Thursday, April 10, 2008

Human Being

There are many many people in this world living in this same space of ours.
Are you thinking you have a tough life to live too?
Think again.
Yeah Yeah so I complain about life too. I’m no saint. But this is what I know and thankful for everytime I have on this earth.
Every second a children dies in this world.
When you are complaining about the coke you don’t have in your fridge think about the millions of people that have no clean water to drink. When you are complaining about the food in the canteen think about the people in Africa. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be enjoying whatever you are enjoying. Just that be grateful always. And stop and think again whenever you try to complain. Just remember you’ll feel better if you can just replace any dislikes or anger with love and peace isn’t that much better?

About how people do their work, and people who claims to be adult. I heard some one say this, this year. There’s no adult in this world there’s just kid growing up. And we grow everyday, every minute. And believe me I’ve seen people who did more things that a kid wouldn’t have done at all to their own people. You don’t have to prove that you are adult. You just have to prove that you are a human being. That’s all you need to do.

Live Aid showed me how the world truly are. How half of the people in the world live in suffering. And how one dollar out of my pocket every month can help hundreds of people around the world. You could too. Just one dollar a month.

Queens show me that there is this decease called AIDS out there around the world. That’s killing. But it is not to be feared, we just need to be careful and just gives. Alicia Keys is right. If we could just give the attention we have on Celebrity drama to this issue then the problem would have resolve long long time ago. Still having AIDS is not the end. Kids in Africa are living with this truth and there are a lot of the have lived with the decease all their lives and still living now. 20 years and still going on. So you can too help those suffering continue their life with just 20 dollar a month.

Have compassion have love. Your love for youself and your children is no different for the love you have for these stranger. For this will fill your life and more until it flows over. So Participate. Volunteer. When you lose your way and can’t find your way back. volunteer and you’ll see that the problem you have is merely a mirror reflection and nothing more.

Some of my friends always say that when I’m actually donating to the children overseas and she say why not donate to the people in my own country instead. And yet she never have told me any charity that she knows. Of course nor does she donates. And I say, are there any different? Isn’t we all human being. I do donate whenever I have the chance. And whether it’s oversea or in my own country I don’t care. It’s just means I have access to more overseas charity than of my own country.

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