Friday, May 30, 2008
Guys Guys..... Stop Complaining, Do Better
I must say this. They are good are they not? I have not been wrong. unless it's not your taste of song style then it's another issue.
As for some of the player in the game. you must know that in any situation in the world you are competing. no matter what your excuse are it's not exactly always a fair world. Admit that and work harder. Keep charges on you'll get better and one dayu'll get notice.
As for some guys I must say you gotta do better. I can't list you because I must keep my list "Clean" so it's easier to keep it organize. And Rocker out there. Although I don't really love hard rock I still know Sex Pistol and Metallica ok. And I know how good they are. and if you are not even close to it. then exposure will kill you. trust me. Do better. it's about Rocking not about noise. Ever heard Jon Bon Jovi before 1990? They are great.(not that they are not good now, just a bit more pop and less rocky now haha) U2 and Chranberries? Those are good. not Just Noise OK?! Try better. Get a better environment recording to record and then put in your space. don't simply put any. be critical of yourself before letting the rest of the world judge you. You can do it. trust me. I've seen plenty artist did their demo perfectly without a studio. So just do better ok?! I don't want to just let you through and then you'll be dead before the first round you are through.
Just look at where you are now and move forward guys. dun just compare with other people. Know exactly what is the Good and right standard and hold it. there's no where but down if you simply brush off criticism with blames and complain. trust me, I've been there. Review yourself correctly and then improve from there. if you dun think I'm correct then just move on. F**king with me don't exactly bring you anywhere. you are only presenting to the world your bad side.
But if you'd calm down and let me tell you my opinion. I'd be gladly to help.
there are over a million aspiring artist online. and billion people watching. and there are plenty of bad artist and great artist to choose from for anyone here. so you may not stand out now. but if you keep improving and sincerely ask for help. my experience, they always work. but you have to be good enough to get notice and when you truly are good the rest is up to God. HE/ SHE always give you the right thing when the time is right. You just gotta have Faith.
** In case you think I'm bias foreigner, I also listen to Sheila Majid, KRU, Too Phat, Jason Lo, Pop Shuvit, and plenty of Malaysian Chinese Artist. Sometimes you don't got it means you just have to do better. Maybe next time it's your turn to shine.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
This Guy totally inspire me to write this Blog, He's the perfect country singer I've heard here
and I have met some great artist but this is the one that actually complete the sets.
While I was looking back at this season's contestant of AI. Back in the long long beginning of the show. One of the Kid actually caught my eye (ear to be exact). Though he drop out when he's in Hollywood but that sound stick with me. So I goes on myspace and seek him out.
Reason is because I heard one of the most classic country voice, in a 19 year old. And when I check out his music site. His music is even better than I expected. If those songs are written by himself they are as good as Brad Paisley's. though most of his song tone are pretty "Low-key" (which explain why the AI drop him) they are fine, fine country music. non of the fast line dancing beat from him but some of the most soulful I've heard from an amateur.
His name is Drew Poppelreiter, the Farmer/singer. Trust me, check him out at
and you'll know what i mean. some of the recording are in 2004, that's when he's 15 that meant a lot from a kid that can do that great at that age. and he goes that way and with a better music marketer I'm sure he'll be going long on the Country Music route. It's a bit Bluegrass that's what they call it. And I love it on a 19 yo. HAHA.
The next great sound I've found is Landon Keller. This guy's unplug sound fantastic. It's really Damien Rice. The Guitar is wonderfully talented and the sound is fresh and raw. I simply love the sound he makes. if you are looking for something that's pure voice and sound and not be drown by all the electrically instrument. this one is the one to keep. Check him out at
The third sound not at this rank is a totally different and southern soulful in Philly. If you are looking for the true philly sound. Jay D Clark is the one to look out for. his sound keep reminded me of Tom Hanks and some of the greatest movie soundtrack like Philedelphia and Sleepless in Seattle. I just love the lazy sound. You just drop into it and just float. there are a lot of expression you can do in music. it doesn't need to always be rockin. HAHA! so check him out at
He'll lay you down softly and you'll be calm and fall into a comfortable sleep..... Enjoy a good night guys. you deserve it.
for some fun check out this sound from Europe. He's not as poppy as Mika. but for a fresh sound this one is good. Simon Mathew, Living in Denmark have some of the popiest sound around these days. So don't rain on my parade. if you are not into pure pop (no R&B or any of that mix) then this is your choice for the week. at least that's mine for this week. check him out at
for all of the artist featured above and more you can check out myspace are you'll find them all settling comfortably in my friends list
Random Thoughts
Walking out to the balcony with my coffee
there you are
statnding across the street
holding on to the rose
your smile brightens up my day and night
your eyes captivate me
drowning me in the vast ocean of blue
I long to kiss your lips
I'd love to hold you tight
Yet there he was standing beside you
your smiles is not mine. nor your laughter
You never realise
Your beauty can't be contain
so contagious you befallen me with you voice
like wild fire burns across the plain
I love you my dear if only you knew I exist
Oh My Dear Angel
bless me with your gaze
Shower me with your embrace
For My heart is burning
cold my frantic heart with your love
and before I finish my thought
with that stranger you have gone
I could only walk to my room
wishing you'd be there waiting
For I'm a stranger you stringing along
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Feast your eye on some great movie other than some blockbuster this summer!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Everyone Summer is here!!! School are closing. Beautiful Girl and Handsome Guys going to the beach....

For those out there taking the Summer off. Go for a movie. Go for the best beaches around town, Go to the hottest club in the cities man have fun and start enjoying life.
For those of you looking for a place to excape your current life and reevaluate life and enjoy a cooler summer than the usual record-hot. come down to Malaysia.
Here you'll find the most soft and warm hearted, English affluent Muslim country around the world. Here Multiple races of some of the largest population around the world live together peacefully in the whole year mild weather country. Surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches, great tropical forrest highest mountains in the region and one of the coolest Casino in the world up above altitude of 2,000 metres above sea level. you'll enjoy the excitement of some of the best concert, the excitement of Vages and the coolest theme park.
You may choose to snorkling in over 100 beautiful beaches and island around the country. or shop in some of the most exquisite mall around the cities and inside one of the tallest building in the world and enjoy the vibrant lifestyle that the local have.
Most Malaysian speak fluent english so there's hardly any language barrier. Since most Malaysian watch satellite TV of show imported from United States you may catch some past season of Grey's Anatomy or Heroes. HAHA! and if you are planning to visit the capital, we even provide free high speed internet connection in most hotel and malls. just find on power point and jack in and you'll find the cofort of a coffee house as your office.
And with the conversion rate and the China Town Street Market and Night Market you may find some of the cheapest Clothing, Accessories and Hand bags around the world. We have also some of the largest IT center or Mall around the world.
Our culture also include most of the best cuisine around the world. There's the exotic food of three largest races around the world. Chinese, Indian and Malays and we have also reinvented thsoe cuisine and addition to the local taste. you may get some of the most popular food of all Asian country, ranging from Japanes Sushi, Korean Noodle, to the regional, Thai, Vietnamese to European and Western Food. Of course there's no lack of any usual fast food joint such and McDonalds, KFC, Chilies, Carl's Jr. or any of the coffee francise like Starbucks. You'd find our diverse culture nature and our acceptance of may foreign culture are impactablely friendly and familiar yet still reserve with enough surprises for you to enjoy your hottest season here. So Start looking up this fabulous birth place of Actress Michelle Yeoh and book the ticket to enjoy one of the coolest summer you'll ever have.
Business and Economics Invester alert!!!!
If any of you that have a business, doing a living or investing in any investment. you should read the news.
You should know that the Share market is dropping gradually in the past one week. and though the Federal Bank is trying it's best to maintain a momentum. The first wave of stimulation is lossing it's force now and the market have been dropping for the past week trading at a steady pace of 100++ point a day.
So as many analyst would tell you the recession has already started and the people in every area is trying their best to revive it. It's not that the market is not going to be better. at some stage it will settle. but everyone should be really careful now when they are either trying to invest or pull out. cos any movement in any amount will effect the market. You still can earn if you know how. Just that if you don't have a clue then this might be the right time to pull out before you lose anymore.
Indiana Jones Proves to be in the Middle

Friday, May 23, 2008
This Book I keep on my Shelf
the reason I actually bought the book is simply of the terrific title. HAHA!
Something that could keep reminding me to put everything into perspective and not get too personla or emotion about things in life. Of course I'm not saying that I should simply give it all up. I still have emotion I still get all that spacy loneliness. but I sould start putting things into priority and start moving on with my life this way.
My philosophy in life now is Living Now. in this very space and time. all other things is merely an illusion of my own imagination or the past that have already happen.
And one thing that could actually block me from living this full life would be myself and my sometimes obsession with emotion. so this title just simple resolve it all.
What's most important and we can act to is in the space of now. what's to come though is a result of our past which we can do nothing to avoid the consequences and the future is yet to come and uncertain so there's no place for worries there. what's life is, it's Now, Do, work, live with Now. Accept what's to come or came, be Enthusiastic about What we are doing Now what's to come in the future, and then with all that behind our mind, we could Enjoy every process or result and fruit our tree bare.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Well The end of All fulltime TV season and the start of Blockbuster line up only means one thing. The Summer is Here!!!!!!

Indiana Jones is Back!! The summer Blockbuster lineup have already begun!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well, the Result Are In!!! Drum roll please!!! Th eWinner for the 7th Season American Idol is.......
So Drumroll please.......... The winner for the 2008 American Idol is.........
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spoiler Ahead~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Talking about Kiss of Death

and so Simon Cowell Apologize for being so sure about last night's performance. before the result. (Coincidence?)
and David Cook Broke into tears straigth away.

Surprise!? Me Too!!!!! So do everyone.... HAHA.
With a landslide win of 12 Million Votes margin in the record breaking 97.5 Million votes cast in this season final. It seems that the last straw of rebelious act on the last performance from the rock star has finally pay off. So that concludes our life in American Idol filled season and back to summer tour HAHA!
David Archuleta is a sure winner until now and we applaud the professionalism of his performance. Congratulation again to David Cook and we are sure that we will not be seeing the last of the 2.
American Idol Finale
There's no doubt in my mind that David Archuleta is going to win the show tomorrow.
When he sang the first song, Don't Let the Sun Goes Down on Me,when he walk from the stair where he sat to the center front of the stage. He gave me goosebumps. And when he sang the second verse of the song, he really have demanded the stage. It's not that David Cook did a bad job. when David Cook open the show with his performance of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, he is flawless. but the performance is a bit too "seasoned" and to have a pro against a not-so-pro that did a terrific job is..... going to stand out more.
second round are songs from the writters contest. Both Contestant choose their own songs to sing. no one in this world have ever heard them before but the Writters.
When David Cook did the second song, Dream Big. He proves that he is the rock star. Truly a star that belongs to the stage and are ready to make records. The song is hip, and rockin and totally suits his voice. there's a very easy way to lose yourself in such rock songs and stray your voice but David Cook did it just right and every note hit just the right spot.
But, David Archuleta did it better with his. He totally show off all of his stuff on the second performance with In This Moment. Right the lyrics is a bit egoistic His voice even get higher than they are.Hhis sound is more real and enthusiastic. and the hype just keep on going higher and higher with his voice going stronger and stronger.
It's truly are David Archuleta stage for the past 2 performances.
On to the 3rd round both Davids are allowed to choose their own song to perform and it's suppose to be a performance that people are familiar with on previous performance but, David Cook did "A World I Know" of Collective Souls, and it truly is the perfect song to show a softer yet still rockin side of himself, and he is the overall performer of the season. both singer has the right stuff to demand the stage and I believe this is the most professional performances ever for the finale. Although Last year is the most entertaining.
So could David Archuleta top everything with a performance that he have already performed before. "Imagine" proves to the the one performance that bears no surprises. the way David Archuleta sang the song is just perfect. as a reminder why he is there in the first place. he capture all our heart with that one song. and he capture us this time. But I must admit with another performance to compare with he may lose the last round to himself this time round.
So, Is 2 great performance with last one great enough but not wowing be enough for David Archuleta or is the season pro David Cooks steady performance throughout be triumphant? we will only know in 12 hours time. And my prediction is that David Archuleta had the stage, he has the voice and though the performance can get a little bit too contesty, he is the better singer of the 2. and from the way the audience reacted and how the online frenzy goes, there shouldn't be any doubt he is going to win. unless it's like the booking agent predicted, that David Cook has a higher chances of winning. and all Syesha's fans lean towards David Cook. But I beleive David Archuleta is more of the Syesha type.
Anyway both of them no doubt will be getting their record deal before the end of the show. Though I still fred another ballad builder from American Idol. I think this one will be a bit different. Both singer will sell as they promise. which will be better will depends on their records.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Yup the summer Blockbuster season is finally in session

As a continuation of the first movie. "Prince Caspian" proves to be as entertaining as the first story. although without the element of surprises and the encouragement of the Big Big fantasy movie Lord of the Rings. Narnia is more brutal, intelligent this time. there's more fight scene this time. though the story line have grown more mature as the main character have mature a bit more this time around.
the kid is still as good as they were if not better. William and Anna have grown almost out of their character by now. and Ben Barnes will be famous by now as the story main character of the sequel Prince Caspian.
the story of Narnia is fast forwarded into 300 years after a year in London. Prince Caspian is hunted down by his uncle who wish to take the throne. With the sound of the horn carried by old Queen Susan. Lucy, Edmund,Peter and Susan are once again summon to the land of Narnia while they were waiting for the underground tube. Glad that they were once again back to the land of Narnia they soon discover that the land have much changed. animals are no more speaking human language and the Dwarfs are living among other Narnian. It doesn't take long for them to know the truth of what happen to Narnia and started strategizing against prince caspian's uncle army.
there's some twist and turn like the first movie and I'm not gonna review the plot here. so you have to watch the movie to know what happen next. there's also some prediction that some character may die and some will not be coming back on the third installment of the series. so enjoy the movie when you are in the cinema. I give it a 8 out of 10.
This week will be the big primiere of Indiana Jones. stay tune.
This week on treasure chest

This week I dug into my treasure chest and there's these 2 so.... so..... moving story."We Are Marshall" and "Fly Away Home"Both to me represent the upmost love a person can feel. the first as a community, family and human. and the second is love towards animals."We Are Marshall" is about a town surviving the unthinkable. A Community college that have lost all of it's football team player, coaches and supporter in one night in a plane crash. the Marshall University incident. and the story how the whole community pick up where they left off and the trimphant story of building back the football team from scratch, playing a game and returning the spirit of the whole town and honouring the memories of those they love. Matthew McCoNaughey did a great job as the corky, relentless new head coach and Matthew Fos is the returning assistant coach that's mending his broken heart with the rest of the remaining marshall player.It's the heart felt, warming movie about a sport and the community with it

"Fly Away Home" is the story of a family, that's been dysfunctional for a long time and suddenly invaded by a flock of wild geese. so the family take in the orphant geese and decided to teach them how to migrate during the autumn time. although the authority is not on their side. their story moves every people to their core and make the flight to the origin of the geese migration possible. with the little girl as the leading mother goose. They successfully fly hundreds of miles to the migration pond in the end.
My vacation of the year
I was on vacation in Chiang Mai for the last week.
The first time I've been back to Thailand since 2nd Grade.
I've expected it to be as Bangkok or Hayt yai.
But no.... Chiang Mai is totally out of my expectation.
There's no dusty mud ride out of town for 3 hour for a buddha statue. there's no crazy cars flying around or insane trafic jam.
there's also not Smog days and night.
It's the raining season and it's still the best trip I've had.
first thing came into mind when you talk about Chiang Mai is, it's not a big city, it's not a modern one and it's definitely not european.
The first day I was there, I we drop our bag at the hotel and then go out for lunch at a local hang out. which cook the most healthy looking and terribly delicious fried rice noodles. literally there's no oil on the plate when we finish the meal.
We choose to stay at the Empress Hotel which is a bit far off the main stay for foreigners in the night market place. the Hotel is about 4 km along the street to the night market and we simply enjoy the peaceful it brings.
on the contrary most of the people on the same tour as us stay in the 50 bucks five nights cheaper, Suribong right in the centre of the streeet and the only way you are gonna go to sleep is after midnight. that's a 2 stars compare to the 4 star of Empress. If you wish for a most comfortable stay at the centre of night market there's Le Meridien and Royal Lanna. which is in the same place right opposite Suribong only with higher star rate.
Lets get the schedule out of the way, I gone to the Double Dragon Temple the first day after lunch. which is a great climb of 306 steps to the top of the mountain at the Zoo and University Area. that's where all the buddhist have their pilgrim on Wesak day which is te next day after I left.
Then there's Handi Craft visit which is the usual schedule comissioned for tour agency. And the Botanic Garder and Elephant ride. I love the latter programme. what I like about the tour is that they don't have tour guide that actually forces you to buy things. which is why at the end of the day we give a big tips to the tour guide haha. there' s a story behind the whole story and I'm gonna tell you guys later.
So the elephant ride was scary as hell. I was riding on my own and every time the elephant goes down hill my butt slip off the seats a little bit HAHA. but it's fun totally. So after some hectic days we go to the famous massage house and got some massage. actually we went almost everyday when we are there and I've tried all the types of massages there is to try. and to tell the truth I was so scared cos it's my first time. I was so scared that I'd have some unpleasant or embarassing reaction. And in the end nothing. Great HAHA.
Traditional Thai Massage is a bit rough where they rub you with clothes on, and some Twist and Breaks is applied. If any one wishes a softer approach take the oil Massage. though cautionary is that Oil Massages have to be done without any clothes on and all you have is a piece of towel to cover you and they move it around or flip it open all the time so that oil massage can be done to your whole body. That was a bit scary as I've never naked with a stranger and stranger as it sound on a bed, except on a nude beach. A bit of a disadvantage when you're the only one naked when teh messues isn't.... Just kidding. but the Massues are very professional. and I enjoy the whole process relaxing too. But to keep myself fully experiencing the whole process I did a bit of concious meditation by closing my eyes all the time. For the first time I actually know my sensitive spot and the non sensitive one and unfortunately/fortunately my sensitive spot are very very limited, bout 3 or 4 places only haha.
OK. then we go to the third day which is when we go way up north to Chiang Rai. the Trip to the north in a Van are not pleasant at all. we turn a hundreds turn up hil to the hot spring. and Am I glad when we reach the top after one hour. I was so dizzy already I was ready to puke. we took some picture and take another 2 hour ride down hill to the white temple. which is the most beautiful temple that I've ever lay my eyes on. the Temple was painted white and the lay out are all decorated with mirror so it shines like no other temple. a briliant design indeed.
so next we go to the hill village to visit some foreign villager living in Chiang Rai. where finally we see the Long Neck Ladies. the fact that they have such long neck and wearing that 4 kg metal on their neck still amazes me.
then we move on to the border town Measai to the 3 county connect with meakong river. Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. nothing much to see except the fact that we have come to the northern most end of Thailand.
Then it's the dreadful 3 hours ride trip back to Chiang Mai. well, Choosing not to stay in Chiang Rai for a day is still a great choice. because by the end of the day though we are tired there's nothing much really to visit at the northern border. so you'd wonder how i get through the last 3 hours ride. I crack up my IPod with disco sound and dances on the van. HAHAHA. that's how I actually help me ignore the fact it's so bumpy amd imagine myself dancing in a club. since you are moving already.... it's all about volunteery and invonlunteery movement when dancing anyway so there's no different.
So the last day of the trip we extended our tour and get a day free to ourselves. which proves to be the best decision we have ever made. earlier on the second night we have the most funny night. we went to the cities Departmental store and there's more local people that foreigners compare to the night market. And I get my first taste of fried Cricket and termites. which doesn't taste too bad. one advice though take off the leg of the cricket first . they stuck to the throat and not that pleasant when you eat it. and we 5 people actual closes a store that sell thai pork Teriyaki or in Malaysia they call satay when we bought together 50 stick of it when it opens. HAHA and then on our way back we took the "Red Taxi" it's actually somekind of pickup truck that's modified to take people as taxi. where it's more like a bigger "Tot tot" (Taxi modified from a Tricycle) and there's these Kid on the taxi with us and they are geting off from on of the places which looks like a night market when actually it's not the famous night market of Chiang Mai. IT's called Warorot Market which is the real market place of Chiang Mai and at night they have the same night market as the Peak Night market. where most of the customer here are local.
So there's actually more than one night market in Chiang Mai and this one is much more cheaper as the market is more for local people. of course the shop keeper here are not too fluent in english either. but you get like hundreds more local cuisine to feast on here.
so if you are looking for anything Cheaper then come to the Warorot Market in the Day all the indoor Traditional Market is open and you can get a real taste of Thai market place. here you can get anything from bags, cloths, clothes, bed sheets, gold, silver, pots, you name it they have it and they also have the most humorous collection of t-shirt I have ever seen. HAHA
but if you are looking for some eye candy or a place where you won't feel so foreign, then the Peak Night Market is the place.
And the benefits of having a day free also allow us to actually ask around and experience the whole place thoroughly, we plan to go to the zoo to see the Panda and Koala but a 30 bucks entry fees it si too much for us. we rather save the money for massages. so we went to the second best place which is Mardul and Hai Ya Road because one of our tour mate wishes to buy some cheap dog food for his dog. and there is there most multi breed of dogs you can see there and the pure breed of dogs there are abundance there's almost 20 dogs in a small corner of every half shop-lot.
After that we went back to the hotel for another round of massage. then we actaully able to acquire the info that there's a saturday night market which is obvious that opens only on saturday. the last day of my trip. so thinking i have bought all the souvineir i needed I thought I was going to go there to have a taste of all local food only and am i so wrong. the saturday night market actually occupied one of the longest street in Chiang Mai and it's a total of 6 km walk from one end to the other. there's the most beautiful handicraft you can get, the most unusal and famous of all Thailand there. and there's plenty of people with dogs there which is a greta thing for me and a not so great thing for the other tour mate of that who is totally scared of dogs HAHA. so I bought like the whole collectiong of numourous spiderman statue, a table lamp and another dozen set of Nobu Cartoon set. and it's so lucky that I actually saw the set because one of my mate were looking for magnetting palter model when I saw the 2 sets, he wanted the same of after wards and there's actually one complete sets left for both sets. lucky me. HAHA. the largest bought of my trip is today. At the end of the days I've tasted all the cuisine to be tasted. even the pork burger and Yam Pie of McDonald.
I can imagine why westerner like to call Thailand the paradise. There's no poeple who bother you, you can take a bike and ride around town. people here are friendly as hell, except for that one girl who is jealous of us 5 buying 5 pair of slippers instead of one of her statue and came up to us and tell us unpolitely to be aware of her statue when looking at shoes. HAHA. oh! if you want to have all the bites that Thailand offers go to the Saturday Night Market on Wau Lai Road. there is a whole side of the whole 6 km walk at the exit of the walk of local food stall. And the most lucky thing I have is that Whenever I walk out the street the rain stopped. I have hardly have any drizzle on me the whole trip and no sun at all. just the perfect cool weather everyday.
so that wraps up my trip. oh the lesson....... HAHA. the trip turn out to be totally a pleasant one which totally waste my time fussing about the worries I have before I board the plne. that's one. don't fuss about the small stuff or stuff that actually not gonna happen. Second lesson, don't compare with others. there's these tour mates that actually came on the same plane with us from beginning til the end but not followed us on the last day.....actually ask us about our trip and learn that we have went to the Saturday night Bazaar adn they didn't. and their faces simply turn from happy to angry the whole way through custom. oh please when you have a great time why ruin it by comparing with others. such a waste so just that one sentence you gonna diminish the whole 5 days of fun you have? HAHA so stupid. and the third one is Tip the tour guide. these girls were so angry they started scolding the tour guide for not telling them there's a saturday night market when we actually acquire the information from the hotel counter not the tour guide fault and to scold the tour guide before you check in through the gate and not tip him is a big big no no. cause you know why? cos he's not gonna help you when you don't know how to group check in your baggage and you end up over weighing every baggage and have to either pay of hand carry all 20 kg of stuff you bought from the night market. HAHA. so one tips give the tour guide 30 bucks and you are better off paying the airport 300 bucks or carry a cos on your lap the whole flight back.
in this trip I conquer some of my own evil and I have learn of some I need to keep improving and it's simply enlightening to have a lot of occation that coincidence happening to simply at the right time.
China's Earth Quake needs help
Everyone watching the news should have realise the catastrophy already. I hope that the internationl community could start sending their search and rescue troops over to help now. as well as start donation drive to help out.
Drop all the political agenda and start moving people. life's is at stake here. help whatever where ever you can.
go to the nearest international Red Cross Organization and start the donation drive. Check out their website at you may also donate at these websites
Direct Relief
You may direct any donation to the society listed in the association in this news scrap.
you can also search for donation account in all paypal account to donate to one foundation or care for children association
Start the drive now everyone.
Thank You
American Idol Updates..... Now it's Finally the Finale

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Check out the Hanson.Net and Join the Walk

Do something, Anything will help. Spread the news and start the effort to spread the message.
Take the Walk and start organizing the event with Hanson brothers and Toms Shoes.
If you are interested in joining any future walk check out the next walk on or buys a Toms shoes now and Toms will match it with a new pair of shoes to be sent to Africa.
Totallly Clean and most efficient design for wind power
Though the vertical design ensure optimal wind capture but with horizotal design, more wind can be funnel through a tube and gain the most power without losing any energy. and a horizontal design turbine would take less space and more stable to setup on top of the roof. and with it, a very small wind will be captured to generate power.
check out the vertical design at
Change to wind power for anyone living in the range of any windy city or tall building. anywhere there's a wind this will work. very little wind power is needed to turn a helix Savonious turbine.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I Was........ I Am........
all of which is my past.
but No more. for to live well and simple and happy. what's past, what's my identity is and what's I've did is not important. For I Am Me. Now I Am who I Am Now.
and it'll will come to past too in the near second future.
We do things, stupid things and brings conversation and that's Karma. but that is just the universe response to our work but non of it defines who I Am.
I've did many many stupid things and many brings bad results. But After I'm freed. everything seems just so little. All the suffer I've gone through are in the past which brought me to this stage of life. but still none of it defines who I Am.
It's the journey of my life. It's experience. It's my life. but It's not exacty me. for I Am not defined by one moment in time. I'm all that have past and all that is to come. So are All of you. Just live. Choose to Live Now. and let go of any past and just peacefully accept anything that's coming and then enjoy the ljourney, good or bad. Time is not the essense.
You might think that I'm just convincing myself. But you can judge anyway you like. for anything you think is only in your mind. they have no effect at all on me. For I don't know what you are thinking. I only know who I Am Now. And In my world I'm fine, Happy, Living, Peaceful and Ready to move on every second. That's me, Letting Go of everything and Just....... Living. When in old days, Just Living..... means much less than perfect now, without boredom and with just inspiration. the quietness of life is not boredom instead it's become peace.
It is strange how things can seem so different though the situation and condition remain the same.
My friend say how come I watch so many movie alone? and they say good things should be shared with friends. To Me Now. moment are the thing we shared with friends. but enjoying art are really subjective and there's no sharing involve. And to have a person to go to 5 movies a week with you is insanely unlogical. so I go alone and enjoy the art alone or with the public audience. every crowd have their own unique timing to the moment of the movies. and that's enjoyable to me. As for time with friends I do have it when friends actually willing to go with me and I don't mind going for a movie for the second time with different people. what's most important is the moment we share. In actual fact I've watch Titanic like 10 times and Lord of the Rings for 7 times with different people.
So anger and eager became enthusiastic, boredom and loneliness became peace and enjoyment, and bad consequence due to past doing becomes a learning experience, maturity and acceptance.
In the context of it all, I can't change the past and I can't control what's to come. what I can do, feel, inspire and perform in Now. so I choose to Live Happily, peacefully and enjoy now, and share it with the world.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Myanmar and Oklahoma and Missouri Got hit with cyclone and twister!!!!!
The spring summer tour of the turbulence air is rounding the world. So people be alert, the usually lower season for wind and storm is hitting the northern hemisphere this year. First to get hit is Myanmar. with poor warning and low budget for disaster, the country have been hit a couple of weeks ago and suffer a great deal of loss both in human count and property. So plead to the world community is to start a rally from donation and direct the donation to Myanmar.
and another storms hit Oklahoma and Missouri last night and at least 5 is dead and million dollar of losses. with another round of tornadoes hit the midwest again. So people in the America might want to rally to help their own this week. Though we all know that this is common in the middle of some season change but the uncommon occurance of these twister is just gonna get more and more powerful if the global warming issue is not resolved. there are bound to be more to come in the autumn if the heat start to built up in the coming summer and the season start to switch.
people living in area in the direct closest track of the sun in the summer on the northern hemisphere should start preparing for more serious heat stroke too. as the temperature will be hitting anew high yet.
so for those who can donate then donate and if you wish to help then help however you can.
go to the nearest international Red Cross Organization and start the donation drive. Thank You
This week in Movie
What's happening in the movie world today.
As the Summer approaches, the silver screen war of summer have already begun. leading the way is of course Iron Man.
This week new preview will be for Speed Racer. from the beginning, though "Speed" is marked as one of the blockbuster but it seems it didn't bust the Iron Man block.
It is obvious that coming from a really old 2-D Anime background "Speed" is not meant to be the biggest hitter out there. there's not much buzz and the design of the movie is just too..... Anime.
Personally I think it's breath of fresh air. having all the 3-D or realistic Anime or comic hero out there. this one simply stick to the original and with a great script and some movie arrangement actually makes it a good movie to watch.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoiler ahead~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The start of the movie got a bit too many back flash that makes it a bit of a anti-climax. Which got me thinking, is it all movie that Matthew Fox choose to take on will have flash back treatment all through HAHA.
That aside, the visual effect and camera placement for the whole film is dramatic and pretty much created the excitement of a real race rally of the original. Actually this is the Anime that actually got me understood why people are amazing about the F1 racing. finally I understand it.
As I've said the movie are mostly in primary color tone which isn't the most attractive color tone for a movie and in some way if the audience didn't get it at the beginning will go through the whole movie thinking it's a kid movie. In Actually fact there are a lot of comedic material in it that's really entertaining.
It's always a great enjoyment to see great actors duke it out on the big screen, Susan Sarandon is the perfect mom and wife, and not to mention the chemistry between the whole race family, Emile Hirsh is the perfect Speed with Christina Ricci as the girlfriend and the chimpenzy and the little bro is just hilarious. and to see John Goodman busting his chops on screen again is just fantastic. All and all the actors will grab you into the movie if the visual effect don't.

Next stop is the romantic movie that feature 2 of the most beautiful person on earth. HAHA. Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz's What Happen in Vegas.
Which is pretty funny and recreating the comedic moment of "My Best Friend's Wedding". the feel is right and the set is just Vegas.....
It's the classic Kutcher and Diaz's Comedy together. the chemistry is simply explosive. you'd have laugh tru the end if you are interested in character comedy.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Another humble day go wild and happy.
so everyone was pissed because of me.
in the end I gone to the training and exercising y practice of secret and live now. I let it be and concertrate on my training. So it goes well, no pressure of work and just learning. I've learn a lot and without any hassle I enjoy the day. In the end I was tired and waiting for the training to end and I ended up winning the lucky draw. waht a day.
It could have been a disastrous and boring and filled with rage and embarassment day and instead it turn out to be a great relax day.
It's just all in our mind. all the pressure all the expectation or planning. you can still be happy when things didn't go your way and in that instance you are enjoying your life and that moment is priceless.
I was chatting with one of my friends online last night. she send me this great speech by a local politician. and I was following my instinct and tell her I'm gonna read it later when I have the time when actually I dun have much intention to do so. so she think I'm singleling out from the world and shut myself in my own world. so calmly I told her I just wasn't interested. reason is I am connected to the whole world. Yes his speech may have some influence to my local life but I don't actually care about what he's gonna say because I have a life that doesn't really involve whatever he is talking about. condemning other politician or party... or what actually is happening in the "World". I'm not ignorant I know there are things that's not good happening around the country, crime-rate, Drug, injustice, bribery. every country have it. you are politician, do something about it. I dun need to listen to some great speech to know that. I got my life to look at. To me the world is Earth. and we are totally connected living in this same space. So I told my friend. Civil War is still happening around the world, in Sri Lanka for instance, no one care. Israel is divide into 2 because of the Wall. Artic will be gone soon in the coming decade, and Antartica too. no more wild polar bear will survive and left 1/3 whale population. 3 Million Children homeless or die and more than that displace every year. 3 kids die every second in the world and malaria which shouldn't have been a killer decease is still killing kids around the world today simply because income per capita problem in a poor country. and so I ask, which of any of this single problem is less important than this politician speech? the answer of course is every problem is greater than his speech. So I ask her am i not connected to the world?
I'm not trying to make my friend feel bad about herslf. I'm just saying this is me now. to me that speech is simply unimportant at this moment. there's nothing you can do to stop all that? there are many things you can do. raise money, do charity, adopt a child, sponsor a family or a child, buy charitable items, clean your house and yourself everyday, stop shopping unresponsiblely, start recycling, choose recyclable item, choose item make from recycled material,install solar panel, change light bolt to energy saving one, shut down all unuse appliances, turn up the temp for AC by 2 degree. or use fan instead of AC. walk and cycling instead of drive or ride a bike. all of that is do-able and you can start doing today. choose to change and save a life. that's the motto.
Yesterday is another American Idol night

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The New Idol Emerging!!!!

This guy is one of the unknown I've found on the net too. no one was buzzing about him. Hail from Tennessee I thought he'd be one of the country singer but his sound is just fabulous. it's more pop than country to be exact. but his sound is the classic pop. none of those dancing beat and pretty good for an indie and unplugged sound actually. I just like the relaxing and non-provoking sound.

Hail from the fame of One Tree Hill and now October Road. very few knew he have a musical side. I guess ganging up with the whole Tyler Hilton lot just makes him think he can make it. though his work is not perfect and a bit raw you can hear a sound of good music in him. if the company not going to sign him as an artist, he might proof to be one of the best writter actually. the music he wrote is pretty much in the range of some great writter like One Republic or well... Tyler Hilton. He got a good sound.