Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pro- Life, Pro Choice, Pro-Chances

For those of you who have not realise that besides the war, the recession, the election that you actually have very simple effect on. there's a much much urgent errant to handle.

it's all too simple. just change some light bulb, and you'll get 3 more years out of living on earth. Just by switching off appliances not used everyday you saved another 10 lives from dying in the coming summer. By insisting on buying recyclable and a few second reading the label of the things you buy in supper market, you save yourself from a couple tornado and catastrophy nature blow out every autumn and spring. By dividing your garbage into recyclable and none recyclable portion and get them to the center a few meters or miles away, you get a whole nation of Africa and thousands of fishes in Artic a place to live in. And putting on plain solar panel and using geothermal heating system and natural ventilation system, you clean thousand tons of water from being drain from rivers and seas and a million more people on earth get to drink cleaner water. Decide to use Solar system, or geothermal heating or wind power for low voltage electical appliances, you'll save more than 1 million people in China from lung cancer. So Make a Choice now, Save a Life.

I have one single very simple thing that I wish that the myspace and coorperate with everyone on my myspace. It's a really simple thing. since there's this single selling software available in Myspace I thought for 1.99, Myspace absorb 50% of the sell and the other 50% be contribute to charity. registered or non-registered artist alike and all songs must be new and non-exclusive distribution to any label and all songs copyright is self own by the artist. by signing up you give automatically one year distribution of the song for download. it could be an acapella version, or unplug version of previous work. as long as it's in the cycle. how's that? But I don't really resides in America. though I'd loved to do the voluntery work here. still the business side of stuff and the taxation I have no idea how American law works. so I'll need to ask someone for help. Anyone interested in helping me or just start your own? I'm very happy about it. it's just an idea now. I believe that's probable. and it's a great venue to introduce any signed or unsigned new artist. no discrimination and no judgement. anything can be promote there. I'm not saying that it must be an American Artist website, jsut that Myspace is in America and most of the people i know is in America.

So how's that fella. if any of you felt like you are interested, then let me know and I'll see if I can get everyone interested and start working on a plan.

It's not about Earth Day. It's about time to wake up from this dream and make a new dream. We are the generation that is given the responsibility and the chances to make changes that's really meant life saving. we are all interconnected, regardless and borders, any continental boundaries, any lake, sea or rivers and mountains. there is only one Earth, and we all are one in this big village, and Earth may go on for another million years but with the way we treat it, we won't. Yes eventually balance will be restored, but most likely the cost is the extinction of the cause of it all, Mankind. If that is the change you are waiting for. look around you, the changes has already arrive.

If you wish to know more about what is the answer in the topics here, then watch these 2 movies in this sequences, 1. "An Inconvinient Truth" and 2. "The 11th Hour". I'm not asking you to see how it tells how bad is the government. but you can just ignore all those and see what you can do to improve you own living space to begin with. This is no action movies and there will be no climatic ending of the movie. and you may just end half way and say it's too much. but just finish the movies and you'll see that it's just a tip of the iceberg. but there is hope. at the end, there are all the solution you can just put in your own home. just do which every you can. trust me. it saves money and hundreds by the years if you just spend 5 more dollar on energy saving material and appliances and in addition to that you save a life every hour you make a single simple decision to do it correctly.

The music Box...

I was going back into my music list last night and found that there's a couple of artist that I've enjooyed and not been able to get an album before this. Of course people always say get the MP3 download. but I'm a firm believer that if it's your efforts then you should get the reward of being so brilliant. but to find such artist album after 10-20 years is a headache. cos of the ailing industry, store don't really stock on old CDs anymore.
fortunately I still get them in a faithful store that still kept a few of these CDs.

I'm looking for All 4 One. if any of you still remember they are the acapella rival of Boys II Men back in the days. they are consider new and then after the burst of the whole digital music scene and the boys band dance era, they just gone under he durrent. they still have some shows and music out from time to time. but they duon't have th support for tour anymore. to tell the truth they still sound great. and no one yet to have the sound they've produced until now. though similar with boys II Men their members combination have the more Acapella perfection actually. and to tell the truth not even American Idol have come out with these quality. mayb one or 2 actually have the sound.
Their Classics until now still making waves in the remix arena.

The other artist I'm looking for are the truely legendary, Patti LaBelle. Of course the Big Mama is still the Queen of them all and every couple of year produce a steady supply of her voice. there is really no compare to Miss Patti voice. No one even ever have that beautiful great voice ever. Chaka Khan is great, Aretha Franklin is Wonderful, but these are the ultimate diva, no one could ever make the same rank. they are truely their own....
Of course there's endless supply of miss Patti music. just that the one I'm looking for is the compilation of the previous great that I love so much. especially the one in the 80's and 90's. she sound the best then to me. mature, defining the era and leading it. and not the total retro sound of the 70's. she is the modern women of pure girl power.

Friday, April 25, 2008

This Week on movie!!

As many of you didn't know. that is there's a movie out this week, Screening start in the Asian country first. Asian audience get to watch this film before the US or European. and to me It's not a Chow Yun Fatt Movie, it's not a Michelle Yeoh Movie. but it is a great Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and his best to date.
Anyone who know Jonathan most of his movies are British Indie movie but in recent years he appear in Woddy Allen's and Mission Impposible have makes his career most prossible. and of course before he crosses the pacific he is already a famous face in modelling in UK. Regardless of of it as we all say that's all history.
His performance in "The Tudors" the TV show (18PG reminded) are remarkable and he is one of the few young and good actors that's been over looked by the American studios.
His career is doing great now.
back to Huang Shi, "The Children of Huang Shi" a.k.a. "Escapre from Huang Shi" is a movie about the revolution Red Flag War in China and how a foreign reporter manage to saved the children from being drafted into the civil war. It is a great story, a great character story. and Jonathan's performance is never before this phenomenal. I will say some people that's looking for a action movie is going to be dissapointed. If you are looking for action, go for Forbidden Kingdom. this one is going to be as OSCAR as they can get, it's more like "The English Patient" only the backdrop is China. and the culture and manor of the character and story is more Chinese.

It's saturday and Paaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrteeeeeeeee Yeah!

It's Saturday, So I thought I'd just appropriate to feature some DJ in the hous haha!
While I was looking for an actor's info I came across this DJ from Canada of the same name. I don't really know if they are the same people. I assume that they are not.
So, His Name is Chad Hardcastle. You can check out his Myspace

I have been going to clubs and pubs and disco and dance club for the past 5 years since the year I started working. thanks to my first batch of colleagues for introducing me to the scene....
It's great fun. Actually I got some taste of the sound when I was checking some sound when I was young.
but I've seen both lousy and great DJ thoughout the year. and I think this one everyone should check him out.... His arrangement is as "classic" as any house, but the way he position the build up and the cut is just perfection for me.
For those of you whose already knows the DJ, I apologize for my innocence. and for those of you like me looking for new discovery. this is my best find this week.
Non-Disco or dance music viewer beware, this is not your cup of tea.

The next review there's actually not much that needed to be said.

Leona Lewis, If you haven't really heard of her, She's UK X-Factor 2006 winner.(automately she is the discovery of Simon Cowell, who owns the show, is the judge and also own Syco music which is Leona Music company. Check out Shayne Ward and 2007 winner Leon Jackson, both winner of X-factor and great artist.)
Leona, after dominating the UK's heart on the show went on to become the best seller with every single and the become the best selling album throughout the world in 2007. but the one market that the british always frind it's hard to crack is US. this year, Leona become the first after Spice Girls to crack it and break an all time record. with only Mariah Carey in her way. she dominated the chart one week before Mariah came out with her E=MC2 album.
She got a voice so unique that there's no compare in current singer rank. of course being the new top Queen this month she got the invite to be performing in American Idol. which would probably bring her for further. although I like the preformance when she perform in the Xfactor better. Still it's a great song. "Bleeding Love". and she looks just as great as ever. she does shows the contestant what's they need to step up to. To tell the truth, David A. is still a pretty long way from that. some people just fortunate and natural. David Cook however is a more distinct performer. IF I'm not mistaken actually in current music trend, people in the business actualyl will have a hard time to decide where to put David A. in the whole equation. he is great now in American Idol. but there's no sign that Archuleta is in any category of music. so some how he'd have to be great on his first album and work out the real arrangement and style. and come out with a great new formula.
as I've said earlier. Leona have a distinctive voice. better than any songstress in the world. her high note always switch on the right spot and she's sexy. Her only comparable rival is Beyonce, as she is the goddess on sexiness in US. since Beyonce is busy with other errant this couple of months it just seems appropraite for a new and young, hip, and sexy songstress to take the load off her back....
Ladies and Gentelman. the new Queen of them all, Leona Lewis.

Are there really any fights for fitness and fat?

Actually we all know what to do... time then make some.
Most of my friend will want to tell you that I'm not the best person to tell you how to get fit.
But my rules is that nothing too drastic. I'll get there slowly and willingly. not drastic diet.
My normal day diet is Breakfast, Apple/fruits or nuts and yogurt, cup or drink, sometimes could endulge in a heavier meal like noodle.
Lunch, Meat, rice, and Vege, if possible, portion or vege and one part meat only.
Dinner, you can take anything. just moderate and take it early. that's it.

As for working out, warm up, sit up, push up. in the morning. the whole routine takes bout 15 min. no need to count, just work until you are warm up.
Then bath and go to work.
stretches in lunch time or at tea break around 4. nothing much take about 4-5 min.
Then once you got home tru the door do a 10 push up. then only do anything else.
After that you can have tennis, dances, singing (yup that's also an exercise when you are a "Deep singer" the deep breathing train stamina.) any drugs f your choice. just make it fun.
And then before you actually take a bath do a cool down for the day. 10-50 sit ups and 10-50 push ups, or breast stroke or rowing machine. and that's it.
Before you go to sleep as usual stretch.
and that's it...
I'm trying to do it slow so that my "excess baggage" won't slop too much. not it's still a bit wobbly cos there's no more fat there to support it... HAHA
Good luck on taking my practice. you don't need to follow it everytime, change it up, and make it fun. just make sure you have 30 push up and 30 sit up in that's fine. just break it off and don't do it all at once. and everytime make it close to 10 times.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Going back into Memory lane

I was watching some old reruns of the Dame Judy Dench's witty comedy series.
The name of the "sit-com"(that's what the American called them) is "As Time Goes By"
I'd say it could be the longest running sitcom from British.
It's a great fun, sitty and seeing both great actor and actresses duke it out in the series....
The script is written perfectly every episodes.

I would suggest everyone to watch it. I've been having great fun watching the series. And I'd recommand it to everyone.

Oh It's about 2 old couple. seperated since the war and reacquinted after 30 years. and the witty jokes just exploded every minutes of the show...

Well The Result is in, And there are 5

American Idol Top 5 is in now..... Surprise surprise.
HAHA, it seems that when someone endangerd, some other contestant have to go....
Drum roll please.....

Carly Smithson................... OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, shock?!!!!
me too. But, the game is getting closer and closer. If she is a bit shouty last night. Anyway hope she'll get a new record deal now.
As for Brooke and Syesha, they better step up the game if they want to go into the top 3. Jason too.... It proves that how easily the vote could swing really at this moment of the show.

Idol Night Again. Top 6

So Who's the bomb and who's not..
Syesha started the show with a saucy, sexy number, she pull it off. the meneuver from the piano to the floor is a bit clumsy. The bit could go a bit faster so that it won't look as bored. It sounded a bit bored than theatrical. Still it's a bit fun for Syesha to have a bit of fun.

Second on the line is Jason Castro. doing the cat remarkable number, Memories..... I think Sir Andrew have done it a bit cos he explain the story and the whole idea. yet, Jason have chosen something that he must make it contemporary to work for him. in the end it's a bit querky and tense. though he sound ok. but the perfrom a bit nervely.

Third is Brooke White. Who is deemed no idea what she is doing by Sir Andrew. She did get it in the end. but she stop in the first verse and restart again. I thought that is not too bad as she did deliver a good Evita song. just that there's a bit of a glitch there.

Forth is the fore -front runner of the show. David Archuleta, Singing another melody of a girl. He is probably the only one that makesit contemporary there. but it quite nerve recking to loss another word of the lyric while the camera was not on him... Ha, lucky this time.. As for the performance.... it's Alright. as it's not exactly theatrical on a broadway night.... it's a bit of a bummer, but he did goodand for the first time he look straight into the camera to the screen at the end of the song. I'm sure those girls that glue to the screen then have stick their face to the screen already at that moment.

5th coming out is Carly.... Coming for Ireland I'm sure that she's seen some footage of the show or heard the song that she perform in some concert some where. Jesus Christ Superstar, the totally not gospel gospel song.... is the rocking chic glitch. but her voice actually is not quite there. but it suits the theme and the style suits her. so there it goes. She's out done David and the rest of the contestant.

Yet to come to close is David Cook. This time he choose to dissapointingly respect the theme and not go rock and he chosen the monster of them all. the music of the night..... So soft and so....... theatrical. Cook cook up something of a Broadway kind..... but not quite. He did end the show on a high note (literally). that's it..... So he stole the show. he got every body passion and mood and cling to every word....IT works. (there's a trick in that song. there's one point in the first verse that he have to stop and start he miss the point and closes the first verse wrongly), of course he doesn't have the majestic voice for the phantom role. but he does make it some what contemporary. Well
Done then everyone

The Ranking for the night
1. David Cook (This time Cook have take over Archuleta for sure)
2. Carly Smithson (She is in a pretty Dangerous place. but I think if the audience follow the judges comment then she'll stay above)
3. David Archuleta (this is the first time that David A could be endanger because the list is so short now)
4. Syeshe Mercado (She is really really close behind David A this time. see if the audience would come tru to her theatrical performance.... IF not, She'll be again on the bottom 3 list this week.)
5. Jason Castro (Simply because there's still audience who figth for him, he's not bad, just not memorable)
6. Brooke White (Sadly I do think that this time the Song Writer singer style luck and steam is out this week. it's time to move on to sometihng more positive and exciting)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

In the humane world, there should be no compromising and inequality. So here goes for Women's Rights

While in a couple millenia ago the Greeks Respect women for bearing child and their wisdom to raise children in harsh environment, yet the western culture have changed into disrespectful and regards women as only child-carrying machines.
So the history change from one to the other, as everything in this dimention do.
Early reforms occur surprisingly under Early Islamic reforms.
When some claim women have no business in any business, yet they forgotten the ruler of them all Queen Elizabeth I, and Queen Elizabeth of United Kingdom today are the shining example of no business is too small or too big for women.
Women's Suffrage movement started again on 19th century starting on 1820's and fighting for the right to votes and social and political equality.
1960's started and Feminism start to grow. Same pay as Men,Equal rights in Laws, and Rights to family plans, (that's the abortion right and the pro-choice or pro-life Clan)
And Now, they are going into business, corporate world, Medicine, Cabinet.
Well done guys (I do means male human.....)....... peace is not activism and provoking. it's gentle, and peaceful and changing the world one step at a time. and congratulation to our Female counterpart

Keep the Earth Alive and Have a marvelous Future

It's Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth Year, Earth Decade, Earth Century and Earth millennia ..... Make it this year you start to change. Just five things you need to do. 1.Switch off unuse electical Appliances at home.
2. Walk or bicycle instead of driving or motorcycle riding.
3. Seperate everything at home and go to Recycle Center instead. (One idea for recycle center. setup a unrecyclable site for people to bring just everything to your space and give you the recycled things and throws the unrecycle on the site instead. then peopl have no excuse to not come saying have to go 4 places. and you might get a chance to educate people how to handle recyclable product and introduce brand with recycled material)
4. plant a tree every week, you'll get 52 a year. regardless in your own back yard or other places. just plant one a week.

the forth is a bit harder, All staff of any corporate and commercial company, please start pledging for paperless processes. trust me you'll save a lot of money. And you'll start saving life now. your own life and your families.

IF you are looking for humanized, trendy, and green brand Below are some of the clothing line to choose from Go to Treehugger
1.Edun - (reverse spell nude) Hand sewn, by African and South American Women with organic material and great in fashionm, plenty of celebrity wears and endorse it. it's U2 Bono effort to help the people.
2.Stewart+Brown - organic garment that's looks great and in style. organic cotton, smoother than synthetic cotton and no allergy man....
Trust me, with the comfort you have it's much cheaper and it's a great thing to be able to help people. and why organic, cos by then people will see there's something to gain in Agriculture and start planting trees.
3. Rapanui - Go Organic, Simple and nice and Fair-Trading (People get to get money to survive with this, trust me.) Stylish too.
4. Vegan- Green and Peace and Helpful. Go Vegan
5. Tarma - Recycled Stainless Steel Accesories
6. ScooterBees - the shoes that fits any growing child at all time.
7. Topshop - selling Green Gladiator Slipper
8. El Naturalista - Green Shoes Collection
9.Elevation - Starting to have organic-cotton and color ask for them
10.Metamorphosis 320 - Starting to have organic-cotton and color ask for them
11. Nau - No Chemical, no Allergy and Green HAHA! Go Nau

Vehicle Choose Eco-Friendly cars..... Still the question you willing to use time to buy money or money to buy life and time?
Choose these Cars: go to Hybrid Cars
2.Toyota Prius
3.Honda Civic Hybrid
4.Toyota Camry Hybrid
5.Honda Accord Hybrid
6.Honda City (Fuel Efficient Car)
7.Chevy Tahoe
8.Toyota Yaris
9.Mercedes E320 Bluetec
10.Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid
11.Nissan Versa
12.Saturn Aura Green Line
13.Lexus LS 600h L
14.Hyundai Accent Hybrid
15.Kia Rio
16.Mercedes S400 Hybrid
17.BMW Hydrogen 7

1.Ford Escape Hybrid
2.Mercury Mariner Hybrid
3.Toyota Matrix
4.Toyota Highlander Hybrid
5.Mercedes ML 320 CDI
6.Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD
7.Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid
8.Cadillac Escalade Hybrid
9.Chrysler Aspen Hybrid
10.BMW X6 Hybrid
11.Audi Q7 Hybrid
12.Porsche Cayenne Hybrid
13.Cadillac Provoq

1.Mini Cooper
2.Tesla Roadster
4.Subaru B5-TPH
5.Ford Reflex
6.Volvo 3CCC
7.Honda CR-Z
8.Subaru 1Re

1.Chevrolet Silverado E85
2.Ford F-150 E85
3.GMC Sierra Hybrid
4.Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid
5.Toyota A-BAT Concept Hybrid Pickup Truck

1.Toyota Sienna Hybrid
2.Mercury Meta One

2.Lexus RX 400h
3.Mercedes ML 320 CDI
4.Volkswagen Touareg TDI
5.Mercedes S400 Hybrid
6.Porsche Cayenne Hybrid
7.BMW Hydrogen 7
8.Scion xB

Make No Excuses, Plenty to choose from.
Oh if you got extra money, go and buy a pair of TOMS Shoes. and they will send one pair to the kid in Africa

You've tried searching for information online? Have you ever tried your own name?

I got nothing on my real name. but i got like tons of junk on my nicks used in past. you'd never thought how much I've went tru on the internet HAHA.
It's fun. once in a while to search a person's online history.
And IF you dun want people to know then start tracking your own universe in this vast plain of the net and start closing all the hanging account and deleting them.
of course for celebrity and sport star they get a lot of imposter.
but one of my friends always say how I got other people info. I say it's easy just google. but she never been able to find anything useful for her cos she type like the longest search word on earth. There's no search engine is that smart girl. just simple and easy. narrow the search down you'll find what you want.
It is the ultimate information highway. of course accident happen and sometimes things crash. it's just normal normal. everything is interconnected. you just need to connect the dot.... Enjoy everyone

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I was surprise and dazed.

The other day, I was fixing up myspace. so out of curiosity I just changed my orientation to "Not sure". That is "sexual Orientation".... Just to see what people think. As usual I'm looking for trouble..... HAHAHA
It's truly an eye opener. everytimes I did something like this. And once again of course it proves that "A New Earth" and "The Secret" does provide universal truth. In some people's mind they'd say of course they are right, cause the "So-called" truth is so broad and of course it'd cover what I discover. But are truth meant to be small and simple or must all simple thinking be small or is something just as simple could easily explain it all.
I've been misunderstood a lot of time when I say something or do something that's out of the ordinary. As "A New Earth" explains, the egoic, pride and proud and self-proclaim "intelligent mind" "Thinks" it sees the truth and yet it only sees what it wanted to see. only through a selfless, concious mind would discover the truth.
First Question I'd like to ask everyone who actually reacted to that small little thingy in myspace, you really think that everyone in the internet are wholy who they claim they are? How sure are you? and on the other hand, You think your first impression of a person and your opinion of that one minutes or couple of hours of a person you see everyday is the whole person you think they are? I bet a million dollar they are not. Everyone have secrets and some even have talent, potential, life's beyond their work, home or in my case on the internet.
Second Question is, have you seen how you've reacted, your sense of right or wrong, your opinion and pride, have you realize what it has done? there are people who reacted positively and encourage me to find the truth. and there are people who just straight on block me out of their lives. and there are people who straight on tell me that by not making a choice or make a choice to the "wrong" side is wrong and ask me to come back. People!!! grab hold of yourself, your emotion, and your "so-called" opinion. think about it first before you say or act will you? are you helping him? or Are you really inflicting pain and suffer for that person? or are you simply creating more hatred in this world? Think first before you act. don't excuse yourself with pride, with emotion? none of that really matters does it? your pride, your emotion, your issue with the issue. it is the life of that person making the choice that matters here.
sometimes you'd be amazed what you said when you look back. I can't even believe My egoic, hatred and anger filled self wrote in my dairy a year ago. I was so lost in my thinking I'm totally out of this world. can you imagine when people actually say heterosexual is wrong and you must choose only one side..... how would you feel? Fine, what if it's not sexual preference, what if it's your life? your home? your family? your puppy? what if people say they are all public own and you cannot live your life as it is? you cannot own your home you lived in for years? you and your family are not right? and must leave the area you lived in? they are all the same, one choice that leads to the effects. what? I should be responsible to what I say? I am, I am telling you that to blame, to hate, to be proud of some ideology that create simply misery and not positive effect of what you think is wise, simply because of 5000 years old ideas? Look back at what have you said created? I dun mean guilt. I hold no grudge, that is your creation, your life, your karma. I'm still me. I just meant think about it. that's all the reason I did it. as a friend, as a family, as a human, as a person, do you really think that is the world you want to create. one life, all the same, no exception, no freedom, no choice. Think about it, people first, don't excuse yourself with laziness and no time. for too many people have made judgement on you the same way you have on others (judging with just one look, one second, one minute.) wake up your unconcious, emotion driven self and take responsibilty of what you do and what you say and live life Now, this moment, this second you can make a change. Start creating a positive, selfless, loving world. "A New Earth"

This Week on Movie

Actually I went to watch the movie "The Forbidden Kingdom" after a late night rest the day before Sunday.
"The Forbidden Kingdom" a movie with an All Chinese cast and yet it hit the jackpot this week with minimum promo. Congratulation to all the cast and company.
Jet Li And Jackie Chan an impackable duo. Kung Fu Geek will all grove with this one. the Fighting is impression and beautifully Choreograph.
The story line is simple, young and funny. of course the selling point is the perfect Jackie Chan's Comedy with action. Very few Action movie are suitable for the whole family, and Jackie Chan's is alway a joy to watch. of course the Asian audience is very familiar with the style already. some day to a point of boredom actually. This one I really able to enjoy after a long long time.
One of my friend who went for the concert told me that she think it's funny but it's pretty awkward. Because an all Chinese Star cast that speak english can come as a really kong pow series to them...... strange as it may seems I think the ticket sales will continue to rise as the movie is really suitable all round. It's funny witty and beautiful.
One guy to mention here is the minority of the gang that only non-Chinese Character. Michael Angarano, actually he is the reason I was excited about the movie in the first case. I'm glad that it's not another ABC (American Born Chinese). Michael is the perfect fit for the character. Of course my friend thinks that he's not that great, cos in the story he is not the all power hero. In fact he is weaker than the girl. but they already have 2 master in the movie. they dun need another hero they need a moderator, the kid's coming of age story and a simple innocent love story that not adult at all. So the whole movie have a family filled element. Michael again got the better part of it. he got the connection, the skill and I bet a million bugs he'll be one of those famous great actor out there with Emile Hirsch. As long as he's not addicted to the whole martial art thing. The Whole matial Art thingy can be pretty addictive to the American look at the blockoffice and you'll see how many of them are really watching Kung fu movies. I bet that Michael have great fun filming this movie in China and get to play wire work and get bitten and bruise all over. But he'll learn some martial art and stunt tricks as well. great and he get to ride a horse, like some knight only less white horse prince kinda way HAHA!!!! His life will not be the same after this for sure. The whole Teen Idol tidal wave is blooming just healthily day by day.

Crazy Crazy Weekend......

I was suppose to watch a movie on Saturday afternoon and have dinner with a friend. in stead it turn out that I cancel my plan because of exhaustion from my work that morning. but right after I've taken my nap another friend called. She sounded:"Yo, Wanna watch concert? Mayday!!!" I was like..... Free? Sure.
You see one of my friend work as a Radio exec and usually she gets free tickets. for friends that's not in the Asian Region. Mayday is a Taiwanese Rock Band. their fashion style is most like taiwanese local style, yet their music style is the rockest of them all. They are not too Heavy Metal, but enough to rock the roof out of the house.
After a trip up the Hill, The concert hall is up in one of the highest peak here. Great, cool environment for a hot night. It's one of those concert that you are tired and you thought you want to enjoy sitting down...... NOT!!!! they rock the socks out of you and the whole concert you are either shaking something or jumping up and down. How can you not the theme of the concert is JUMP!!! HAHA!!!
So it's a great night ended in a high note. and I got a great work out out of it and a sore throat to prove the intensity afterwards.

Thanks to my friend for getting me out of bed and take a sweat haha!!!! So I guess "The Forbidden Kingdom" will have to wait some more.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The movie Screen Preview of the week

Besides the very publicised "The Forbidden Kingdom"

there's a spring blockbuster coming in for a run on the thread mill is Desperate housewives's Eva Longoria's Over Her Dead Body.

If you are not into any action comedy you can change to the romance comedy of the housewives.

"Over Her Dead Body" is about a widower who have lost his wife resolve to finding a psychic to get contact to his wife but the psychic was unable to contact her but ended up loving the loving husband played by Paul Rudd. while the psychic (Lake Bell) trying to seduce the husband, the Wife's ghost (Eva Longoria) actually got angry and appear to the Psychic and the battle between two women, or the women and the ghost begins. how the story ends you'll have to catch the movie to know.

IF you are not looking for comedy, on a serious not, the film fest favourite, "The Kite Runner" is finally in the cinema this week. for those of you who have read the book or seen the review will want to get to it before it comes down in this short period of screen.

The story of a California Afgan Imigrant journey home to Afganistan to find his old friend who's son is in trouble. This is one of thsoe compelling and award winning movie that have great editing and script that little does the star power of the actor needed. (I don't mean the actor performance is not good, but it's the cherry on icing.) the storyline is captivating without being pompous. and the character are never long winded. Action means everything in this movie and love is all around.

of course all movie period is no fun without a rival. this week's rival to the romantic comedy above is "Fool's Gold" starring the handsome Matthew McConaughey and the Sweet Sweet Kate Hudson. this is really the gold standard couple on screen of our time. where can you get a better couple than this (Brad and Angie not included here......... HAHA)

The New It girl for country Music - Taylor Swift vs Miley Cyrus

If you haven't notice yet. The new It Girl of the year is Myley Cyrus and Taylor Swift move along American Idol alumni and Mouseketeer alumni.

Miley Cyrus, being invite to every award and huge show, single handedly crashing last year summer with a triple crown - Movie blockbuster, Sold out Concert and #1 album. is the biggest money maker below 20 of the year. and almost it seems she raise a multi-million empire in a year time.

As for Taylor Swift being the most award won by a teenager in CMT history that's enough. and she won the video of the year as well. and CMT really is becoming the rival for MTV it seems having 9 million viewship in a single night is not too shabby at all.

For all Those children, Adult, Parents and Teachers out there with doubt or anger towards diffences of gender or preference

Here is some sites that you can all visit. For all the gender confuse or ideological confused people in doubt of their ideology of a one man-woman only world.
you can go to these organization to learn more.

Why you should you say. Yes, you are right if you think you don't have to. but imagine a world where you say people can shoose their own choice and yet you condemn them for doing what you think is wrong. that is discrimination not freedom.
or if your child is having doubts. you seek to correct them and yet in the end the choose to be homosexual. are you going to hate your child? what for? don't you love them the same? any problem you have or your inate conventional thinking is preventing you from being a loving person or you have gardner hatred towards the situation of different sexual preference. here are some of the places you may find the information you need to have closure.
But in any word on earth you have any excuse for killing is not acceptable. and killing are happening in the name of sexual prefences differences and cast ranking around the world.
Think again. Let's come together and create a world where freedom truly are free.

Once in a dinner with one of my friends, we are discussing deeply about what happening around the world. and my friend made a comment about War and weapon. he site why people still creating weapon and war. it's not like they are earning anything like the government of US losing trillian of money in Iraq. And I made this comment. The world doesn't change over night. money is the reason. though I sounded as if I was in support of the war. but in reality I was just stating out the obvious. the Trillian dollar is not exactly lost really. It's just that the US government have paid a lot out into the private sector. So there's oil to gain, there's weapon trading transaction, feeding the soldier catering also, and the convoy and truck driver for the catering, there's the plane jetting and the gasoline usage. all of that are tax money flowing out from the government back into the certain private sector in the country.
I'm not condemning anything here. I am just saying that it is a business and a really big one and bigger than Nokia which can actually support a couple country in the world. and money is flowing in the market. The fact it's cause the recession in US it's also the cause that the recession not coming too fast for some of the population. In the business point of view. there's nothing to really consider if the pieces is actuall 5 billion Dollar a piece for the corporation involved is there and in this case it is as legal as white paper. It's just money.

If you feel otherwise. then you know what you need to do

So that aside, if you support the effort the government is making with the tax payer money this way then you vote for the party you like. if the other way around, you wish for the money to go to else where like health issurrance and employment then you support the efforts that support your aim.
The presidential election for USA is coming really soon so make your decision and decide. the most important thing is vote, to your vote is counted for what you are aiming for.

The Fight is not a Fight

Fight for AIDS is not a Fight for AIDS. it a support for Life.
There's no more. We are not merely fighting a desease now.
over a billion Children around the world are expected to have lost both their parents either for the desease or hunger or war or nature disaster. So you can call it whatever you want. This the a shout out to all human being. Be a being of humanity. see the truth. imagine children living without their parents on the streets, in the fields. no adult to care for them, they have to do everything and even take care of their siblings on their own. no book, no knowledge, no means to earn money or any skills. Children are left alone to survive.
And if the American are thinking they are better. there are 50 million Children in America do not have hearth care coverage. So imagine. It means all this children's parent also don't have health care. and most of them are unable to work because of certian desease. And it means without health care they will not survive to care for their children in the end

So every one please help go to and donate. or volunteer.
Go to to support a child.
Go to to see what you can do more.
Go to and do some more.
and if you are shopping anywhere look for the (Red) symbol.
Save a Life, Change the World.

there's also Children's Defense Fund
or The Children's Health Fund in America

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in any country with the problem
Make It Right is Brad Pitt's effort's charity to rebuild New Orleans
Malaria No More it's a desease that can be easily cure but for underprivilege people buying a mosquito net is also a problem and this happen.

There are plenty more charity out there. just choose your chocolate and make a difference. It doesn't need much, any dollar count. a mosquito net costs just 10 dollar. and it only takes 30 dollar to give support to a child in world vision. So makes promises no excuses.

Treasure Chest

Finding Forrester - In My opinion is a great great film.
The story of an old author living in exile. find a young friend late in his life, in the shape of a ghetto teenager with a hidden talent than basketball. And a coming of age story of a young teens facing his great talent and the conflict of the adult world and his ability to right. and gain a friend of one of the most amazing author of our time.

It's great, the script is perfect. As usual Sir Sean Connery's performance is remarkable. and the Black new comer Rob Brown gave the most amazing performance he even match Sir Connery's performance in many of the scene. He just shines in this movie. and Anna Paquin who actually is a selling point at the time the movie come to cinema is out shine. Of course Brown further into other movie like Coach Carter, Take The Lead and Live!. You'd be able to see his performance in the coming Iraq war movie Stop Loss this month. or taking the lead in the movie The Express, taking the lead role as Ernie Davis ,the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy (that's the college Football Trophy.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Moving on into the new Age!!!!

First up of course is American Idol Again as yesterday is another American Idol week.
David Archuleta -When You Believe
He did a great version of the song. in fact it's the best performance of the night and set the standard for the night. It's a Big song and there's so many note change in David's performance you dun even know which note you are going to comment on. but every note change is perfectly executed. I thought Simon would say that his version for Leon Jackson is better but David's version is perfect or maybe even better.
Carly Smithson - Without You Did
really didn't make it. because by the end of Syesha's performnce I've already forgotten hers. I mean it's not bad. It's almost as good as Mariah's but it's not really unforgetable.
Syeshe Mercado -Vanishing
chosen a song that not so many people have heard. and she makes it sound like she made it hers. so it's good. but as Simon says David and Carly have chosen well known songs and did it and Syeshe will get through the week if the votes pour in but not gonna beat David Archuleta on this one.
Brooke White - Heroes
Nerve, Shaky, The Wongsriter touch is good but even playing piano herself she sounds like she's chasing her own beat.
Cristy Lee Cook - Forever
Chosen the song that's not suit her. this time she's gonna go into the bottom 3, Although her touch on the country version is still good but in comparison with Mariah it's just as iff every high note is just not there yet.
David Cook -You'll always be my baby
David Cook Took the most girlish Mariah has....... Oh my God, But He pull it off it started abit rough, because you can't exactly pool away from the original when you are singing it slowly as the original. but it pickes up half way and jump into David's usual Rockers mode and that version of it is perfect. if only he can make some arrangement from the start. one side line of the performance is his tears at the end of the judges comment. I thought it's because he's not performing well for the past 2 weeks and performing well enough this week and got good comments from judges, but in actual fact it's because his brother who is battling brain cancer is in the audience and sitting right behind Simon. (confirmed by E! News)
Jason Castro - I Wanna Cry
Jason Castro Closes the show like his usual self, relax and laid back. I always thought that his mode is too laid back to be a commercial artist of course the Producer just Jackson and Simon is not really that into it. but judging by the way the audiences and viewrs responces he might really be the black horse to go to the final 3 now. still Syesha is a force to be recon with.

So I beleive the Ranking this week is almost a reverse from last week. This could be the most accurate top 7 ranking for me actually. I do hope that David Cook is going to be up there in the top 2 but this weeks is just half good half bad.
1. David Archuleta (Perfection)
2. Syesha Mercado (Perfection, if not compared too much to the teary version of Fantasia's)
3. David Cook (Just Make it at the second half of the song)
4. Jason Castro
5. Carly Smithson
6. Brooke White
7. Kristy Lee Cook

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~updated on time (Spoiler Ahead)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

and the result is.......................................... and It becomes 6............. The race is heating up

Kristy Lee Cook is out

What's strange is that Syesha is still in the bottom 3. I guess the audience just could see another Whitney. Her voice is great these couple of weeks. I guess if the steam is not heating up by next week. Syesha and Brooke white is goner too. I think coming closer and closer to the end of the season the race is pretty much closer and in the end the deal breaker is judges comments. bcause it seems the few super delegates of the show is voting according to what the judges saying.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yeah Finally The 100th Post!!!!

Being the 100th Post of my blog I'm Conciously making this one a personal and spiritual one.

As everyone following this blog knows that I'm reading "A New Earth" in correspondance with Oprah classes which is on TV every Monday night.

I was following "The Secret" before this. I am positively conceptualizing my life then and positively attracting great things into my life. Ater releasing most of my negative thoughts and actively thinking great positive thoughts and then attracting great life. My Life is changing and getting better and better.

But after a while although the life is getting better. I've comes to a bottle neck where I'm content yet still deep inside I find that I'm still having fear. And I know that fear could expand and further later block my sight of my current life again. and eventually I might get back to my old life.

So I realise that this is something deep inside. of my previous OCD, of my uncontrol thoughts.
So In the event, to not put this into an ideology. I've again have faith that the solution will come at the suitable time and it does.
The solution has come in the form of this book. "A New Earth" by Echart Tolle
I don't know whether how many people have been like me. I always knew there's this thing called Big Love and the Love that is so big that could be given to the world. then my real life doesn't lead me there and some where I ended up into this small secluded condition where I'm all by myself in this "small me". This book have coinside with the realization that I gain with "The Secret" and help me further my spirituality which is to explain how I can actually "handle" my own ego. the self awareness I am, all this while is nothing but a mere illusion of ownership of my ego of that somethings or idea are my own. and when I release the thought or ego that all the idea I have in my mind or things I have around me is mine. I...... felt free. simply to say that to have selflessness I found myself. Without obsessing with what I have and thinking how I'm so proud of owning it. Instead of feeling not enough. now I felt content with enjoying the beauty of this things around me. the beauty of the person in the picture, the beauty of the music, I can lose myself in the sea of melody again. I can enjoy every aspect of a story in a movie more. this feeling is so fresh and renewing.
Finally the last chapter of this release is here. I can finally Let Go and truly be free.
I'm not saying that everyone should just let go and sell all their belonging and you can be happy. there is no "should" here. there's no action any everyone must take. I am saying I myself have the feeling of freedom and I can let go of whatever other people idea was of me and the most important thing, now I can let go of what My idea of myself is and really live a True Life. that is living and experiencing what I'm living and experiencing Now.

For I'm not a teacher, nor am I higher than anyone. no judgement just what I saw in cause and effect. For the universe holds the truth and we all have access to this universe simply by existing in this space. so I hope all of you could enjoy it as I have been this year and realizing that we are people that can rise above adversity and gain life. for life is within you, me and us all. we simply have to dig within to gain access and let go and let the world inspire us.

so if anyone is inspired by where I am now then you can start taking the journey with the book.
but if you think it's not gonna work or you think you are better and not planning on going on any spiritual changes Now, then don't. I'm just sharing my experience.

and for unhappy people reading this or angry people reading this or depressed people reading this and looking for freedom and changes? then I'm saying you might want to look into this.

And here I wish all of you great luck, Great Life, and Love and peace

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Street King is so........... not Donnie Brasco and This Week's opener Forbidden Kingdom

I just gone on my movie trip this week for Street Kings.

The Police, Crime fighting, Bribery and Dirty politics of L.A. it revolves around the Keanu Reeves Character and his Self-proclaim Street King Police Gang. the dirty Job, the unlawful bribe and the unorthodox method they use to capture or kill criminal. They are the Law Enforcer from hell.

of course, when you get a great cast like Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh Laurie, Chris Evans and about a dozen more great character actor there's bound to be great sparks in the movie......... Not. sorry to say the story is just a bit boring. The Charactor were not as best written as Donnie Brasco nor was the story line as bombastica s Departed. It's just a plain story of the Dog eat Dog world of the continuing world of Law Enforcement Gang of LA. and the backdrop of LA represent nothing of L.A. Confidential's conspiracy factor either. there's just very little lusting factor of the movie all around. the only thing that I actually enjoy is the Cast. watching the actor going at each other. other than that, the storyline is just to much of a bummer.

This Weeks new Opener would be "The Forbidden Kingdom". the Kungfu Great by Jet Li, Jacky Chan and Michael Angarano?!? HAHA that kid? Yup you got it. He is the Protege of the movie. So almost every cast in the movie is Chinese or Japanese, Except Michael. A US kid who drop in to back drop of 500B.C China when he touch a golden staff in a chinese Temple. and in the journey he is trained and mold into a kungfu fighting genious that'd save the world. Of course there's Jacky Chan Action Comedy and Jet Li Beautiful Kungfu fighting in the Mix. and no doubt that Micheal didn't do a bad job either with every photo gallery buzzing already as the only male lead below 20 in the movie. topping every kungfu fighting master in the movie. And the Asian Community might recognize as a bit of a twist from the story of the "monkey king and the journey to the west". the movie is a very very faint reference to that legendary story or so I was told.

The Art of an Album

As we all know. nowadays no one really buys album anymore. we either download one single that we heard from the radio or we just buys single. no one buys album anymore.

A couple of my friends once ask me how I actually know which artist is great or how are they going to evolves.
OK. now here's the deal. the music industry works like this. the Artist doesn't really come out of a cave suddenly with a record.
Most artist uses about 2-3 years on their first album. with rigarous promotion when they release their debut. so if the first album actually sells millions then they get the second and third contract.
which is why the first album usually is the indicator of how good the artist is and then the rest is just a continuation or the evolution of the artist. some comes out with an album every year and some about the same period as how they did their first album. but usually the release of the 2nd album or the next is delayed not because how much time they are working on the songs or rather they are on the road promoting their first album or doing concert tour. so when we are still having fun with the first album the artist is actually in the process or producing the new album already.

so we come back to the question. how we know how good the artist is. usually the artist is oversight when you just listen to the hits they make. when you actually listen to a concept of an album you get a wider range of how good/bad the artist is. and you'd know which style of songs when they did it would sound great and which wouldn't. of course most people would stick with the Hits formula. about what sales before must sale now. If the marketing staff of the artist actually think like this then you are dead wrong. do not under-estimate the multiple flavor that the audience have in their mind. if you follow the formula of the first album without any changes then you'd generate no hype on the second album. usually the second album sales is the after effect of concerntrated concerts date and promotion tour of the first album. so if the second album cannot stand on it's own then you won't get the thrid one to roll even. of course as I say since no one ever really listen to the whole album anymore. then the success of an album or sales actually is the first hits that comes out from the album. if it's a hype the first week. then there's a sales if not then there'd seldom be enough momnetum to move on to the second single.

Sales analysis aside. actually every artist have deeper talent than usually what audience hear in the charts. which is why i like album. you actually enjoy more. so what if it's not exactly a hits you heard like everyone else. that's exactly what i enjoy. i know something that is not superficial or in an awkward kinda way to say it, I discover myself.

Oh one more thing is that if an album actually show that the artist only have one range of music the whole album usually they won't get through their 3rd album. except is the artist have enough promotional circuit on the running mill.
So for those adventurous people out there. try buying an album and you'll discover a whole new world of the artist you like.

I'm on the track of One Republic, Jonas Brothers and US 5 lately. the previous 2 bands I've review before and they are likely to stay on track for the next cuople of years to come.
One Republic is slowly gaining ground. Because their hits is a bit dark and soulful and not jumpie like Maroon 5's they'd make it a bit slower. but with Giant producer on their back .they'd not fail off fast. As for Jonas Brothers they'd likely ride the teen fanatics waves for ages to come. they are really like Hanson of our teens. there's no doubt now after hearing their album. though they might want to diversify their song style. but they are going to be fine for the next few years.

US 5 might be a less well-known band. It's actually is the least instrumental of all the bands. since they run the formula of Backstreet Boys and NSync to start in the European and Asia Market first. they are likely to make the hype is the U.S. least at the moment. they are as their predecessor a Dance and singing group. The European are taking them into their arms pretty quickly actually because there's no NSync or Backstreet Boys on the scene for the teenager world there for ages now. so a boys band would work now. Taking over the Baton now. But one thing though. can the producer or management of the group have a more modern touch? because the leather jackets and jeans are so NKOTB-ish. It's about time to move out of the time warp already don't you think?

Friday, April 11, 2008

The New Design Template!!!

Now That's more my style. Long winded and Vibrant Color

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Who is the David that Slain Goliath

David Archuleta is the David of Leonardo if you ask me. Admired. Interesting and Beautiful.

But David Cook will be the David who will live on after the Goliath killed by David Archuleta

There's pretty no doubt by now that David A. is the one gonna win American Idol (Goliath) by now. but the one that is ready for the industry is David Cook. He is ready to go into the studio to record and start selling CDs now. no more training or preparation needed.

David A. on the other hand after winning or not the show will get a record deal no doubt. but on the studio side he still need some fine tuning from some of the top producer. I recommand a mix of latin sound and some David Foster is a good combination. If you haven't really realize it. David sound could sound great on some latin sound if the beat is right for his vocal.

It's pretty hard to come down to one sound for this front runner because he is a performer. not exactly the typical singer you can pin down to one thing which also means his sound is lack of identity. so some exploration and definition and concept will have to come out first before they start recording. another Jordin Sparks will prove to be another regular sale album. His voice actually have a pretty small range in climatic interpretation of a song right now. so the arrangement have to be great, so the producer is essencial. he can't always do the live show ending or climatic performance everytime. that's the difference between CDs and live preformance. you only have a sound to make the song great so everything have to be perfect. live performance you can portray otherwise.

In the aspect of sound in a recording. David Cook is far far better than the voice of David Archuleta, and every live performance recording is ready to be sold now. I'd grant David Archuleta as the smartest contestant of the show though. and as I've said he will become the winner of the show.

As for David Cook's AI Recording. the Live version of Hello is even better than the original version.
Day Tripper is as good as any recording artist can do. Eleanor Rigby is as gothic as ever. Although I don't like the live performance of Little Sparrow but the recording is great. I'd buy it in an instance. Wait I did HAHA.
Of course there is no doubt about the rocking Billie Jean. It's even better than the infamous rock version of MJ. I'd buy this single over MJ's version anytime.

Movies. Movies.

Definitely Maybe. That the title of the movie la. the latest movie from Ryan Reynolds. no action just romance and comedy on this one.

Of course the latest from Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker and Chris Evans is on the screen this week. but I doubt that it'd do any better than last weeks movie cos it's not exactly the spring break or Summer blockbuster cup of tea.

If you are looking for some querky movie there's 2 coming out this week. which is "Flight of the Red Balloon" and "My Blueberry Night". the first is the french movie by the famous Juliette Binoche, but it's a french movie by a chinese director. very very sensual and independance. the latter also is by a chinese director, the famous Wong Kar Wai, the director have break all barrier from Chinese to any European market winning awards. and his film as always is totally an art and redifine film as the 3 art to be discover by mankind. But still the US as always is stubburn to accept outsider and refusing and prolong the process of film to be declare as an important artistry for human being. the Film stars the Famous Jude Law and the songstress Norah Jones. it's very artsy so those people looking for mean sex or action dun go there. HAHA. This one is purely for Art admirer and independance movie lover.

As I say last week, The Ruins is on the the block this week. and so do one comedy called "Sex and Death 101" starring the sexy Simon Baker and the "Half-Sexy" Wynona Rider. It's more of a comedy than love story. so the spring is in the air. AHhhhhh....... HAHA I still can't recover from the misfortune of miss Rider from previous year. sorry.

Smart People is open starring the hot hot (not sexy hot, but oven bake hot bread kinda hot) Juno's star Ellen Page and Sarah Jessica Parker. Just another love, family comedy. continue with the spring theme. if it's a bonus or a bummer, Ellen kiss a much much older man in the movie. and not a handsome one too HAHA. Guess who she kiss?

A really strange but inspring movie is "The Visitor". I'm not giving out the plot. but i think it's a pretty moving and happy movie to watch.

of course last but not least..... "Prom Night"? there's just this strange trend. after "I know what you did last summer" there's just this crazy idea from the company to come out with at least one horror thriller every spring and summer. come on it's not exactly fresh bread anymore. and the over is getting dull and darker by the year too.

This Week on Music

Anything Special? Besides Leona Lewis continue booming in the US, Mariah Carey keeping sexy on top of the chart with just longerie and skin tight clacking jump suit. Fending off the Sexy Goddess of all time and Sexy God of present day, Madonna and Justin Timberlake's 4 Minutes. I guess just as the song, it's just a 4 Minutes hit (heat). So the chart this week is the battle of the Sexies.

But this week I found a really strange, calm, peaceful but edgy songstress. Her Name is Keren Ann. The single coming from the girl this week is "Chelsea Burns" is such classics yet beautiful and modern. I just love French artist. they just sound so romantic. even with sorrowful songs it's beautifully sobbing. Check out this chick when you have the time and you need to see the beauty of the world around. you'll feel the ecstatic without the pill. it's just shining with every color of the world. just close your eyes and imagine you are in a big rainbow, not in a bubbly pop kinda way. But adult soulful, dreamy, sexy kinda way.

of course everyone is buzzing whether Beyonce and Jay-z got marry or not. in my opinion, what's the big buzz? It's about time already they get married. it's only natural.

Let's get back to music. shall we? OH that's all for this week. HAHA

Oh Are there no Love for Micheal Johns?!! American Idol Boot it's next victim of downsizing!

Micheal Johns is the next one to go. Just as predicted.
Micheal Johns have lost all his steam on the show. both with his falsetto on his performance and his audience votes.

The surprises of them all is Carly Smithson. Though as usual Syesha is in the lowest 3.
It seems this week the audience is totally going with the judges opinion.
the usual critic the usual suspect.

Syesha actually didn't do that bad. but i guess that the voting for her is still pretty weak. and if it's not picking up. she might not make it through the next 2 rounds.
As for Carly there's still some chances she may get through by preforming better later.

It's surprising that Jason Casto have picked up this year. I guess having a dreamy eyes does help. from the screaming of the fans on set he is being pick up as may be one of the black horse. but I still doubt that laid back mode of his performance can last until top 3. So do Brooke's performance. It's about time that these 2 come up with somewhat outstanding performance for the show is getting more and more boring by the week and every week it's like seeing who flop up or the battle between the 2 Davids. Time to pick up your game guys. Rating does shows that the show is slopping off.
Back to Micheal Johns. he got a good voice. just need a vocal coach and producer to fine tune it a bit. but with his age I'm doubting there'll be any more contract flying his way. hope he can do well outside.

Human Being

There are many many people in this world living in this same space of ours.
Are you thinking you have a tough life to live too?
Think again.
Yeah Yeah so I complain about life too. I’m no saint. But this is what I know and thankful for everytime I have on this earth.
Every second a children dies in this world.
When you are complaining about the coke you don’t have in your fridge think about the millions of people that have no clean water to drink. When you are complaining about the food in the canteen think about the people in Africa. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be enjoying whatever you are enjoying. Just that be grateful always. And stop and think again whenever you try to complain. Just remember you’ll feel better if you can just replace any dislikes or anger with love and peace isn’t that much better?

About how people do their work, and people who claims to be adult. I heard some one say this, this year. There’s no adult in this world there’s just kid growing up. And we grow everyday, every minute. And believe me I’ve seen people who did more things that a kid wouldn’t have done at all to their own people. You don’t have to prove that you are adult. You just have to prove that you are a human being. That’s all you need to do.

Live Aid showed me how the world truly are. How half of the people in the world live in suffering. And how one dollar out of my pocket every month can help hundreds of people around the world. You could too. Just one dollar a month.

Queens show me that there is this decease called AIDS out there around the world. That’s killing. But it is not to be feared, we just need to be careful and just gives. Alicia Keys is right. If we could just give the attention we have on Celebrity drama to this issue then the problem would have resolve long long time ago. Still having AIDS is not the end. Kids in Africa are living with this truth and there are a lot of the have lived with the decease all their lives and still living now. 20 years and still going on. So you can too help those suffering continue their life with just 20 dollar a month.

Have compassion have love. Your love for youself and your children is no different for the love you have for these stranger. For this will fill your life and more until it flows over. So Participate. Volunteer. When you lose your way and can’t find your way back. volunteer and you’ll see that the problem you have is merely a mirror reflection and nothing more.

Some of my friends always say that when I’m actually donating to the children overseas and she say why not donate to the people in my own country instead. And yet she never have told me any charity that she knows. Of course nor does she donates. And I say, are there any different? Isn’t we all human being. I do donate whenever I have the chance. And whether it’s oversea or in my own country I don’t care. It’s just means I have access to more overseas charity than of my own country.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

American Top 8 Tonight

Yup Top 8 and Idol gives back tomorrow. which means probably no one will go home this week.
So what's good? Micheal Johns opens the show with a decent performance. Just ok.

Next come Syesha which gaves Fantasia Debut Single. not exactly the perfect song choice because bound to be compare. but she did a pretty good job. for those who have not heard the Fantasia version she may be able to get tru.

Jason did a little wierd version with the smllest guitar available. I was not that enthusiastic about it as the Judges. and I believe he have lost a lot of votes throughout the season and 3 times a charm and he's on his way down after this.

surprisingly this time around Kristy Lee Cook did a decent version of her song really. not too country nor too poppy so just nice.

So if Syesha and Kristy is through who would be backing up this week's line. well surprise surprise. David Cook for the first time after entering the top 12 didn't deliver. last week he almost didn't deliver. but he did just right. this really not really that impressive. after such great performance, it's pretty hard to get any better so there's only one way to go? down. I hope not. but this time really Syeshe actually have a decent performance that coud bring her up to top 3.
Carly Smithson also didn't do well with her Shouting Angry Mama version of the song. so..... there goes the first 2 seats of the line up this week.

What about David Archuleta. Him? if you want to really pick bones in the Eggs. the performance are perfection, just that he need more training. HAHA! He deliver again and finally he pull off for once on an instuments. he's no Brooke (apperently she knows every instument.) but his performance are much much better than any version of any of Brooke performance. so quantity doesn't really matter it's quality and this one just puts him firmly on the top 1 seats. He started a bit shaky but as he sang the first high note he arrange into the song that's it. and if anyone actually pay any attention you'll find that when the camera flow through the LCD screen you'd be mesmerize by the way he sings. and at the end you look at the back of the judges. everyone is smiling. and that's what's called star power. I know that I say he haven't got the best recording but there's no doubt he got star appeal in live performance.

Brooke closes the show with the famous Carole King Song. it is ok. but it's more of a Carole King Style than a Shania Twain or Celine Dion style of the version. so it's just as Micheal Johns is just OK.

This week's Ranking will be of course

1. David Archuleta
2. Syesha Mercado
3. Kristy Lee Cook (I never thought she'll get that far from the first 3 show)
4. David Cook (Based on previous performance hit, he should be at this rank)
5. Carly Smithson (Also because there's still some steam from previous weeks that's keeping her going)
the Lowest 3 will be Tough
6. Brooke White(I beleive though she did well, but now is the moment for those that's not getting a lot of votes in that normal doesn't break it.)
7. Jason Castro (To have a performance of an average flat tone, yes he got unique voice but no climax means less intriguing)
8. Micheal Johns (I think he is losing steam all together this week. since he have not been incredible. if no votes swifts his way then he is on the queue as the rest to move out)

though it's really hard to predict any result for the last 3 person because the votes could swing all 3 ways. because they didn't really F*** up big time. it's just too average to actually garner any momentum to move ahead anymore.
Syesha is doing better and better each week. it depends how much people like her choice this week. it's really a make it or break it choice that is. Kristy however doing good or better than Carly even this week. there's still a chance that she may lose it because of her previous vulnerability and votes deficiency. So it depends which way the audience actually is voting. whether they remain tru to who they like or move according to this weeks performance.

David Archuleta's Recording Review

Since the AI Top 10 started, full length's recording of the contestant are available for download. most probably they have been downloaded as much as the vote cast on the show.

so now let us review what does the Idol sounds like in the recording studio. First up in the line of course is current season's front runner David Archuleta.

There'll definitely more record sales at the moment while the oven is still hot.

so I've been though most of his recording from top 12 to now. Most of the recording are actually not as good as the live performance. could he have been another Taylor Hicks or Jobdin Sparks?

Smokey Mountains Memories is too mellow compare to the live performance. Too many tweak on the melody. Although the sound suits David A.'s voices but the way this is recorded have fail to review any emotion connection is any David have with the sound as how he did in the live performance.

On the other hand The Long And Winding Road have presented the full length of the emotion any singer could have with a song. but the Arrangement of course isn't as out standing as the original recording. though it sound more mordern, but the arrangement still lack of that bit of climatic note.

Te most successful of the recording until now should be You're The Voice. The one song that actually didn't register into the mind of any of the judges or most of the audience have been recorded in the perfect condition. David A. fully utilizing his vocal range to the uniqueness of his voice. and the arrangement is hip and modern and suitable for any ages from the younger generation to those with experience with the original recording. this is one record that can straight away be sold on the CD Rack now without a doubt. if it's not too outregous it could be even better than the original version.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Think about this like this

When anything happen do you blame yourself? Why do you do so?

The leaving of a person is not your fault it is the person's own choice that have attracted it to themselves. when they blame you for anything it's because they need an outlet to release their own guilt. not you who is guilty.
there is a very clear definition when you are wrong. when you see clearly then you know whether you are wrong or right. when you are wrong, no matter if the person accept or not apologize properly. and IF you are not wrong in certain situation. there's no reason to argue because of fear or competition. because there are none. the world is abundance and there is no competition. and the fear you felt is merely in your own head. blaming and finger point are merely the effect of the ego and pride nothing more and nothing less. If you star reacting to accuses true or false it maybe you are merely standing as low os the accuser and have a meaningless fight. how you know? ever feel any good after even you so-called "win the battle"? No. there you know then no good in argueing.
So what to do? just ignore the arguement. see the truth. if you are wrong then apologize. if you are right then let it be and move on to next item.

Another example is you get a raise, you are not stepping on any corpes when it happen. they are merely there because of the person own decision and action. non of it is our own decision. the only thing that's happening here is that the effect just happen to happen to you of benifits and you gain it either by your own effort and decision or attraction.

How if you are fired? then it's even more reason to examine yourself. if it's something that's your wrong doing then apologize. if it's jealousy, then see why the person reacted in such a way. if you can't change yourself to accomodate any of the situation that arises then It may have meant that you are meant to leave. Be grateful of what's happening. there's no reason to be afraid go out into the world bravely and with a little bit of effort and less complaining, you'll find you'll find a small spark of life and lead your life into the new chapter of your life. Change is not bad. It's merely a part of the interesting life we lead.

See Thy self and Own Thy self. for none could ever conquer nor destruct thee but thyself. May All of you gain happiness and Good wishes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Living in the space of NOW.

The other day i was having a conversation with my friend.
there one topic which came up and i told her,"The past you can't change and the future you can't predict what you can do is now."
It is as true as it can be. so Now what are all of you doing? feeling? hoping? care about?
if you have no control of the future then can you actually do anything to prevent anything? worry about anything help?
If you cannot change the past, what can you do remeniscening the past fault and worry about what the effect is and feel miserable?
so make a choice and live now.
not later not tomorrow not yesterday live now.
I'm not saying forget about everything of yesterday. throw all your memory away. but live Now. you are living Now and you have only Now to live.
So take action now. whatever you want or need or hope for do it, hope for it now.
not later. experience it Now.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


For every Parents that have children with autism, there are treatment. they can recover. there is hope. We are not saying that every children with autism can fully recover. but throughout the world there are children by the thousand that have recover from autism. and some of those children are even geniuses in different area in art and science.
therefore have faith, have hope, Start observing and taking action.
Read the book by Jenny Mccarthy "Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism" and start taking some of the action that Jenny have taken and see which actually works for your child. Start eathing anything without wheat including bread and without milk. Take a gluten free, casein free diet. this will lower the tantrum throwing. (actually this work for all children.)

Play with them and improve on ways you play with them and lead them into improvement learning through playing.

** there is a concern of thimerosal in vaccine linking to autism, there might be and there might be not. and there could be connection of thimerosal with some gene that causes autism. but no one is saying it for definitely and the center of desease control is going to look into it. and hope is high that they will work with parents and the National Autism organization to explore on that possibility. We are not saying that everyone will be affected by Thimerosal as well. so different people will fits a certain mold and when it fits to something bad, it happens.
As for parents, when you are giving your children vaccination. just observe him/her closely and see if there is any changes. there's no need for panic.vaccination is still important and if you are afraid then request from thimerosal free vaccine when they are available.

You can start your work now. with or without a children with autism you all can help. learn the hardship that comes with the territory and volunteer to be a specialize babysitter for children with autism. Help fund research. the statistic is 1 in 150 children get autism therefore likely in one block radius in Chicago there's 5 and one block radius in New York there's 20. But no matter what the figure is, even on in a half a block radius for me is no excuse to not do anything. So help out. "it takes a village to raise a children" and the phrase means more when a child is with autism.

Of course not to forget that there are adult autism possibility as well. so have patience with those diagnos with such disorder.

People have patience and makes the world a better place.
here are some of the places that you can explore to understand more, learn more, get help, and help improve the life of those affected by autism.
Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network
Autism Vox
National Autism Association
Autistic Spectrum and Dietary Intervention
Play Therapy and Autism: The Basics

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Twen that's on Top of the World and Likely to be on Top for the rest of their Life

1. Justin Timberlake
2. Jake Gyllenhaal
3. Scarlett Johanson
4. Carrie Underwood
5. Hayden Christenson
6. James Morrisson
7. Shia Lebouf
8. Emile Hirsch
9. Channing Tatum
10.Christina Aguilera

The first 2 there's no need for any introduction. one is the most notable Tween singer on earth and the second is the most sort after actor in Hollywood at the moment. JT won plenty of awards and Jake nominated for OSCAR and likely will have script delive rto his door step everyday.
Scarlett Johannson if a power house ever before reach 20 yo. now she's just stretching further with endless movie script and oppotunity on magazines. Carrie Underwood is the new Music scene power house. winning every award there is to be won by a singer both in country and pop culture. Hayden Christenson just sold a blockbuster and the fame of Star Wars catapulted him so high to the top it's take at least 5 more year til he actually coulduse up all his forces. James Morrisson is the Music power house of Britain Import Although he is likely to be replace by Leona Lewis these days with her success in USA. Shia Lebouf is the go to kid of Hollywood now. every blockbuster that have been coming out of the dreamfactory for the past 2 years is in his grab. and with Indiana Jones coming out this year. he will shine more.
Emile Hirsch is the go to guy for most indie movie after the success of Into the Wild last year. just as Abigail Breslin or Dakota Fanning - Sadly these 2 kid is too young for even the teen category.
Channing Tatum is the Tom Cruise of the era. no one can say that when ever they have a macho movie their mind didn't see Channing in it. with Stop Loss and Step Up, the versatility of the actor is just endless.
Last but not least of course the incomparable Christina Aguilera. If only she didn't give birth and get Married then she maybe even higher in the rank than she is now.
Oh! you ask where is Paris and Britney? this is a on top and stay there list. Paris is on top and likely not stay there forever, and Britney we'll have to see whether she can get back up the horse first. What a shame is Cameron Bright and Haley Joel Osment, the prior if only he can get older faster and more great role. later if he is not ruin yet by now by that one court case.
Wentworth Miller and Chace Crawford and Milo Ventimiglia all are great actor of the year in TV but will they have the staying power after the series ended. likely not. but there's one kid that we'll see up here in a couple of years. Daniel Radcliffe again haha.
oh Sorry there's no room for NeYo or the rest of the R&B pop star (Bow Wow, Omarion, Mario). nor the up-and coming new star in cinema or too old to make it anymore (Micheal Angarano,Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, James McAvoy) mayb next year guys.