Friday, May 30, 2008

Guys Guys..... Stop Complaining, Do Better

I recieve some comments on my last post.
I must say this. They are good are they not? I have not been wrong. unless it's not your taste of song style then it's another issue.
As for some of the player in the game. you must know that in any situation in the world you are competing. no matter what your excuse are it's not exactly always a fair world. Admit that and work harder. Keep charges on you'll get better and one dayu'll get notice.
As for some guys I must say you gotta do better. I can't list you because I must keep my list "Clean" so it's easier to keep it organize. And Rocker out there. Although I don't really love hard rock I still know Sex Pistol and Metallica ok. And I know how good they are. and if you are not even close to it. then exposure will kill you. trust me. Do better. it's about Rocking not about noise. Ever heard Jon Bon Jovi before 1990? They are great.(not that they are not good now, just a bit more pop and less rocky now haha) U2 and Chranberries? Those are good. not Just Noise OK?! Try better. Get a better environment recording to record and then put in your space. don't simply put any. be critical of yourself before letting the rest of the world judge you. You can do it. trust me. I've seen plenty artist did their demo perfectly without a studio. So just do better ok?! I don't want to just let you through and then you'll be dead before the first round you are through.
Just look at where you are now and move forward guys. dun just compare with other people. Know exactly what is the Good and right standard and hold it. there's no where but down if you simply brush off criticism with blames and complain. trust me, I've been there. Review yourself correctly and then improve from there. if you dun think I'm correct then just move on. F**king with me don't exactly bring you anywhere. you are only presenting to the world your bad side.
But if you'd calm down and let me tell you my opinion. I'd be gladly to help.
there are over a million aspiring artist online. and billion people watching. and there are plenty of bad artist and great artist to choose from for anyone here. so you may not stand out now. but if you keep improving and sincerely ask for help. my experience, they always work. but you have to be good enough to get notice and when you truly are good the rest is up to God. HE/ SHE always give you the right thing when the time is right. You just gotta have Faith.

** In case you think I'm bias foreigner, I also listen to Sheila Majid, KRU, Too Phat, Jason Lo, Pop Shuvit, and plenty of Malaysian Chinese Artist. Sometimes you don't got it means you just have to do better. Maybe next time it's your turn to shine.

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