A lot of things gonna happen. Primaries for Texas and Ohio have started and Obama still leading the race. Of course the sole survivor of the republic camp trus on with a minor scandal.
and tru the weekend I've gone for 4 movies.
First up is Vantage Point. this one you really have to read the Sypnosis before you go to the cinema man. It's about 8 vantage point of the same incident. so the plot is one incident.
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So there's only one incident that probably in normal movie editing would only last for maybe 45 minutes. and so every hour in the movie...... they rewind the scene and you start looking at another person's vantage points. Yes, you get the whole picture and the whole story what's happened and with a whole great cast you'd love to sit tru the movie feel great.
First vantage point is a great shocker, and great performance from Sigourney Weaver, then of course is Dennis Quaid turn, still a great move from the first plot. Fine. but by the time you reach Whitaker and the local Assasins you got so many anti climax that you feel like you want it to just move on with it and get it over with. of course this is one movie besides Cloverfield that people are leaving the cinema before the movies ended. of course this actually fair batter than cloverfield. Though another innovative eeffort from the film maker but sorry just not the ordinary people's cup of tea. though i enjoy the acting and the car chase. segmentizing it makes it great to watch but all together. the setup of the story is just simply not enough momentum to rewind and keep people on their seats. Sorry.
Next stop, Martian Child. I'm so glad that I seen this movie. Just as I expected, It's light hearted. to tell the truth this one is even more suspendful than the 8 Vantage Points combine. and a simple laughter and the relation between a "Martian" with a Man is simply facinating. Truly in the end aren't we all Martian on earth? there's no individual the same. and this kid simply is being the briliant kids that he is, simply provoke thoughts and imspiration. and there's a sense of freesom watching this one.

this is the exact evidence that even a low budget character driven movie can be greater than a big budget action movie.
so I took a rest and gone for the next 2 movies the next day.
first stop would be "The Mist". Yes one of the great horror movie created by the great Stephen King. Fine, that aside. I'm sure that everyone that have read the book would not be going near the movie theatre soon for the movie you know the reason why.
But if you haven't you'd love to go and watch it. it's one of the most facinating horror/ supernatural movie I've seen for years. and still the story is very character driven. Marcia Gay Harden gave the greatest performance of the "Devil Witches from Hell", it's really a great display what stage could fear drive a person or even a community to.
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Sadly, the story ended so depressingly, I need to go get another movie straight away to get myself of the psychotic Chronic Depression path. Imagine this, when you thought you are hopeless and all the people are dead and left you alone and when you thought you have no more hope, the rescue "National Guard" have arrive. besides the death of everyone you know and love you lived. -------------------- Do not read on if you truly are planning to watch the movie.
only the plot is hundred times more depressing than that. A great shocker and a twist to the end of the movie but not the nice kind.
So instead of staying miserable for the whole day, i gone into another cinema of the cineplex the next hour to watch the great uplifting "Step Up 2: The Street". The setup and the storyline is not too bad. but with "You've got Served" and "Step Up" still fresh in the mind. "The Street"

isn't really such a new idea anymore and far far of the beat of a new style, it took the same formula of the first movie just put in a few new character and a new storyline. so it's not too bad but it's not fresh and the character really isn't as much developed as the first movie. But stilll the dance move is still as wicked if not better than the first movie. and the cast is fresh.
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