Thursday, December 4, 2008

December Feature Artist: Chris Townsend, Genius!!!

This week we have the privileges of meeting and interviewing one of the most amazing musicians online. Chris Townsend who represent a great part of what’s an independence artist is about. Great Music, Great Lifestyle, a racking album that’s totally professional. The arrangement for the music in fascinating and complex. The music is just simply….. awesome. With an amazing album on the wave and touring both the Europe and US. Chris is one hell of a musician to look out for.

Hey Chris, Thank you very much for accepting our invite.

Q:How's your day?
A:Great thanks! It's snowing in London!

Shall we start then?
Q: You have been in this music scene for quite a while now. so how did you got into this whole music thing?
A:Erm well I just started playing at little open mic nights in bars in Sheffield, UK while I was at University and then kinda progressed to playing shows by myself and just continued on from there.

Q: your album Copenhagen is out now. what it's all about and how do you get into writing those wonderful music?
A:Well the reason it's called "Copenhagen" is because I spent 6 wonderful months living and studying in Denmark in 2006/2007. I wrote quite a few of the songs for the album whilst I was out there and just thought it was quite a cool original name with a story behind it.

Q: Now you are touring the US at the moment as we know and before this you got on an European tour too. How is everything going on? How does it feel to be able to play live in front of an audience?
A:HAHA well touring is a little bit of an exaggeration but yes I am playing shows round and about! It's a bit random with me, I kinda feel like going to a place and when I want to go there I book a show at the same time! The US in the summer should be really great, I'm really looking forward to meeting some of my US fans and visiting all the different cities!

Q: the most interesting thing that happened when you are on tour?
A:Oh interesting things happen all the time....I'm constantly getting lost or ending up in weird places and eating strange, amazing food!

Q: Who would you like to be collaborating musically at the moment?
A:Erm I'm not that fond of collaboration really, I kind of believe that music is a personal thing and all the songs I write are about my life and the people I know. But if I had to collaborate I'd love to work with Paul McCartney or John Mayer or even Chris Martin of Coldplay. Those would be cool.

Q: you write some pretty amazing music. How do you really start writing one song? Do they come jumble? Or just a feel kinda thing?
A:Well they usually come quite easily and naturally but it's finishing them that I often have problems with. Its really hard sometimes to fill lyrics or finish the song. But the best ones are always finished really quickly.

Q: Your sound are pretty American at times. Are you in anyway American or is it some kind of idol influence by some musician you really love?
A:I'm not American but most of the music I love and that influences me is American stuff. I do like some British stuff Coldplay, Damien Rice, David Gray, The Verve but a lot of my sound is influenced by John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Dave Matthews, Howie Day, The Fray and people like that.

Q: We know you like snow. And it's winter now. Any plans on any Swiss or Alps trip come out?
A:Yeah I'm going with my family to ski/snowboard over New Year! It should be great if there is enough snow.

Q: how would people get your album?
A:The best way is to order a signed copy direct from me from my online webstore at:
It is available other places too though like Amazon, HMV online, iTunes and various other websites.

Q: if anyone would like to contact you for some show how do they do that?
A:They can just send me a message on Myspace or an email to:
I read everything :-)

Q: Now let's get deeper into the pit here. Any girlfriend? What kinda girls interest you? Being on tour and a musician and all got many offer?
A:Yeah I do have a girlfriend at the moment. She is lovely. :-)

Q: What the craziest things you ever did your whole life?
A:I quite regularly jump on planes to go see people without really thinking about it which is quite crazy. Erm...otherwise I did so pretty crazy stuff on my ski season.

Q: Well, anything you want to say to all your fans out there?
A:Just thank you so much for supporting me and liking my music! I really appreciate it!!

Thanks again for taking the time to have this exclusive with us. We really glad we got to do this.

Signing off,


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