1. David Archuleta (Current Season AI Front runner, Exposure: Twice a Week on TV and everyday whole week on every Blog, web pages or sites and searchable portal )

2. Zac Efron (Brightest Star on the Screen for the Past year and Follow Up with several films in production. Exposure: 3-5 Films coming up every year, Most covered in every gossip and entertainment magazine every week and News worthy on every Radio and entertainment news network)

3. Jonas Brothers (The New Star of Disney Channel, Buzzing in All music Channel and features as star of the month in every show and selling out tour dates. Buzzing every week on every teen magazine and everyday on the airwaves and cyberwaves.)

4. Miley Cyrus (The Predecessor for Jonas Brothers, Most covered Teen Idol for 2007, and the heat spread more wild in 2008. coming new Shows and Tour dates and Movies)

5. Ryan Shecklar (The only Teens with a reality show of his own. on air every week, reruns and competition in extreme sports witha charisma and holds tru every website and magazine you can find)

6. Daniel Radcliffe (The Richest Teenager on earth, Every year have at least one Harry Potter movie. Fan base ranges from movie buff to book geek to teenage cheer leader. last year span to Theatre and other movie genre. this teen star probably will out last every one on the list.)

7. Chris Brown (Big Big R& B Star. Perfrom on all major award show. buzzes every month on gossip sites or celebrity websites)

8. Rihanna (the Exact Female version of Chris Brown. Performance everywhere, Buzz every week on every entertainment medium and covered everytime one single release on top of every top 10 chart)
9. Hayden Panettiere (The Star of hit TV Series "Heroes". on air and rerun once a week. Cahritable and appear on every major award show and event. for the past year and will continue to year ahead. potetially the most sexy woman in Television when she reaches the legal age.)

10. Venessa Hudgens (Hayden Rival in television, with the upper hand of being in the hottest TV movie at the moment and also a successful solo album. destine to buzz more with her new HSM movie and relationship with Zac Efron.)
** this is the hottest buzz list not the most eligible or hottest list. so who's buzzing are those in the new show, David in the hottest show at the moment. Zac Efron is the buzziest in Magazine and news and Jonas and Miley is standing winner of most wannabe and most search idol on the planet now. Ryan is the hotttest teen reality show star of his own show. Way hotter than any of the Hill-billies and Newport or Laguna gang at the moment. and he is the most buzz in teenage web sites. and of course the all-known Daniel Radcliffe who won't know the person in England that probably richer than any princes on earth. but the buss is once or twice a year because he have a low profile personal life but a high profile career.
the rest there's no explaination needed.
Of course If you are asking for the star that likely to stay on top for the next 10 years probably, Daniel Radcliffe, If Zac Efron didn't F up for the next few year, and Jonas and Miley and Rihanna and Chris Brown probably will stya on top for the next couple of years be it good or bad news. Hayden is going to be there as long as Heroes does or she does in the Series.
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