Monday, May 19, 2008

American Idol Updates..... Now it's Finally the Finale

I know I know I'm a bit late. I was on vacation in Chiang Mai
So the last Match is David Vs David.

Finally the Fanile is here and Syesha is out. Though it's the end of the road for Syesha as expected but there's no doubt she is the ultimate survivor of the show to be at the bottom 3 or 2 for almost the whole final and reaches top 3 is an achievement by itself and if you truly compare her sound is as good as Whitney or MC at their previous peak. so there's something there to explore.
so everyone have a choice of 3 songs on the Tuesday matches. and Daivd Cook did a great job with his 3. flawless. it shows off every talent he haves.
David Archuleta is a bit nervous. some bump in the tune. wonder if it have anything to do with his father no being around. I hope he truly can stand on his own and perform greatly.
as for Syesha, she have done really well. In fact could have been better than Archuleta but..... the buzz is still on Archuleta. so there's no doubt since the beginning of the final that The fight between the Davids' is inevitable. that's also one of the reason why there's less viewers this year. because there's not much of a surprise when you already know the result.
I still predict that David Archuleta will win. though it's pretty clear that David Cook is the more professional. We'll see what happen tomorrow then.

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