Sunday, March 30, 2008

Preview of the Movies Coming Up Ahead

My Fiends always ask me how come everytime I go out I have to watch movies. and every weekends I watch Like 4-8 movies. Here is the reason why. because movies are great. the provoke thoughts and remind me that the world is far bigger than I thought and far smaller than I'd like it to be. There are so many great ideas in a movie that when you are complaining about the small boring stuff in life. great art are being created in the same ways. and movies is the result of it. Hard work and at the end of may be 3, 5, or even 10 year(in the case of Hell's Angel) a great result piece is born. and why so many movies? because look at the movies below. these are the one only coming out in these week alone. so how can I not watch them all? HAHA! Enjoy and choose one that you like to watch. I guarantee you'll enjoy them. Stop complaining.

Wanted -> A new twist on the Mr. and Mrs Smith from Angelina Jolie. Starring the Handsome James McAvoy. Regardless if you have seen the Oscar and BAFTA nominated movie Atonement or not. this will be the breaking out movie for McAvoy. And of course not to forget the great Morgan Freeman
The very married but great to look at guy is going to be a killer that's going to be trained by Jolie character and along the way to be come the greatest assasin of all.

21 -> this one already is on the screen. just coming out last week, it's hitting big on the buzz wave. A story starring a string of handsome actor (Jim Sturgess) and beautiful actresses (Kate Bosworth) about 5 MIT kids persued by their Professor and went to play counting cards in Las Vages. the twist is on Kevin Spacey character. who's the baddies? who's really winning in the end.

Flawless -> this movie is a lower buzz on the air wave now. It's a movie from Demi Moore or the story from 19560's London about the Stealing the Flawless Diamond of all time. Also starring in infamous Micheal Caine also of course.

Run Fat Boy Run -> it's Friends David Schimmer directorial dabut, and Starring the ever funny Simon Pegg and in my opinion, most beautiful actress on earth Thandie Newton. it's a comedy about a fat guy winning the heart of Thandie Newton.

Stop Loss -> of course it's about the war and the retunring or non-returning of the soldier from Iraq. how the veteran are being treated and how they cope with it all. All because you sign a contract you can't refuse? Starring Ryan Philippe and Channing Tatum.

on a lighter note

Nim's Island-> Jodie Foster, no introduction needed there. but she doing comedy always is a bit over the edge. and then there's the most celebrated child star of the year, Abigail Breslin. You've seen little miss sunshine? you'll know why everyone want to work with her. This one is a story about a writer naming a hero in her own name and get an email from a kid who ask her to save her father that's lost at sea. more of a comedy than an adventure movie really. Chinese audience may have a remember another movie of the sunshine girls days or happy ghost days of a group of traveling school trip lost at sea. it's almost the same theme.

Leatherhead-> the one headed by the great George Clooney and Renee Zellweger. what a combination. these 2 will have you craking from the start. and if you throw in John Krasinski there who can resist. it's about making professional Football into a reality in the year when no ne is really looking that way.

The ruins-> a Thriller that's not exactly getting a lot of buzz. starring Jonathan Tucker and Shawn Ashmore about a bunch of teenager discovering some ruins and then encounter something aliens. when trapped by the villagers it seems there's no way out and they are bound to be killed either by the villagers or the thing in the ruins.

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