Thursday, May 8, 2008

Another humble day go wild and happy.

Today I was on my way to a training. and I have a date with my colleague for carpooling. instead I totally overslept and miss the car.
so everyone was pissed because of me.
in the end I gone to the training and exercising y practice of secret and live now. I let it be and concertrate on my training. So it goes well, no pressure of work and just learning. I've learn a lot and without any hassle I enjoy the day. In the end I was tired and waiting for the training to end and I ended up winning the lucky draw. waht a day.
It could have been a disastrous and boring and filled with rage and embarassment day and instead it turn out to be a great relax day.
It's just all in our mind. all the pressure all the expectation or planning. you can still be happy when things didn't go your way and in that instance you are enjoying your life and that moment is priceless.

I was chatting with one of my friends online last night. she send me this great speech by a local politician. and I was following my instinct and tell her I'm gonna read it later when I have the time when actually I dun have much intention to do so. so she think I'm singleling out from the world and shut myself in my own world. so calmly I told her I just wasn't interested. reason is I am connected to the whole world. Yes his speech may have some influence to my local life but I don't actually care about what he's gonna say because I have a life that doesn't really involve whatever he is talking about. condemning other politician or party... or what actually is happening in the "World". I'm not ignorant I know there are things that's not good happening around the country, crime-rate, Drug, injustice, bribery. every country have it. you are politician, do something about it. I dun need to listen to some great speech to know that. I got my life to look at. To me the world is Earth. and we are totally connected living in this same space. So I told my friend. Civil War is still happening around the world, in Sri Lanka for instance, no one care. Israel is divide into 2 because of the Wall. Artic will be gone soon in the coming decade, and Antartica too. no more wild polar bear will survive and left 1/3 whale population. 3 Million Children homeless or die and more than that displace every year. 3 kids die every second in the world and malaria which shouldn't have been a killer decease is still killing kids around the world today simply because income per capita problem in a poor country. and so I ask, which of any of this single problem is less important than this politician speech? the answer of course is every problem is greater than his speech. So I ask her am i not connected to the world?
I'm not trying to make my friend feel bad about herslf. I'm just saying this is me now. to me that speech is simply unimportant at this moment. there's nothing you can do to stop all that? there are many things you can do. raise money, do charity, adopt a child, sponsor a family or a child, buy charitable items, clean your house and yourself everyday, stop shopping unresponsiblely, start recycling, choose recyclable item, choose item make from recycled material,install solar panel, change light bolt to energy saving one, shut down all unuse appliances, turn up the temp for AC by 2 degree. or use fan instead of AC. walk and cycling instead of drive or ride a bike. all of that is do-able and you can start doing today. choose to change and save a life. that's the motto.

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