Thursday, April 3, 2008


For every Parents that have children with autism, there are treatment. they can recover. there is hope. We are not saying that every children with autism can fully recover. but throughout the world there are children by the thousand that have recover from autism. and some of those children are even geniuses in different area in art and science.
therefore have faith, have hope, Start observing and taking action.
Read the book by Jenny Mccarthy "Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism" and start taking some of the action that Jenny have taken and see which actually works for your child. Start eathing anything without wheat including bread and without milk. Take a gluten free, casein free diet. this will lower the tantrum throwing. (actually this work for all children.)

Play with them and improve on ways you play with them and lead them into improvement learning through playing.

** there is a concern of thimerosal in vaccine linking to autism, there might be and there might be not. and there could be connection of thimerosal with some gene that causes autism. but no one is saying it for definitely and the center of desease control is going to look into it. and hope is high that they will work with parents and the National Autism organization to explore on that possibility. We are not saying that everyone will be affected by Thimerosal as well. so different people will fits a certain mold and when it fits to something bad, it happens.
As for parents, when you are giving your children vaccination. just observe him/her closely and see if there is any changes. there's no need for panic.vaccination is still important and if you are afraid then request from thimerosal free vaccine when they are available.

You can start your work now. with or without a children with autism you all can help. learn the hardship that comes with the territory and volunteer to be a specialize babysitter for children with autism. Help fund research. the statistic is 1 in 150 children get autism therefore likely in one block radius in Chicago there's 5 and one block radius in New York there's 20. But no matter what the figure is, even on in a half a block radius for me is no excuse to not do anything. So help out. "it takes a village to raise a children" and the phrase means more when a child is with autism.

Of course not to forget that there are adult autism possibility as well. so have patience with those diagnos with such disorder.

People have patience and makes the world a better place.
here are some of the places that you can explore to understand more, learn more, get help, and help improve the life of those affected by autism.
Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network
Autism Vox
National Autism Association
Autistic Spectrum and Dietary Intervention
Play Therapy and Autism: The Basics

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