Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Idol Night Again. Top 6

So Who's the bomb and who's not..
Syesha started the show with a saucy, sexy number, she pull it off. the meneuver from the piano to the floor is a bit clumsy. The bit could go a bit faster so that it won't look as bored. It sounded a bit bored than theatrical. Still it's a bit fun for Syesha to have a bit of fun.

Second on the line is Jason Castro. doing the cat remarkable number, Memories..... I think Sir Andrew have done it a bit cos he explain the story and the whole idea. yet, Jason have chosen something that he must make it contemporary to work for him. in the end it's a bit querky and tense. though he sound ok. but the perfrom a bit nervely.

Third is Brooke White. Who is deemed no idea what she is doing by Sir Andrew. She did get it in the end. but she stop in the first verse and restart again. I thought that is not too bad as she did deliver a good Evita song. just that there's a bit of a glitch there.

Forth is the fore -front runner of the show. David Archuleta, Singing another melody of a girl. He is probably the only one that makesit contemporary there. but it quite nerve recking to loss another word of the lyric while the camera was not on him... Ha, lucky this time.. As for the performance.... it's Alright. as it's not exactly theatrical on a broadway night.... it's a bit of a bummer, but he did goodand for the first time he look straight into the camera to the screen at the end of the song. I'm sure those girls that glue to the screen then have stick their face to the screen already at that moment.

5th coming out is Carly.... Coming for Ireland I'm sure that she's seen some footage of the show or heard the song that she perform in some concert some where. Jesus Christ Superstar, the totally not gospel gospel song.... is the rocking chic glitch. but her voice actually is not quite there. but it suits the theme and the style suits her. so there it goes. She's out done David and the rest of the contestant.

Yet to come to close is David Cook. This time he choose to dissapointingly respect the theme and not go rock and he chosen the monster of them all. the music of the night..... So soft and so....... theatrical. Cook cook up something of a Broadway kind..... but not quite. He did end the show on a high note (literally). that's it..... So he stole the show. he got every body passion and mood and cling to every word....IT works. (there's a trick in that song. there's one point in the first verse that he have to stop and start he miss the point and closes the first verse wrongly), of course he doesn't have the majestic voice for the phantom role. but he does make it some what contemporary. Well
Done then everyone

The Ranking for the night
1. David Cook (This time Cook have take over Archuleta for sure)
2. Carly Smithson (She is in a pretty Dangerous place. but I think if the audience follow the judges comment then she'll stay above)
3. David Archuleta (this is the first time that David A could be endanger because the list is so short now)
4. Syeshe Mercado (She is really really close behind David A this time. see if the audience would come tru to her theatrical performance.... IF not, She'll be again on the bottom 3 list this week.)
5. Jason Castro (Simply because there's still audience who figth for him, he's not bad, just not memorable)
6. Brooke White (Sadly I do think that this time the Song Writer singer style luck and steam is out this week. it's time to move on to sometihng more positive and exciting)

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