Thursday, March 27, 2008

Human Behavior are a strange thing. And Don't We all Wish to rise above?

As the Campaign started by Oprah I am reading "A New Earth".
Truly I have always feel like this. Although I do not take any religion but I believe in one God(Higher Being) and in all religion. I started my live as a Confucious, and I pray to Buddha, and My life is surrounded by Hinduism and Islamic culture and My Friends are mostly Christian. though i'm no spiritual leader. But I know in my heart that All Discrimination, Self-proclaim righteousness and my own anger Are not the True Being of and human being.

I know that when a person successes, some people wish to bring them down.
Some people lost in the midst of time and lost their way and soul. and dun nkow how to go back.
But there is a way to go back. Regardless of how the world around us are, regardless how many heartless human being we meet. regardless how many time and space we own in a life time. what's true is the Quality of life and spirituality and the growing of our soul. Not money, not houses, not even friends and enemy could you bring to your grave. the only thing you will find at the end of your life or what you'll be able to leave is your spiritual legacy.

So, I urge each and everyone of you. leave whatever unimportant "stuff" behind, onlt take sufficient important "stuff" you need, and start grow yourself as a whole person. not the half that need another half, be 2 full being with your couple. be not 2/3 or 1/3 of a person which need "things" or "Money" to fill us up, you are one whole being living in a perfect whole environment. The only imperfect being is the act of human being reflected on other human being. and when you realize you are one whole person, you'll not need another person to filled you up in any way.
Don't misunderstood, we are human on earth, to navigate this vast place you need others. but what i meant is others can't grow for you. you grow with others not grow by other people. you are your own self and can't be help spiritually, you can only inspired to grow. no hand or other person can pull you up to grow unless you yourself willing to grow. Same were be told about bad influence or people around you. if you are not willing to let other people push you around, you won't be. it's HARD!!! you say. that's the word, because you choose to be lazy and let other people to push you around then you are letting them.
You should start by training yourself to be selfless, then only you can see the truth of yourself. and then you can start treating other people as they are and not what they do or what they forgot to do. and then you can only differenciate right or wrong and see the truth of life. If you are saying I'm wrong and you're right one minute after you read the last sentence? then you are not yet selfless. there are alway true and false in one question if subject to one person's being, life, ideology, religion or opinion or family. but there's only one truth in every universal being and that true never waiver and never wrong. It's just wrong in the eyes of a person's mind. if you choose to stay as you are then be where you are. I have no desire to force anyone. but if you are seeking the truth, then move on, read book no matter how hard it'd be or you like it or not. find wise people to talk to not smart people(smart is schmug and wise are kind and open). for a wise man knows the universe is within you already own your own. and the earth are the combination of the millions universe in one space. but smart people dun know then own their own universe and wish to dominate and conquer others, and in the end, the truth is you could never earn another person's experience, nor soul ,nor life just your own experience of him in your space and time and what you own is your bad experience of him in your life. so Open Up and See Your truth.
I confess I'm not 100% a saint. I do get angry and I do get lost. but I also have experience the truth. just that I've once doubt my wisdom and let others take control and I realise it's not going to work. you may call me obnoxious but when you see the truth you'll know. only you yourself own your own spirit.

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