This months big player in the house is these 3 new born. though most of them are not new. Emmy Rossum has several movies under her belt before she became a songstress in the new adaptation of Phantom of the Opera to the movie screen and gain herslf a record deal. and Jared Leto in the lead of 30 Minutes from Mars and he is definitely no stranger to the teens on the late 90's. One Republic is seemingly new to the entertainment industry but with the reknown producer Timberland behind them, they are surely not so far from the top.
All three acts are in their own league of style.
Emmy Rossum is a totally breath of fresh air into the music industry. being realease last year the album didn't even raise any waves for 3-4 months but her sound is like heaven. she is the new Enya. the new new age. there's no one with the same style nor anyone to compare to. it's like impressionist artist in music but unlike any act before there's no anger nor curses. the reality of her expression is dreamy and soft yet real. there's very little shouting or even huge notes belting. you get a calm yet uncommon feeling towards the sound. she is really brave to be doing a totally unprecedented sound. and some how it work.

next one of course is the new addition to the Rock of fame. 30 Minutes to Mars is the most rock band of the year to me. their screaming crazy hard rock style simply spell devine. I'm sure anyone looking for a new sound in rock this is the one. they are beautiful lyrically, the sound is revolutionary, the highes and lows of the tunes is spot on and if you truly gives your heart to it, you'd find yourself addicted to it. Though I'm not a screaming for any hard metal riock. this is not your old grand father hard metal rock. It's Limkin Park less the hip hop. truly truly one wonder sound to listen to. just take care of you ear drums while doing it will you. there are some really crazy notes in it.
Of course 30 Minutes to Mars is no Tokio Hotel the teens that's looking for real hard rock might go for the Bill Kaulitz lead French Band. they are the Jonas Brothers for Rock Bands and all european girls are hitting on them hard as the US of A are on to Jonas Brothers.

Well, if you are looking for some softer band, mone a side Daughtry, One Republic is the band the year to look for. their sound is softer. but not too soft. they have a bit of a british modern feel to it. not New Age though. the lyrics of the songs a re beautiful and the sound of the lead on it is simply icing on the cake. perfectly smooth and spell-biding. you won't get bands better than this one really. the are best at it's game. (of course every band would say they are the best). the are no Jonas so dun think the teeny winsy fans of cuteness would vote for them. but if you are looking for some great music, that 's not too heavy, this is the right one for this month.
No offends, Jonas Brothers are a big deal, they are the 21st century Hanson. but there are still much room to grow and that's what attracts investers, potential. and wil screaming fans counting by the million if not billion, there's no count in how much they are gonna earn. that aside, their sound is still really teenager. so there's still some great wave to go. mayb they can actually do a Moffatts and have a really dark change...... but i doubt it will happen in the near future. their sound now is right on for the younger audiences. not the older though. I'd recommand them to any teenager in the world looking for the new band of their time. they are the 21st century band of the year for all teenager. no doubt. cos i didn't see anyone yet in comparison this year. there below is a picture for you ladies to drool on (God damn, how come that suits works for Nick and not my prom. HAHA! Guess Star power and fame does have special effect )

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