1. Justin Timberlake
2. Jake Gyllenhaal
3. Scarlett Johanson
4. Carrie Underwood
5. Hayden Christenson
6. James Morrisson
7. Shia Lebouf
8. Emile Hirsch
9. Channing Tatum
10.Christina Aguilera
The first 2 there's no need for any introduction. one is the most notable Tween singer on earth and the second is the most sort after actor in Hollywood at the moment. JT won plenty of awards and Jake nominated for OSCAR and likely will have script delive rto his door step everyday.
Scarlett Johannson if a power house ever before reach 20 yo. now she's just stretching further with endless movie script and oppotunity on magazines. Carrie Underwood is the new Music scene power house. winning every award there is to be won by a singer both in country and pop culture. Hayden Christenson just sold a blockbuster and the fame of Star Wars catapulted him so high to the top it's take at least 5 more year til he actually coulduse up all his forces. James Morrisson is the Music power house of Britain Import Although he is likely to be replace by Leona Lewis these days with her success in USA. Shia Lebouf is the go to kid of Hollywood now. every blockbuster that have been coming out of the dreamfactory for the past 2 years is in his grab. and with Indiana Jones coming out this year. he will shine more.
Emile Hirsch is the go to guy for most indie movie after the success of Into the Wild last year. just as Abigail Breslin or Dakota Fanning - Sadly these 2 kid is too young for even the teen category.
Channing Tatum is the Tom Cruise of the era. no one can say that when ever they have a macho movie their mind didn't see Channing in it. with Stop Loss and Step Up, the versatility of the actor is just endless.
Last but not least of course the incomparable Christina Aguilera. If only she didn't give birth and get Married then she maybe even higher in the rank than she is now.
Oh! you ask where is Paris and Britney? this is a on top and stay there list. Paris is on top and likely not stay there forever, and Britney we'll have to see whether she can get back up the horse first. What a shame is Cameron Bright and Haley Joel Osment, the prior if only he can get older faster and more great role. later if he is not ruin yet by now by that one court case.
Wentworth Miller and Chace Crawford and Milo Ventimiglia all are great actor of the year in TV but will they have the staying power after the series ended. likely not. but there's one kid that we'll see up here in a couple of years. Daniel Radcliffe again haha.
oh Sorry there's no room for NeYo or the rest of the R&B pop star (Bow Wow, Omarion, Mario). nor the up-and coming new star in cinema or too old to make it anymore (Micheal Angarano,Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, James McAvoy) mayb next year guys.
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