Friday, May 23, 2008

This Book I keep on my Shelf

This book that's I've bought to remind myself "Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all small stuff"
the reason I actually bought the book is simply of the terrific title. HAHA!
Something that could keep reminding me to put everything into perspective and not get too personla or emotion about things in life. Of course I'm not saying that I should simply give it all up. I still have emotion I still get all that spacy loneliness. but I sould start putting things into priority and start moving on with my life this way.
My philosophy in life now is Living Now. in this very space and time. all other things is merely an illusion of my own imagination or the past that have already happen.
And one thing that could actually block me from living this full life would be myself and my sometimes obsession with emotion. so this title just simple resolve it all.
What's most important and we can act to is in the space of now. what's to come though is a result of our past which we can do nothing to avoid the consequences and the future is yet to come and uncertain so there's no place for worries there. what's life is, it's Now, Do, work, live with Now. Accept what's to come or came, be Enthusiastic about What we are doing Now what's to come in the future, and then with all that behind our mind, we could Enjoy every process or result and fruit our tree bare.

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