Monday, December 22, 2008

Guy Cassidy Exclusive Interview.

Guy Cassidy is one of the most beautiful guy you’ll ever see online. Yet his music is no where near any of the bubblegum pop you’d expect. His sound is totally authentic and classic. They are more country and truthful than usual yet you won’t find old line dancing country with this guy. His music is simply innovative and refreshing.

Here is our interview with this awesome musician.

Hi Jonathan.

Hey Guy.
Q: Let’s start with letting people know what have you been up to lately?
A: Well I just recently released my first EP, ‘Somebody New’. I was very lucky to have ‘GAP’ making it available for everybody to download for free. I’m also more than halfway through completing my album, and I’m very excited about that.
Q: What is the new EP about? And how do you get your inspiration to write such beautiful music?
A: Thank you! ‘Somebody New’ is about how you sometimes cut someone out of your life because you blame them for everything that goes wrong in your life, and about that moment when you wake up and realize that this person is out of your life but you’re still unhappy, and sometimes all you can do is accept that what’s done is done and learn from your mistakes. What inspires me? Usually I get a phrase or a word or an idea in my head that I wanna write about and then I start exploring that. Like with ‘Somebody New’ the main idea was “if I could only change one thing about you, I’d wish you see yourself the way I do” .
Q: Say you are originally from Chicago, how do you ended up in London?
A: I actually came to London on a 2-weeks holiday and it was the most intense two weeks of my life. I met someone that worked at this models / actors agency and she asked me if I would consider auditioning for a part in a music video. Because it was music related I was quite excited about that. To make a long story short, in that short period of time they sent me to about 6 different auditions and I got through 5 of them. At that point I decided London was pretty good to me so I should stay for a while and see where it takes me.
Q: Your music style are pretty British. Who is your musical influences?
A: There are actually too many to mention… I like to keep an open mind when it comes to music. Sometimes you can get inspired by someone who does something completely different than what you do.
Q: The Must ask question of every male interview. Still single?
A: I am single…
Q: Are there any tour/ show date been confirm lately? And when will we be expecting your album?

A: The album is coming out April 2009 and I’ll be touring UK and US later that year

Q: anything you’d like to say to all your fans?

A: Just a big THANK YOU! I received so much love in the past few months. I can’t even say how much I appreciate it.

Well, it’s been a pleasure chatting with you Guy. We hope you all the success in the world with your music.

All the Best


Anonymous said...

I just love Guy!! Can't wait to buy his album :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG so hot!

Anonymous said...

Very nice!