Friday, March 21, 2008

american Idol Come back and Lay off

The Top ten is out.
Amanda Overmyer is a goner. but to tell the truth, American have got it wrong. very very wrong.
Overmyer is the ultimate rock chick. She shouldn't be the one that's suppose to go.
I recon that Overmyer is going to get a record deal really quick.
well, if you look at it. though AI is a great stage to promote yourself but it's not really the platform to show off a talent. especially shen some talent with such significant signature already. It's more of a victory show for the beginners or chrooner type. Which is the perfect stage for David Archuleta.
Speaking of
David Archuleta, he makes the biggest come back this week. usually if one contestant actually make such a big mistake this early in the show, they would have been the first to go. but since David A. is so popular that he's gonna pull tru probably to the final. (most likely is what it seem.)
But one thing though, if you look closely David A.'s dad are in the rehearsal room the whole time the David is training. so the rumors that Dad may be have influence in David's performance. but regardless. Dad, my advice would be get a grip of your emotion. i know you are eager to see David success but bad press do nothing for him. and either here or there rumors or not, things leak. David is still young and yes Dad may be his manager later. but I think David is as great someway is because dad knows some best for David. just Dad...... try to control yourself eh!

Kristy Lee Cook is not doing bad either this week. apparently the act comes right on time and saved her from droping out of top 10. But there's one advice though. see thyself truly and charges on. You lack of confidence, you are lack of charisma, you are lack of likeability. regardless how David A. or the other contestant doing. those are the thing that you need improvement on. and start improving them now then. it's take you further if you can do just that.

Micheal Johns comes in as the 4th act, and did the wierdest song that the beatles have ever done. "A Day In The Life" is the ultimate clown hippy song which is the epiteme of any mix of the beatles song. to do it other wise will just crash. Micheal Johns held up but it's not the ultimate act of his own nor of the show or of the week. but he's tru and deservably.

Of course with Overmyer gone the seasonal rocker of the show this season will be the real rocker of the show. David Cook, His arrangement, his vision of any of the songs he's performing is amazing and he is solid.

Of course the other blonde lady, Brooke White just whipe off her last performance smear and did a less than good performance this week. and almost fall off the grid. but clearly "yesterday" from last week have gotten her tru the top 10.

Of course who can forget Carly Smithson. another great performance this week though not as good as her last performance. but it's still good enough.

then Chikeze fall into his own trap of being great and being not so great this week. the performance not a bad one. just not as stand out as last week.

and then there's the dreamy eye Jason Castro. of course the ladies in the crowd drool on him. but his preformance not so in tune with the American audience, as all song that's not really American-ish. the bohemian style is great just that the accent is a bit of a downer. of course the french revolution of the song and the way Jason sings it doesn't really stir any surprises. just that as Simon says. he sold it with his face.

Rimiele did the hype song of the beatles. but it seems tat she is trying it a bit hard this wing. thre's no doubt she got a great voice. But it's not shining as it's suppose to be. mayb it's the song.

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