Monday, March 17, 2008

Alright It's time to let the cat out of the hat!!!

After a much delayed review. I'm setting the record straight here....
I know many many ppl have scolded me for making the Jonas Brothers the back drop of a several review here.

Well, the thing is they are not the most talented of all bands, they are not the greatest nor the most professionally profound bands on earth. They don't have the best vocal, they don't play a guitar like Bruce Sprinsteen but this the what they are. they are the hottest band on earth right now (move aside Rascal Flatt and Bon Jovi), they are the band that earn the most out of their career in the pass 6 months (try a 1000x salary raise) and they are undoubtedly the most potential and the most marketable band in the world right now. Reason, all kids from 6-26 knows their name. And they are the only all boys group at the moment that is below 20 in average and plays their own instrument. They are the W-inds(Japan) of USA, they are Hanson from 10 years back, and they are definitely much much better than Backstreet or N'Sync back in the days and they are the beatles of the 21st century. McFly Try to do it a couple of years back not a single break. and they are altogether definitely better than Spice Girls (Go! Boys Power!!!)

Of course not to mention they are in all the little girls opinion cute as hell. and with a multi million dollar career ahead of them they are bound to be the next top band in the world. Whether they will be a one album wonder is still to see. But for the time being they are hot as a Volcano eruption. (Money and fame sometimes do have effects on the looks. they do look better with the fame and confident. Let's just hope they won't be another Britney.)

And for all of you guys out there. get real.

It proves that you don't really need to be great first in order to get into it. sometimes some people just have better luck. and with a bit of hardwork you'll get it.
you just have to go for it. there's no guarantee nor definition what type of artist will succed. sometimes some luck, the right look, the right time you get it. If not then it'll means you either have the guts to fight for it for the next 40 years to get what you want or you give up and go for the easier target. My advice, you would be happier doing what you like than going tru life with what you don't want but a 9 to 5 job.

Fame is not the begining of a career, they have been singing and acting for the past 4 years, nor is it the end. sometimes it's just the effect of the shine you get when you truly are pursueing what you really want. and that is Life. Kids sometimes just have more tenticles to sense it. adult they just bored to death and lock themselves in their own shell sometimes. that's also proves what my friend always say. the more you grow the more coward you will become. scare of this, scare of that. that's y i say not to disrespect but adult sometimes just really are plain silly and not "brighter than a 5th grader"(Proven Facts, you might want to watch the TV show).

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