Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life is Beautiful

For over 2 months now I’ve been reorganizing myself.
Letting everything settles in. reinventing my own life. Revising everything and revamping the schedule, and what I’d do daily.
When you start reading, you’ll find that everything goes. One thing that’s most important is to fix up ourselves. Because if you can’t take care of yourself how are you going to take care of others?
I’m not a great person when it comes to taking care of myself. A lot of times we try to distance ourselves so that we won’t get hurt. And in the process we may just hurt other’s feelings. And it is easy to fall back into old habits and then get ourselves into that same wormhole all over again.
Slowing my pace down, makes me realize that for the past few months I’ve been trying to write a blog and losing steam along the period because I was more concentrating on the hits than what’s really matters. It is not my intention to gain fame nor to get anyone to notice me more. I find that many great friends that comes along with the sharing and the helping. Spreading the news led me to meet some great people, and some fantastic personality online. That’s the most important thing. Even if it’s only one person that’s reading. If what I’m doing can get that person to really connect, or walk out of their own troubles, or solve their problems, I’d be delighted to. It doesn’t need much, even just changing one person’s life to the better is worth the effort.
We all live in a world with such different diversity it is hard to ignore the obvious differences between people. Yet I find something that’s even more interesting is life itself. You go and walk around, especially where I am now. Just talk about common greeting. I see French chick kissing, I saw best friend hugging, I see conventional bowing and no-touching policy, I see brotherhood signal, one of the most amazing thing I discover is that when a foreign student came to my place, straight away he is greeted by his countrymen with a chick greeting, then a great hug, and then the introduction to the friends of friends and then the story start from there. Some became great friends that instance, some don’t. Some see it as a game. Some bothering minds think that meeting and knowing people at this age especially stranger is hard. Some hold doubts even after 3-4 years knowing the other person. Some simply too fearful to even move one inch out of their comfort zone. Me? I don’t care the hell about stranger or not. All are welcome. The most important thing is the experience and the interactions. It’s an art on itself that may take us years to learn. When to take a step back, when to move forward, when to be patient, yet it’s not really space science. Relationship should come natural, when you are comfortable with yourself. There’s no egoistic pride, there’s no self defeating embarrassment. Apologize when we are wrong, brave ourselves and stand up again and move on, willing to take the first step and change, and you can enjoy whatever you like, be truthful to others and yourself even when it hurts. This 5 things to me is the most important values I hold, I do not want to force it to others, it’s my own choice, all mine. (I did once a time when I’m lost and hunger for acknowledgement and recognition.) doubt? People may have some about me. me too on myself. But not so critical as other may want me to become. It is my life, the life I’m living now is my life. Whatever future holds no one knows, whatever the past did meant a lesson and a changes to become, Now is what define us now. people judge from the past and guess our characteristic in the future, which is irrelevant and meant nothing. The past have past and done with nothing can change it, we can only learn from it, the future hasn’t comes yet there’s no guarantee, even more unpredictable when every second and minutes you learn and change and live. So live and learn and change. Life is fantastic when you stop worrying about the future and fear the haunting past. One flaws I have is that I’m so deep in thinking myself I goes too deep and forgot where I was and who I’m with. So I apologize for those I left behind. I can’t help myself. And for those that have left us, my toast to you all on our football field glory and super fly life, may God be with you. Rock on HAHA!

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