Well, this week's voting have begun.
This time is a really interesting moment. for the very first time the top Male singer have a shuffle. Trying to hard to actually show a instrumental side. David Archuleta find difficulty in navigating the Piano and the Camera and lost his concertration for a moment. Which given David Cook a lead this time, though he have a little glitches on his instrument but his performance are perfect this time around. this time the 3 Davids have a big shuffle.
with David Cook leading the pack with his consistance rock style and perfect rendition of Lionel Richie's classics, then follow by the much controvercial David Hernandez this week. and David Archuleta tailing at 3rd place. but Tru and tru, David A. It's just a small mishab. you are still the greatest voice of all of them. So makes the show much much more interesting to watch when you have a competitor instead of a one man show. so. David A. Keep up the good work. keep charging on man. one small mishab isn't sucha big deal. you still pull it together and not many of the contestant really have perform surpasses yours.
So besides the 3 Dav in front. the rest of the clan left will be Chikeze. if any of the 3 david really have a contest is chikeze. though the note are graet last night Chikeze performances is not the best since so i give him the 4th place this week. Micheal Johns is the next to come. still the same old same old, not really outstanding. like Simon says, lack of Wow factor. still the rocker though. and the 6th i believe should be in the final 12 is Jason Castro. though without a Guitar last night is a bit of an off-beat act and he's inability to communicate with the musician about the arrangment of he song is a big problem. unless he plans to plan his own music himself the coming performance or got to get tru whatever the synchronization problem he has, it'll hard for him to pull tru after the final 12 begun or even now he is vulnerable. this is the final week before the big final 12. and i believe. Danny have got his chance to prove himself this long and one good performance out of 3 is a strike 3 for me. so sorry. and last 3 out of 3, Luke proves to be the weakest link of the male contestant and if the Vote for the Wrost Clan is not an influence this year, then Luke should be a goner this week. Sorry to say, it's a shame to lose someone with that good looks.
so this weeks male contestant ranking is as (in my opinion)
1. David Cook (Finally the Nasty Rocker Got the Big Freaking Break)
2. David Hernandez (This week's gossip h\king Blown everyone away with hail Note)
3. David Archuleta (Don't Give up buddy, come back with a Bang on the 90's, just be natural, to hell with the camera.)
4.Chikeze (show us some fun next week will you?)
5.Micheal Johns(Rock on Man.)
6.Jason Castro (IF you are not gone this time, try picking up the guitar back, or get going with the musician more will you?)
7. Danny Noriega (Sorry Man, it's just ain't good enough. mayb after much improvement, you'll get to it in other means. just keep improving. Less the Arrogance)
8. Luke Menard (Sorry Man you are too far gone and too soft for a male singer. you need umgh and this should be as far as you'll gonna get.)
As for the Female, as Simon says, none of them actually shines tru at the moment, that is why i still have no pick on the female. many of them have done good work but none were great work. and some with good work comes a couple bad mishab in the pass 2 weeks. I hope this week those who shines could really pop out of the crowd. As I know the good one now is Carly, Amanda, and Brooke (These Chicks Got Style man) and really to me their rank is in that order. and the non-Rocker Chicks Like Ramiele and Syesha is only ok. Remiele I can see can make it into the top 12 but Syesha though with some great Hollywood performances have been pretty dissapointing for the time being. Asia'h Actually gave a good performance last week. I wish that she could keep up the good work this week and mayb she could top the Rocker chick. and these are my top Six female pick. sorry for the pretty blonde this year, Kady and Kristy, you are not so bad, just not really the top nudge material. so the bottom 5 really is a bit shaky at the moment. my pick for this week without today's performance are
1. Carly Smithson (You Rock on Girl)
2. Amanda Overmyer (Great Great rocker voice, and very very unique, even more unique than the Male singer. just need to find that one rock song that could define you.)
3. Brooke White (She's more of a Hippie kinda style Classic singer with a twist, she may be a surprise now with David showing a softer grip on the Title spot.)
4. Ramiele Malubay (Need to choose a more careful song choice that really show off your great pipe)
5. Asia'h Epperson(Keep up the good work girl, just need to gather more momentum with more great song choice.)
6. Syesha Mercado (your need to wail now girl. you are not showing off your talent at all. you are totally underexpose now. and in danger)
7. Kristy Lee Cook (You have some great moment, where have that girl gone to?)
8. Kady Malloy (You just have to work harder this week. you are not safe yet but you are not failing tru totally either.)
wish for the best for all the contestant this week.
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