Thursday, March 6, 2008

There we Have it the New !2 contestant to perform in the Big Stage!

The American Idol Finally have come out with the new 12 Contestant tonight.

Althought Asia'h have perform a great opening for last night show, it's still not enough to cover her Grungy look.

As I've predicted Kady have come to the end of the line for the girls. after Last night 80's performance, actually I can only pen in Kady for the girls. It's still a struggle for the rest of the other Female who will get the dozen nod. and Asia'h is the sacrifice of the week. as Female's performance this year is still uncertain so the contest is pretty Dynamics for the girls.

As for the guys, Luke And Danny is out just as predicted.

Now it's a mix Games. who will go out first from the 12. and normally this is the most unpredictable part of the show. because all votes are going for one of the male or female contestants.
For me the ranking for the Guys and Girls Mix is
1. David Archuleta
2. Carly Smithson
3. Amanda Overmyer
4. David Cook
5. David Hernandez
6. Chikezie Eze
7. Brooke White
8. Ramiele Malubay
9. Syesha Mercado
10. Jason Castro
11. Michael Johns
12. Kristy Lee Cook

Last 2 Contestant actually is lost based on popularity, as for Castor, his performance is a mix of good and bad. Ramiele and Syesha still not performing to the par. and all 2nd-5th rank won with Distinct Style in their performance. Brooke Loses to Chikez on distinct image, not musically related, just not that relatable to the audiences in her performance. but basically they are really great 70's -80's kinda music. As for Chikezie being the only dark male of the group. he's not really up to the expectation of a great black artist yet. so he is in a whole other evaluation bar than the rest.
as for likability, potential and musical talent (not really all aspect is outstanding than the others),all aspect taken into account David Archuleta is the estimated miles away from the rest of the group. but Like Jordan, he may not sale CD but he does sell ratings for the show.

the rest just have to keep up. but from this week's performance. they are not really far off the rank either, for the contestant from Chikezie and above. though there's still some doubt how Carly would perform after last night performance. not her best really. Amanda is gaining a steady climb. So is David Cook and David Hernandez.

That would be all there is for this week AI.

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