Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol Finale

The final is finally over. Finally the moment that everyone have been waiting for and have been expecting all the season final. The Duke between the Davids and who would slain the Goliath?
There's no doubt in my mind that David Archuleta is going to win the show tomorrow.

When he sang the first song, Don't Let the Sun Goes Down on Me,when he walk from the stair where he sat to the center front of the stage. He gave me goosebumps. And when he sang the second verse of the song, he really have demanded the stage. It's not that David Cook did a bad job. when David Cook open the show with his performance of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, he is flawless. but the performance is a bit too "seasoned" and to have a pro against a not-so-pro that did a terrific job is..... going to stand out more.

second round are songs from the writters contest. Both Contestant choose their own songs to sing. no one in this world have ever heard them before but the Writters.
When David Cook did the second song, Dream Big. He proves that he is the rock star. Truly a star that belongs to the stage and are ready to make records. The song is hip, and rockin and totally suits his voice. there's a very easy way to lose yourself in such rock songs and stray your voice but David Cook did it just right and every note hit just the right spot.
But, David Archuleta did it better with his. He totally show off all of his stuff on the second performance with In This Moment. Right the lyrics is a bit egoistic His voice even get higher than they are.Hhis sound is more real and enthusiastic. and the hype just keep on going higher and higher with his voice going stronger and stronger.

It's truly are David Archuleta stage for the past 2 performances.

On to the 3rd round both Davids are allowed to choose their own song to perform and it's suppose to be a performance that people are familiar with on previous performance but, David Cook did "A World I Know" of Collective Souls, and it truly is the perfect song to show a softer yet still rockin side of himself, and he is the overall performer of the season. both singer has the right stuff to demand the stage and I believe this is the most professional performances ever for the finale. Although Last year is the most entertaining.
So could David Archuleta top everything with a performance that he have already performed before. "Imagine" proves to the the one performance that bears no surprises. the way David Archuleta sang the song is just perfect. as a reminder why he is there in the first place. he capture all our heart with that one song. and he capture us this time. But I must admit with another performance to compare with he may lose the last round to himself this time round.

So, Is 2 great performance with last one great enough but not wowing be enough for David Archuleta or is the season pro David Cooks steady performance throughout be triumphant? we will only know in 12 hours time. And my prediction is that David Archuleta had the stage, he has the voice and though the performance can get a little bit too contesty, he is the better singer of the 2. and from the way the audience reacted and how the online frenzy goes, there shouldn't be any doubt he is going to win. unless it's like the booking agent predicted, that David Cook has a higher chances of winning. and all Syesha's fans lean towards David Cook. But I beleive David Archuleta is more of the Syesha type.

Anyway both of them no doubt will be getting their record deal before the end of the show. Though I still fred another ballad builder from American Idol. I think this one will be a bit different. Both singer will sell as they promise. which will be better will depends on their records.

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