Sunday, April 20, 2008

I was surprise and dazed.

The other day, I was fixing up myspace. so out of curiosity I just changed my orientation to "Not sure". That is "sexual Orientation".... Just to see what people think. As usual I'm looking for trouble..... HAHAHA
It's truly an eye opener. everytimes I did something like this. And once again of course it proves that "A New Earth" and "The Secret" does provide universal truth. In some people's mind they'd say of course they are right, cause the "So-called" truth is so broad and of course it'd cover what I discover. But are truth meant to be small and simple or must all simple thinking be small or is something just as simple could easily explain it all.
I've been misunderstood a lot of time when I say something or do something that's out of the ordinary. As "A New Earth" explains, the egoic, pride and proud and self-proclaim "intelligent mind" "Thinks" it sees the truth and yet it only sees what it wanted to see. only through a selfless, concious mind would discover the truth.
First Question I'd like to ask everyone who actually reacted to that small little thingy in myspace, you really think that everyone in the internet are wholy who they claim they are? How sure are you? and on the other hand, You think your first impression of a person and your opinion of that one minutes or couple of hours of a person you see everyday is the whole person you think they are? I bet a million dollar they are not. Everyone have secrets and some even have talent, potential, life's beyond their work, home or in my case on the internet.
Second Question is, have you seen how you've reacted, your sense of right or wrong, your opinion and pride, have you realize what it has done? there are people who reacted positively and encourage me to find the truth. and there are people who just straight on block me out of their lives. and there are people who straight on tell me that by not making a choice or make a choice to the "wrong" side is wrong and ask me to come back. People!!! grab hold of yourself, your emotion, and your "so-called" opinion. think about it first before you say or act will you? are you helping him? or Are you really inflicting pain and suffer for that person? or are you simply creating more hatred in this world? Think first before you act. don't excuse yourself with pride, with emotion? none of that really matters does it? your pride, your emotion, your issue with the issue. it is the life of that person making the choice that matters here.
sometimes you'd be amazed what you said when you look back. I can't even believe My egoic, hatred and anger filled self wrote in my dairy a year ago. I was so lost in my thinking I'm totally out of this world. can you imagine when people actually say heterosexual is wrong and you must choose only one side..... how would you feel? Fine, what if it's not sexual preference, what if it's your life? your home? your family? your puppy? what if people say they are all public own and you cannot live your life as it is? you cannot own your home you lived in for years? you and your family are not right? and must leave the area you lived in? they are all the same, one choice that leads to the effects. what? I should be responsible to what I say? I am, I am telling you that to blame, to hate, to be proud of some ideology that create simply misery and not positive effect of what you think is wise, simply because of 5000 years old ideas? Look back at what have you said created? I dun mean guilt. I hold no grudge, that is your creation, your life, your karma. I'm still me. I just meant think about it. that's all the reason I did it. as a friend, as a family, as a human, as a person, do you really think that is the world you want to create. one life, all the same, no exception, no freedom, no choice. Think about it, people first, don't excuse yourself with laziness and no time. for too many people have made judgement on you the same way you have on others (judging with just one look, one second, one minute.) wake up your unconcious, emotion driven self and take responsibilty of what you do and what you say and live life Now, this moment, this second you can make a change. Start creating a positive, selfless, loving world. "A New Earth"

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