There are a lot of dimension to a person’s life. There’s no way that anyone could explain himself off how his whole life would be in just a couple of sentences. Because if he can then he is defining himself as merely as much as what he is talking about. Most of us do judge people as just what they are at the moment. Like the disappointment that they bring, the incompetence at the time of his frustration. And when we can’t see the Good part of that very person’s life in that 20 second or half an hour, we take in the first impression of that person then and make the statement or judgment on it alone.
But if you have practice long enough to live in the moment, you’d find that the moment changes and that person changes, every moment of their life they change. And that makes passing judgment far less important than just live our lives with the present of that person and enjoy every moment we have with them. Cause it’s so much fun to see everything in a different way, even when it’s bad at first, it’ll become hilarious the next.
I am a writer, a singer, a composer, a believer, a boring office clerk, a brain-iac with a college degree, a computer geeks, a fashion forward guy, a metro sexual person?, a philosopher, a book worm, a reader, an observer, an excitement seeker, a crazy delusional person, a happily living person, a human being, a philanthropy, a mentor, a teacher, a dancer, a mover, a plumber, a technician, there’s so many things that we do in life that define who we are at a moment in life and yet I’m not just one of that, I’m all of that and they are just the few name or stereotype that I’ve been called there’s many more. And that rebellious refusal to be pin down by anyone of it. Drive me even more to do more things, travel the world, observe every detail of art and architecture, go to
Olympics without work for a whole month to be an Athletes and sports fanatics and get crazy and know people from around the world, run into the forest just to smell the stinking moss fuming all their might of their oxygen reserve. Jump into the ocean and submerge in it to feel the current for half an hour and be in one tune with the rhythm of the earth, lie on ice just to feel the real cold of winter, or stare at snowflakes for hours just to see the beautiful crystal shape of the formation, or occasionally look up to the more and remember the story of the old man that tie the love link between men and women to make them fall in love, or to see the satellite or Mars and Venus form a smile with the crescent moon, or the purple monsoon cloud performing incredible work of art with Zeus’s lighting in the sky.
There’s a lot of things in life that’s far important that get angry with a person reaction to a simply matter. Don’t sweat the small stuff, the first thing to do is not taking everything personally even if it is meant to be personal. Not reacting to everything “Bad” things that people throw at you is the first step towards freedom and happiness. I don’t mean you condone it or ignore it. I mean don’t just react. Be proactive. If it bother you too much. Just walk away for a while calm down then only think about whether you are right or wrong. If you did wrong, it’s not really necessary you must declare it too. Just ask for forgiveness to that person and then change. Whatever the other person do or whether he does or do not forgive you, what’s done it’s done. You can let go. Learn to forgive, yourself or the person. Shit happens sometimes. We can’t always please everyone.
Some people thinks there must be some reward to everything they do, if not then they don’t do it. What if the reward is simple freedom and happiness. That ‘s enough for me at this moment. I do and express what I like and help out when I can. Pay It Forward. I like that word. Not pay back to me. but forward, to as many people as we can. It’s a great feeling to do something and not be expecting everything to return, you don’t hold grudge or regrets, it’s liberating to my soul really. We move forward.
So heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, what does it matter? Yes, discovering or understanding it is, but to form opinion and make it personal… not my style. There’s a different in my own personal choice and what I write. My writing is free-willing, my hands type as far as the world allows me to, but personally I may not make the same choice. Hypocrite some of my friend call me, yet think about it. I would not choose to end a young life if it’s in me, prolife. But I’d not want to make the vote to diminish for other people to choose their own path that they want to take, pro choice. So you ask which side I’m on? That’s not hypocritical, just my choice. It’s just different aspect. I’ll never vote for prolife or pro-8. People can choose how to life their life as they want, that’s freedom. Personally with freedom comes responsibility, how we use it, I hope those with the privilege with use them wisely.
I’m open as an online library, from theory of the universe to women health issues to men’s fashion style to hip hop and classical, all is in my range of understanding this world and life. There are cruel history, there are great moments.

As a scientist at heart, an objective soul is what’s on my heart, as a worldly person, I love everything from snakes to African to Iranian to American, as much as we want to typecast any of them we are in the end connected my land or ocean living in this same planet call earth. I do hope peace is achievable and I choose to believe it for I don’t want other choice, not rage, not anger, not grudge, not revenge.
How would you typecast a person like me? Descendent of China, living in a land mainly consists of minority compare to world population, with a fully integrated and mix culture of every eastern population and aboriginal culture, and the sub culture of the western through TV and internet. This small country I live is the ultimate caldron, it’s not Chinese, not Malays, not Indians, not British, or American, it’s every bit of everything. The freedom to choose whichever way we wish and I won’t want to have it other way. We participate when we could, but distance from what’s wrong and give us the opportunity to observe clearer what could be right or wrong. Of course we make mistakes sometimes. Who doesn’t, we learn, progress and move on.
Life is a fantastic thing. I don’t like it, and hate it even. But it is our own life in the end, and it’s our own choice to whether hate every moment of it and start changing it Now. accept it as it is and start moving on, changing it one step at a time. And feeling every turn of second, you’ll find that every minutes of it is a self discovery and the world around you. Try it. It’s much more fun that you’ll ever know.
As What Celine Dion said, Life is so much more than just singing. Yup, you are so much more than who you are.

Some people thinks there must be some reward to everything they do, if not then they don’t do it. What if the reward is simple freedom and happiness. That ‘s enough for me at this moment. I do and express what I like and help out when I can. Pay It Forward. I like that word. Not pay back to me. but forward, to as many people as we can. It’s a great feeling to do something and not be expecting everything to return, you don’t hold grudge or regrets, it’s liberating to my soul really. We move forward.

I’m open as an online library, from theory of the universe to women health issues to men’s fashion style to hip hop and classical, all is in my range of understanding this world and life. There are cruel history, there are great moments.

Life is a fantastic thing. I don’t like it, and hate it even. But it is our own life in the end, and it’s our own choice to whether hate every moment of it and start changing it Now. accept it as it is and start moving on, changing it one step at a time. And feeling every turn of second, you’ll find that every minutes of it is a self discovery and the world around you. Try it. It’s much more fun that you’ll ever know.

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