups. forgetting the lyrics, but he regain his posture after getting down from the stairs. but apperently doesn't pleases the judges. he did regain his singing when he is center-stage. but he do sing well, and i believe that he'll got another chance to prove himself. just need to get his nerves off and do it better next week.

of course with David Archuleta starting off the 4 lowest performance of the night, follow by Micheal Johns, he is almost the same there's no mistake makes, just the song choice isn't really that suitable for him. but when he sings, it is almost there, his voice have that power to command the stage. and then there is David Hernandez, the idol just drop of the grid this week. no mishab as well, just another not interesting performance. and of course we come to the last horse on the race. there's not prejudice. regardless of what version of the song is (as i have not heard the original version) this country version of the song sang by Kristy Lee Cook simply spell disaster. I think she is gonna crash and burn. because the whole performance is like a horse chasing the beat and can't wuite keep up. Kristy just gotta have more confidence and do her own thing. whatever pleases her, not do something for Simon sick. just drop the Country thing and do your own thing girl. but i believe tonight she is leaving. but you may see David A with her on the last drup roll tonight. reason: the wow factor of the show. so that people will get interested haha.

so the ranking for this week.
1. Amanda Overmyer
2. Carly Smithson
3. Chikezie
4. David Cook
5. Jason Castro
6. Brooke White
7. Micheal Johns
8. David Archuleta (the ranking isn't really that important, i think the fans will get him tru. he might get the greater vote even with that performance)
9. Ramiele Malubay
10. Syesha Mercado
11. David Hernandez
12. Kristy Lee Cook

As Predicted, the night's result show with guest star Season 5 Catherine Mcphee accompanied by fame producer David Foster on piano get the result annoucement started.

The losest was as expected as my prediction.
just that audience are fierce. David Hernandez became the first to be axe from the 12 contestants final list. regardless his controversial passes. I do think this have nothing to do with his history. but basicaly comes down to his thin popularity crumble after that last performance last night. although I think Kristy is more likely to go but truly either Kristy or David H. According to last night performance and likability, there are really very little different who's the lowest. Let's hope that Kristy can do Chikezie next week and give the show a good performance.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This Weeks Movie Review

Well, I've only been toone movie this week, of cors it's "10000B.C."

the director have remain the style of "The Independance Day". A lot of Effects and the storyline portion is as if the same as it's previous movies. A lot of Action, a little bit of love and story telling. the base line of the story is as basic as possible. With a bit of sense of humor along the way. that's the successful formula for independance day but i wonder would it be another victory for 10000B.C. because the formula are almost the same, there's almost no surprise. and there's a feeling that it's lack of creativity. It's just the curse of a regular story teller and movie seeker. sometimes when you seen too much of a movie of the same kind you just not that into it anymore. this will be and have been one of the biggest grossing movie this year. the story will be interesting for the new generation that haven't really gone tru the bombartment of Lord of the rings, the Independance day.

so for those looking for the next big movie of the year. 10000B.C. is the one this month.

On the lighter note, I'm going for the Spiderwick this week and it'll be another tru pleasure to watch a movie with less Hero note in the storyline and more of a children story kinda style. it's more like Narnia but less Epic. there could be some surprise in the end but all in all I believe would be a better movie than golden compass. we'll see after i've gone for the movie tonight.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

This Week Movie Buff for the pop corn.

there is a really interesting movie by the Cloverfield fame Mike Vogel.
The Deaths of Ian Stone, though it's another querky movie from the star and his married status is a bit of a turn off for dreamy girls. still the handsome, dreamy actor have a certain attraction to the crowd. this is not a bad story, just that mayb too many death for the main character to handle by the young movie going girls out there to watch. but it's great idea for a story to be telling if you know you are going to die and you are going to revive everytime, what would happen and what would you do?

there is a few OSCAR inspired sceening at the cinema at the moment which i didn't really go for it yet because the storyline for these story are too gloom. like "There Will Be Blood","Charlie Wilson's War" and "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead". All are either by some OSCAR winners or the current OSCAR nominee. but all are too close to reality for the moment for me. No Doubt the performance are great. just not my cup of the tea of the month.

Besides that of course there's this small but young action movie that have very little promotion done out this week called Redline. mayb it's just too close to the story of "The Fast and The Furious" to start with that it's drop out of most people's eye sight.

The real buzz of the week with be "10000 B.C." the pre-historic, hero movie, emphasize on the one man story on how in the course of saving his only love one. defying the demand of the human-God and in the end kill the imposter and become the earliest hero in the fictional history. which star the hunkie Covenant star, Steven Strait. plenty of visual and sound effect. it's a effect filled big budget movie that doesn't involve any futuristic backdrop. or shall i say that a prehistoric story witha futuristic hero twist haha. so everyone. enjoy.

one Small but unnoticable movie is the British disaster film Flood. also a visual and audio FX filled movie. just that in imaging and the effects usually from the conventional britain could be a bit too artsy sometimes than realistic. so I'm not really that enthusiastic about it. but if you are into effects disaster films this might be a good choice this week.

There we Have it the New !2 contestant to perform in the Big Stage!

The American Idol Finally have come out with the new 12 Contestant tonight.

Althought Asia'h have perform a great opening for last night show, it's still not enough to cover her Grungy look.

As I've predicted Kady have come to the end of the line for the girls. after Last night 80's performance, actually I can only pen in Kady for the girls. It's still a struggle for the rest of the other Female who will get the dozen nod. and Asia'h is the sacrifice of the week. as Female's performance this year is still uncertain so the contest is pretty Dynamics for the girls.

As for the guys, Luke And Danny is out just as predicted.

Now it's a mix Games. who will go out first from the 12. and normally this is the most unpredictable part of the show. because all votes are going for one of the male or female contestants.
For me the ranking for the Guys and Girls Mix is
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Amanda Overmyer
4. David Cook
5. David Hernandez
6. Chikezie Eze
7. Brooke White
8. Ramiele Malubay
9. Syesha Mercado
10. Jason Castro
11. Michael Johns
12. Kristy Lee Cook

Last 2 Contestant actually is lost based on popularity, as for Castor, his performance is a mix of good and bad. Ramiele and Syesha still not performing to the par. and all 2nd-5th rank won with Distinct Style in their performance. Brooke Loses to Chikez on distinct image, not musically related, just not that relatable to the audiences in her performance. but basically they are really great 70's -80's kinda music. As for Chikezie being the only dark male of the group. he's not really up to the expectation of a great black artist yet. so he is in a whole other evaluation bar than the rest.
as for likability, potential and musical talent (not really all aspect is outstanding than the others),all aspect taken into account David Archuleta is the estimated miles away from the rest of the group. but Like Jordan, he may not sale CD but he does sell ratings for the show.

the rest just have to keep up. but from this week's performance. they are not really far off the rank either, for the contestant from Chikezie and above. though there's still some doubt how Carly would perform after last night performance. not her best really. Amanda is gaining a steady climb. So is David Cook and David Hernandez.

That would be all there is for this week AI.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

American Idol Updates!!

Well, this week's voting have begun.
This time is a really interesting moment. for the very first time the top Male singer have a shuffle. Trying to hard to actually show a instrumental side. David Archuleta find difficulty in navigating the Piano and the Camera and lost his concertration for a moment. Which given David Cook a lead this time, though he have a little glitches on his instrument but his performance are perfect this time around. this time the 3 Davids have a big shuffle.
with David Cook leading the pack with his consistance rock style and perfect rendition of Lionel Richie's classics, then follow by the much controvercial David Hernandez this week. and David Archuleta tailing at 3rd place. but Tru and tru, David A. It's just a small mishab. you are still the greatest voice of all of them. So makes the show much much more interesting to watch when you have a competitor instead of a one man show. so. David A. Keep up the good work. keep charging on man. one small mishab isn't sucha big deal. you still pull it together and not many of the contestant really have perform surpasses yours.
So besides the 3 Dav in front. the rest of the clan left will be Chikeze. if any of the 3 david really have a contest is chikeze. though the note are graet last night Chikeze performances is not the best since so i give him the 4th place this week. Micheal Johns is the next to come. still the same old same old, not really outstanding. like Simon says, lack of Wow factor. still the rocker though. and the 6th i believe should be in the final 12 is Jason Castro. though without a Guitar last night is a bit of an off-beat act and he's inability to communicate with the musician about the arrangment of he song is a big problem. unless he plans to plan his own music himself the coming performance or got to get tru whatever the synchronization problem he has, it'll hard for him to pull tru after the final 12 begun or even now he is vulnerable. this is the final week before the big final 12. and i believe. Danny have got his chance to prove himself this long and one good performance out of 3 is a strike 3 for me. so sorry. and last 3 out of 3, Luke proves to be the weakest link of the male contestant and if the Vote for the Wrost Clan is not an influence this year, then Luke should be a goner this week. Sorry to say, it's a shame to lose someone with that good looks.

so this weeks male contestant ranking is as (in my opinion)
1. David Cook (Finally the Nasty Rocker Got the Big Freaking Break)
2. David Hernandez (This week's gossip h\king Blown everyone away with hail Note)
3. David Archuleta (Don't Give up buddy, come back with a Bang on the 90's, just be natural, to hell with the camera.)
4.Chikeze (show us some fun next week will you?)
5.Micheal Johns(Rock on Man.)
6.Jason Castro (IF you are not gone this time, try picking up the guitar back, or get going with the musician more will you?)
7. Danny Noriega (Sorry Man, it's just ain't good enough. mayb after much improvement, you'll get to it in other means. just keep improving. Less the Arrogance)
8. Luke Menard (Sorry Man you are too far gone and too soft for a male singer. you need umgh and this should be as far as you'll gonna get.)

As for the Female, as Simon says, none of them actually shines tru at the moment, that is why i still have no pick on the female. many of them have done good work but none were great work. and some with good work comes a couple bad mishab in the pass 2 weeks. I hope this week those who shines could really pop out of the crowd. As I know the good one now is Carly, Amanda, and Brooke (These Chicks Got Style man) and really to me their rank is in that order. and the non-Rocker Chicks Like Ramiele and Syesha is only ok. Remiele I can see can make it into the top 12 but Syesha though with some great Hollywood performances have been pretty dissapointing for the time being. Asia'h Actually gave a good performance last week. I wish that she could keep up the good work this week and mayb she could top the Rocker chick. and these are my top Six female pick. sorry for the pretty blonde this year, Kady and Kristy, you are not so bad, just not really the top nudge material. so the bottom 5 really is a bit shaky at the moment. my pick for this week without today's performance are
1. Carly Smithson (You Rock on Girl)
2. Amanda Overmyer (Great Great rocker voice, and very very unique, even more unique than the Male singer. just need to find that one rock song that could define you.)
3. Brooke White (She's more of a Hippie kinda style Classic singer with a twist, she may be a surprise now with David showing a softer grip on the Title spot.)
4. Ramiele Malubay (Need to choose a more careful song choice that really show off your great pipe)
5. Asia'h Epperson(Keep up the good work girl, just need to gather more momentum with more great song choice.)
6. Syesha Mercado (your need to wail now girl. you are not showing off your talent at all. you are totally underexpose now. and in danger)
7. Kristy Lee Cook (You have some great moment, where have that girl gone to?)
8. Kady Malloy (You just have to work harder this week. you are not safe yet but you are not failing tru totally either.)
wish for the best for all the contestant this week.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

another New Week have come and gonna pass YEAH!

well, since I haven't even included my last weeks blog here goes.

A lot of things gonna happen. Primaries for Texas and Ohio have started and Obama still leading the race. Of course the sole survivor of the republic camp trus on with a minor scandal.

and tru the weekend I've gone for 4 movies.

First up is Vantage Point. this one you really have to read the Sypnosis before you go to the cinema man. It's about 8 vantage point of the same incident. so the plot is one incident.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoiler ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So there's only one incident that probably in normal movie editing would only last for maybe 45 minutes. and so every hour in the movie...... they rewind the scene and you start looking at another person's vantage points. Yes, you get the whole picture and the whole story what's happened and with a whole great cast you'd love to sit tru the movie feel great.

First vantage point is a great shocker, and great performance from Sigourney Weaver, then of course is Dennis Quaid turn, still a great move from the first plot. Fine. but by the time you reach Whitaker and the local Assasins you got so many anti climax that you feel like you want it to just move on with it and get it over with. of course this is one movie besides Cloverfield that people are leaving the cinema before the movies ended. of course this actually fair batter than cloverfield. Though another innovative eeffort from the film maker but sorry just not the ordinary people's cup of tea. though i enjoy the acting and the car chase. segmentizing it makes it great to watch but all together. the setup of the story is just simply not enough momentum to rewind and keep people on their seats. Sorry.

Next stop, Martian Child. I'm so glad that I seen this movie. Just as I expected, It's light hearted. to tell the truth this one is even more suspendful than the 8 Vantage Points combine. and a simple laughter and the relation between a "Martian" with a Man is simply facinating. Truly in the end aren't we all Martian on earth? there's no individual the same. and this kid simply is being the briliant kids that he is, simply provoke thoughts and imspiration. and there's a sense of freesom watching this one.

this is the exact evidence that even a low budget character driven movie can be greater than a big budget action movie.

so I took a rest and gone for the next 2 movies the next day.

first stop would be "The Mist". Yes one of the great horror movie created by the great Stephen King. Fine, that aside. I'm sure that everyone that have read the book would not be going near the movie theatre soon for the movie you know the reason why.

But if you haven't you'd love to go and watch it. it's one of the most facinating horror/ supernatural movie I've seen for years. and still the story is very character driven. Marcia Gay Harden gave the greatest performance of the "Devil Witches from Hell", it's really a great display what stage could fear drive a person or even a community to.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoiler Ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sadly, the story ended so depressingly, I need to go get another movie straight away to get myself of the psychotic Chronic Depression path. Imagine this, when you thought you are hopeless and all the people are dead and left you alone and when you thought you have no more hope, the rescue "National Guard" have arrive. besides the death of everyone you know and love you lived. -------------------- Do not read on if you truly are planning to watch the movie.

only the plot is hundred times more depressing than that. A great shocker and a twist to the end of the movie but not the nice kind.

So instead of staying miserable for the whole day, i gone into another cinema of the cineplex the next hour to watch the great uplifting "Step Up 2: The Street". The setup and the storyline is not too bad. but with "You've got Served" and "Step Up" still fresh in the mind. "The Street"

isn't really such a new idea anymore and far far of the beat of a new style, it took the same formula of the first movie just put in a few new character and a new storyline. so it's not too bad but it's not fresh and the character really isn't as much developed as the first movie. But stilll the dance move is still as wicked if not better than the first movie. and the cast is fresh.