Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Friends Lost and Found!

I seldom write about my own life here. and it seemes everything I wrote are judgemental and I'm a Arrogant Bastard. HAHA!

I'm so happy the other day when one of my friend actually reply my mail. it's been a year we haven't seen each other and everytime i passed by his house or gone to the place where we ate dinner I remeniscent on everything we talk.
I have A lot of friends but very few I actually consider soul mate. It could be pretty lonely whenever the occation arises.

So I dedicate this one to him. My life lately been great. Got promoted and a big raise. which is one of the reason I wrote again to him. so with that few people I do cherish I wish to share my happiness with. though I did dedicate the raise being the effect of the Law of Attraction. simply because with the LOA I got my life back.
I have my inner soul and outer being be as one again and not anymore on autopilot.
Still, I have not found one that is as good as we can be. haha we have nothing in common, yet we talk about his life and work and mine like there's no day or night. remember the 6 hours lunch that becomes dinner? haha!
people should have that connection once in a while.
really be an Italian, b a french. spend time with friends and family instead of ruch tru time like you are rushing for a train. cherish each moment.

I've been reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle these days. The Follow up to "The Power Of Now" and my Follow up to my "The Secret". It is true, we have no control of the future nor can we do much to change the past. what we have is now. so live now, feel now, do it all now. when you actually realise now is all yours and you can change now and be whoever you decide to be now then you'll see that there's no self in the equation. instead you have yourself as a whole in the present of now. it's all up to you. and in the process, even the opinion of others seems smaller than a grain of sand for they only have meaning in the mind of the thinker and not yours. so who are you? really? you dun know? I reckon you know. you are you and no other one knows best. for when you are not and others opinion are from the past and you are who you are now. you dun like it now, just change it then.

Just want to do a Shout Out for my friends I Love You All!!!!!!!!!

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