I was looking through myspace list to do a follow up to my last Blog about new Kids on music.
and I have met some great artist but this is the one that actually complete the sets.
While I was looking back at this season's contestant of AI. Back in the long long beginning of the show. One of the Kid actually caught my eye (ear to be exact). Though he drop out when he's in Hollywood but that sound stick with me. So I goes on myspace and seek him out.
Reason is because I heard one of the most classic country voice, in a 19 year old. And when I check out his music site. His music is even better than I expected. If those songs are written by himself they are as good as Brad Paisley's. though most of his song tone are pretty "Low-key" (which explain why the AI drop him) they are fine, fine country music. non of the fast line dancing beat from him but some of the most soulful I've heard from an amateur.
His name is Drew Poppelreiter, the Farmer/singer. Trust me, check him out at http://www.myspace.com/drewpoppelreitersmusic
and you'll know what i mean. some of the recording are in 2004, that's when he's 15 that meant a lot from a kid that can do that great at that age. and he goes that way and with a better music marketer I'm sure he'll be going long on the Country Music route. It's a bit Bluegrass that's what they call it. And I love it on a 19 yo. HAHA.
The next great sound I've found is Landon Keller. This guy's unplug sound fantastic. It's really Damien Rice. The Guitar is wonderfully talented and the sound is fresh and raw. I simply love the sound he makes. if you are looking for something that's pure voice and sound and not be drown by all the electrically instrument. this one is the one to keep. Check him out at http://www.myspace.com/landonkeller
The third sound not at this rank is a totally different and southern soulful in Philly. If you are looking for the true philly sound. Jay D Clark is the one to look out for. his sound keep reminded me of Tom Hanks and some of the greatest movie soundtrack like Philedelphia and Sleepless in Seattle. I just love the lazy sound. You just drop into it and just float. there are a lot of expression you can do in music. it doesn't need to always be rockin. HAHA! so check him out at http://www.myspace.com/jaydclarkmusic
He'll lay you down softly and you'll be calm and fall into a comfortable sleep..... Enjoy a good night guys. you deserve it.
for some fun check out this sound from Europe. He's not as poppy as Mika. but for a fresh sound this one is good. Simon Mathew, Living in Denmark have some of the popiest sound around these days. So don't rain on my parade. if you are not into pure pop (no R&B or any of that mix) then this is your choice for the week. at least that's mine for this week. check him out at http://www.myspace.com/simonmathew
for all of the artist featured above and more you can check out myspace are http://www.myspace.com/keitoshichin you'll find them all settling comfortably in my friends list
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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