Monday, December 29, 2008

Take the Journey to Free The Children

While I was flipping through the channels on TV this holiday I came to one of the rerun of the Oprah’s show. This one is a really inspiration, be it for children or adult.
We have come a long way since Live Aid. Now we can see women and African children speaking English and communicating well with the world. And women changing the trend of AIDS and Medicine and culture in the world and introduction the world their own culture, educating their own children to become great man and women.
But there’s still a long way to go. The civil war savage land, the poverty is still there. There’s still a lot of effort to go on. The show is about Free The Children. I have known Craig Kielburger and his effort as he is just a teenager, traveling the world seeing the world truly for what it is and helping everyone as much as he can. That is where Free the Children comes, Craig is passing on and paying it forward. The organization allow children and adults truly understand the situation by allowing them to volunteering to either build a school or digging well for those in need. The show shows exactly what you’ll find in Africa. The poverty is everywhere, yet the spirit of the people is high. they are warm and welcoming. Now you want to be famous and known? You don’t need to, these great villagers will welcome you with open arms. You’ll feel loved. Of course there’s the understanding of the culture part which could come as a shock to some, the sacrificing of animals to bless the projects or land…. The experience is worth the trip really.
Children will learn that they can build a school without any machinery. With their 2 hands they can make a difference. And a long lasting effects on these people’s lives.
And to finally see what poverty is about and how fortunate and grateful they can be about their current living environment, there’s a huge wake up call. Just a simple thing like water, they see the villagers are bathing, cleaning, and even dumping and toileting on the same river they drink from, that one river and source of water for the whole village. You just felt you want to give them all the clean water you have to everyone but you don’t have enough. So you’ll know you need to do more. It only takes 5000 bucks to dig and build a well for the whole village and that’s 1 dollar per person in a community or a school even in some places. That’s all, and you can build 12 wells every year.
I hope those who wish to help can donate or even sign up for a trip and you can feel for yourself what it’s all about.
Or sign up to be an O Ambassador right now and have an experience of a lifetime.
** You’ll find life if much more than Nintendo, not getting your favorite dress and regardless how hard you are not you can overcome it with your own will power. Take the journey now.

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