Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol Fire off again!!!!!!!

This year AI seems to become into a show of popularity versus talent.

Both David is on the top edge of this year's run but This week and 3 weeks on David Cook is running hard and high and tonight in my opinion he is going higher than Archuleta. As for the most original contestant I'd defer. he is better than Chris Daughtry as for rocking all the song he chooses. but to named the most original artist that ever come out of the show. Last year's Blake Lewis is the most original. and if you actually realizes, Blake's style is even incomparable from any artist in the industry now.

I know that Archuleta will get tru probably to the finale, but I was wondering amist all the rumors about his father behaviour on the show the buzz is growing whether David A. is the one in control on his performance. In my opinio, a strict parent or father sometimes do generate perfection. but In the world of entertainment, too strict of a sense in not very entertaining and to have a figure lurking at the back that signify control is even worse. so if David A.'s father were to want the best for David A. then mayb he'd want to try and back off a bit from the screen for a while. And David Archuleta should be strong and make it his own way regardless whether his father is there or not. not that I'm saying he's isn't . just that in gossip entertainment this is the juicy news and it's sometimes damaging. As for the talent, he got it. just that if you really shut off all the screaming and the buzz. he just sound alright for the past 2 weeks. though he makes a great come back last week but it's not exactly better than Imagine's 3 minitues performance than this 5 minutes big show performance.

And the third in line in my opinion is Carly Smithson. her performance have been perfest for the current 3 shows. there are some wow and boo on the show but it's up to the standard of the previous AI season. but to lose Amanda Last week. the show have gone a bit dule right now. the diversity of the song choice and style have shrink a bit.

forth in the chart will be Jason Castro. due to his growing popularity, charm and the piercing pupil. I guess he is the crave of most girls now after David A. He's definitely going tru to next week. Though his song choice are a bit limited in style.

So who is actually below the faultline?

Syesha is not yet reach the top but she is on the top 5 after this week's performance. and if her popularity could rise higher then she might surpasses Jason. As I says it's a popularity vs Talent. she definitely is better in talent but she shines really little for the past 2 shows and her popularity is definitely below the chart at the moment and doesn't seem to be moving upward or anywhere fast. I hope she could continue to work better.

The Black Horse of the pool would be Micheal Johns. though he is the disadvantage of the oldest finalist here nor is he the prettiest or cutest but the style of his singing is not out of league of any genuine good artist, such as Jon Bon Jovi or Paul McCartney.

Kristy Lee Cook after hit and hit of being in the back of the pack for all this time. she's done a much much better song this week. I'm just wondering whether it's good enough to get her out of the tailing entourage.

Chikezie did a good enough performance as well this week. but is it good enough. I'm starting to doubt it and i think in this popularity contest he is over shadow by all the front runner now.

Brooke White is in that talent song writer kinda vibe of contestant this week. but is her last week flop and this week performance going to get her tru? My Guess the lowest three could have a swap this week.

Ramiele Malubay I think is running a loser race here. not that she is not good as a singer. but she have not shine and not as good as any of the contestant now and she is not as popular as David A. considering all of the element of the show so far. she is losing the battle on both sides right now. it's hard to break a kids heart but that's the reality of all thing. of course reality always have a bit of a twist at the end of every life. who knows. mayb this week there'll be another Amanda.
My bet if that was going to happen it's either syesha or Brooke. Chikezie? could a an Obama this year HAHA.

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